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Perilous Times

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:07 pm
by saint701


Hello All,

May the Lords richest blessings be yours forever and forever.

With the United States closer than ever to WWIII or a renewed conflict with North Korea I highly recommend that you connect and/or reconnect with your loved ones...seeing and being with them more and more as you see the time draw near.

Well, the onset of WWIII may not be as far fetched as it sounds. Seems President Trump has given his field commanders carte blanche to do as they feel necessary in the war on terrorists, and today the dropping of MOAB on a terrorist cell group operating out of underground tunnels in Afghanistan was an example of that. Hopefully the bomb accomplished its mission of wiping out scores of hell bound combatants. But, the specter of one bad decision by an overly zealous field general could set the U.S. back years in our struggle against terrorism or spark the onset of WWIII. I say set the U. S. back years in the war on terrorists because one bad decision might encourage thousands of Muslims to join the fray. I say spark WWIII by us attacking Iran in such a way as to leave Russia no choice but to come to her aid. These are perilous times indeed.On the North Korean side of things there is hope that their despot of a leader will be persuaded by China to give up his ICBM and nuclear arms chase. If not they can't be allowed to reach their goal of being able to nuke countries in Asia or America. Stopping them from achieving that goal will no doubt mean war at least on the Korean peninsula. Hopefully China will not get involved in that fray.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.

Re: Perilous Times

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:17 pm
by mlg
Hi Saint701,

So glad to see you here *hugs*

Yes I do agree we are living in very perilous times. But, God is still on His throne, and in control of all things.

I do wonder how much longer He will allow these things to continue though. May His will be done.

Take care Saint701