A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

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A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

Postby follower4ever » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:38 pm

I am a Christian and have a wonderful life. I have so much to be grateful for. I have a God fearing husband and 4 healthy children. I am a stay at home mom and wouldn't want it any other way. Yet I am plagued by depression and anxiety. I am so tired of faking happiness but if I am completely honest with people I fear they will think I am head case. Most Days I can barely make it through. I do not have toughts.of harming myself or anyone else. I just find that I want to Sleep alot and have no energy. My thoughts of fear get out of hand sometimes or just feeling alone can cause feelings of anxiety. Being a Christian I have hope. I am so thankful for my faith in God. But I do not understand how i can be experiencing faith, hope, graditude and depression, anxiety and fear all at the same time. It seems so few people get it. This is where I am. Looking for friendships From people who understand.
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Re: A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

Postby dema » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:03 am

I get it. If you let the guilt about it go - it will at least stop the snowball.

Perhaps God wants something else in your life. Sometimes we are so sure about where we want to go in life that we won't listen to God trying to lead us into something new. Could be something relatively small.

There are so many reasons that you could feel this way. I call not being willing to be led in an odd direction, stepping on the hose. So, you could be stepping on the hose - and the fact is that you feel so tired already that the thought of taking on something else is overwhelming. Pray and wait for the peace on that.

It also could be physical. Have you admitted it to your doctor?

Third thought is that you might have something that you've never dealt with in your past. People misunderstand healing and forgiveness of emotional issues. Healing involves looking at it. Crying over it. Being mad about it and THEN truly releasing it. If something big is in your past and you've just handed it to God, well - that may not have been enough.

Fourth thought is that you may not value yourself and your position in life enough which can go several different ways. You might be kicking resentment out all the time, you might be just low on self-esteem about it, you might be working your tail off all the time and you just need to quit doing that and rest when you need it.

So, lots of possibilities. One would be enough to cause you to feel the way you do. Any idea which one or ones?
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Re: A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

Postby Rabinantha » Sat May 02, 2015 4:07 pm

You're not alone.. and you can overcome it! I don't know you but if I can help please let me know :)
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Re: A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

Postby cookie » Sun May 03, 2015 8:32 am

Dear follower4ever,

I struggled through the same issues as you. I had it all: a family, two beautiful daughters, a wonderful husband and father to our children/grandchildren and I gave it all up in pursuit of so-called happiness. Here I am 5 years later, no relationship with the man I left my husband for, far away from my two beautiful daughters, divorced from a great man who is now married to someone else (a mutual friend!) and no real friends around me, except my cousin who took me in while I get my life straightened out. I thought that I would find happiness in someone else, being somewhere else and it's not the case. Write down all your blessings and remember that you are where you need to be and God is going to provide a way out of that depression that you are feeling.

Heavenly Father, I lift up your daughter right now and I pray that the burden that she is feeling will be lifted from her shoulders. That You will give her the strength on a daily basis to carry through your purpose in life. She loves you Lord and she desires to be more like You and be the light in her household. I pray that a mantle of power, love and a sound mind will be bestowed upon her and carry her through each and every day.

Praise you Jesus for helping your daughter come out from under this depression and despair that she is feeling and that she holds onto your hand for you to lead her into your glory here on earth as it is in heaven.

Love you Lord! Amen.
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Re: A Christian's struggle with depression and anxiety

Postby Mackenaw » Wed May 06, 2015 9:50 am

Hello Follower4ever :)

God bless you and welcome to Christianity Oasis.

I hope you return to this site, and that you'll read the responses. You are not an odd duck -- many Christians deal with the onslaught of depression. God, however, has not left us alone to our own devices. We can overcome through Him. Hallelujah!!!

I noticed on your profile that you listed naps as a hobby. I, too, enjoy naps, but I also enjoy waking up and looking forward to what the day may bring. It wasn't always that way. God is Good!!!

Again, I hope you return and read these responses. You are not alone, and we are here to remind you of that, to encourage you and make suggestions as The Lord leads, and to remind you that The Lord loves you so very much.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
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