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Day 2 9/5 MCFC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:43 pm
by splash
Walking through my garden this morning, I first stopped to check on the little pot of bell pepper seedlings that have popped out of the soil. Although painful to do, I know I have to pull most of the little sprouts out so that others will have room to grow. And I wonder.. are there too many things packed into my life. Do I need to pull some good activities out of my day to make more time for others? As much as I enjoy everything I am doing now, perhaps there is one area in which God would like to have me more deeply involved.

I continue through the yard, stopping to shovel up dog droppings. I wonder if maybe I shouldn't just get rid of the dog; or take him for long walks; or something besides allowing all this filth into my yard. And of course I wonder if perhaps have a steady source of filth that needs to be moved from my spiritual life.

Going out through the garden gate, I walk around to the other side of the picket fence and discover an unruly bed that has yet to be touched. Here are bushes desperately needing to be pruned, weeds in abundance, flowers begging for fertilizer and water. I thought I was progressing pretty well on my garden until I looked at it from the outside, but the view from the street is horrible. I have a lot of work left to do so I put on my garden gloves and got busy. And as I weeded I wondered about spiritual walls and what may be hiding behind them that I've yet to address.

Today's lessons are marinating in my mind as I go through the day; reminders that I have been called to love, truth, honesty, responsibility, kindness, trustworthiness. I have so much to tell you all, my heart is overflowing. Soon the Splash will bubble up and spill over like an artesian well... things that have been deeply buried that need to be brought into the light.