Another Day

This forum is for those who are 18 years of age or older. This forum is a sanctuary for those who are experiencing trials and tribulation and seek words of wisdom, comfort and TRUTH from fellow Christians who have experienced similar trials and tribulation and have overcome them. Never forget that we ALL fall down as we sojourn down this Christian Walk. The trick is to get up and carry on fighting the good fight of FAITH. One of the greatest gifts that our Father gave to Christians is ... Fellow Christians. James 5:16 ... Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ...
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Another Day

Postby visi » Tue May 22, 2007 10:26 pm

Well its another day, and realizing that, some of the things I said, in the room the other day, upset some, I want to apologize for that. I cant apologise for my belief, but as it was said to me, even the apostles, didnt believe the same way about everything. I would say that this is true. Personally Ive never met, 3 people that can agree on everything,let alone 12.

I want you all to know that Ilove the Lord, first above all else. I hope that I have not put my beliefs, above that. Perhaps I did. I know also that He is just to forgive. So its Him that I will repent, and ask forgiveness.
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Postby foreverHis » Wed May 23, 2007 12:42 am

Love you in Him visi
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Postby realtmg » Wed May 23, 2007 6:43 am

Amen Visi. Luvz ya. *KeepOnWalkin* *Friend* *Wave*
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Postby kimberly » Wed May 23, 2007 9:19 am

"My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." (Timbuk 3)
1 Peter 1:3-5

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Postby dubya » Wed May 23, 2007 2:20 pm

Hey visi, we are all God's children on the same team. We luv ya here at oasis take care and we are here for ya. *Guitar*
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