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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:28 am
by Christianity Oasis
We also provide free Christian activities and Christian entertainment such as Son-derful Christian books, Christian music, Christian games, Christian arts and crafts, Christian magazines, Christian programs, Christian counseling, Christian mall and so very much more.
We also have a massive collection of in depth enLIGHTening Biblical Christian studies on a variety of topics that affect Christians. From Old Testament Bible studies to End Times Bible studies on every detail that occurs during the End Times. We have our Christian Walk studies that share how to deal with issues which constantly confront Christians on a daily basis.
Please feel free to consider our deLIGHTful Christian community as your passage to peace and your own Christian haven before Heaven as it truly will become your own Holy Spirit filled sanctuary in this vast and extremely dangerous desert wilderness, known as the Internet. Welcome to your new personal paradise. You are going to love this Spiritual journey.