This forum is for ALL members who feel called by God to serve Him. In this Forum those who feel called can share questions, comments, concerns and any thoughts that you have with other fellow Christians who have also been called to serve Him. The purpose of this Forum is to bring us closer together as to better serve our Father in our own calling.


Postby richanderson107 » Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:10 am

The Voice of God.

One night while witnessing on "The One's" I came across a short kinda nerdy guy dressed business-like, with dark rimmed glasses; Kinda the gut you'd meet at a science fair. He was about to walk into the worst bar in the city! I stopped him by asking,"If you died tonight would you go to Heaven?" He seemed stunned and rather curious at the question. He paused for a moment and said,"I don't know." (Now there's only 2 reasons for anyone not selling drugs or women to be in that bar, and that is to buy drugs or a prostitute-Not ever just for a drink!) I asked him if he would like to be sure that if he died he would go to Heaven. He said yes. I invited him to pray the sinners prayer with me. He agreed and we both knelt down on the sidewalk in front of that satanic place and he received Jesus as his Lord! Afterward, he happily got back into his car and drove away a free man! (One thing I knew for sure-He WOULD of been robbed and perhaps murdered if he would of entered that place!!!)

I thank God HE was there that night in me to help that man. I pray that all Christians would be compelled to do the same that some might be saved-Not just from certain peril, but from Hell itself.

PT 2. Satanist hears the Word of God.

Immediately following the saving of that man's soul I continued walking and praising God for what had just happened when He spoke to me. He said,"Go speak to that man with the long hair in front of you, he's a satanist." Now I've never met this man before and had no idea by looking at him that he was a servant of the devil; Only that God told me did I know. So I walked up to him and said,"Can I ask you a question?" He said, "Yes." I said, "If you died tonight, would you go to Heaven?" (At this moment his friend took-off like a bullet running down the street probably thinking I was going to kill him, but the satanist remained.) He said, No man-I'M a satanist, I'd go to hell! And I've got a gun on me right now!" I said promptly, "And I've got angels around me!" He suddenly looked frightened and said, "Really?" I told him it was true and now I had his attention. I witnessed to him about Satan's lies and the Gospel but he would have nothing to do with it.... He went his way and I, mine. I can't help but wonder if the seed that was planted in him that day grew unto salvation, or if it fell upon the rocky part of his heart. All I know for sure is that God spoke to me specifically, and my faith increased greatly because of it.

I rarely hear the voice of God this clearly, but when I do I know to obey no matter the outcome. It reminds me of the prophets of old that were sent to a disobedient Israel-God told them that they would harden their hearts against his warnings and would refuse to listen, but that God would send them anyway......
God is a just and fair judge to all. Amen

More to come soon!
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Postby richanderson107 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:46 pm

God speaks!

One night as I lay on my couch in the formerly cockroach-infested apartment in "The Hood" I started praying harder than I ever had up to that point in my life. I prayed for everyone and everything I could think of. Finally I asked God to speak to me. (Nothing happened) I asked Him if He would send an angel to talk to me. (Nothing happened) I asked if He would send a bright light into the apartment to let me know He was listening. (Nothing happened) I repeatedly asked for these things wholeheartedly for hours; Waiting, hoping, trying to break through into the spiritual-unseen world which God lives in. I was getting frustrated because I know people who have met Jesus, seen angels, and heard the audible voice of God before; Now I wanted that as well! After (I'M guessing roughly) 3-4 hours, God spoke to me! Not audibly-but inside my soul. He said, "Tell me what you see." Not understanding fully why He didn't answer my ten-thousand questions but curious and surprised, I said, "I see the door, my legs, the couch, (I was laying on the couch at that time.) the wall, the window, the water-heater," He interrupted. You see the heater huh? (The heater for the room was one of those old coil water-heaters the worked from a boiler in the basement of the apartment complex.) I curiously said, "Yes." He said,"Is it hot?" (I was somewhat confused at this question because He knows the answer already but I continued-"No." I said. He asked,"How do you KNOW it's not hot having not touched it?" I argued, "I know it's not hot because it's the middle of July so it cannot be-It's not turned on." (Here's where my mind got blown.)
God said,"Then KNOW that I AM without seeing me." -End of conversation.

I was truly grateful that He had talked to me that night. It increased my faith and the way that He did it was-Awesome, and a bit humorous! Now God doesn't talk to me everyday, although I wish He did; however I'll take what I can get! I believe He gives us just enough, at the right time, in the right place for us to grow in grace and faith in Him.
Plenty more to come soon! : )
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Postby richanderson107 » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:50 pm

I'M sure that many will laugh this off as pure fiction but I take this very seriously. These are true miracles that I've been fortunate to have been a part of. Now I understand that this is the McDonald's generation, and everyone wants a miracle NOW! I get it. (I'M one of them) BUT, it's a walk. A step by step, thought by thought, CONSTANT prayer life that gets you to the next level. Jesus said in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
I have more to write about. -Not for myself, but for some that will read these true reports and gain faith by them. (I'M not done yet. Not by a long-shot! Jesus has more for me to do!) And I EXPECT miracles to happen when I pray! Now I do NOT receive everything that I ask for. Not even close; I however press-in and run for the prize; which is living a life in the miraculous with right standing with God.
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Postby richanderson107 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:39 pm

Mt Dear Grandmother....(From Death to Life)

On July 4th 2011, my parents and I were at a friends house getting ready to eat before all of us were going to an upscale house on the river to watch the fireworks. We got what was the most disturbing call of a life-time. My wonderful grandmother had been in Hospice for 2 days, And what we thought was a recovery from a virus had now turned deadly. The nurse told us to rush over there. She said, "There isn't much time left, She's dying." We got there as fast as we could and when we walked into her room she didn't recognize us! (Now my grandmother was 86 years old, but sharp as a tack! She was a very smart, strong woman, and I had never seen her like this.) She said, "Who are you? I don't know any of you!" (She seemed frightened.) After explaining to her who we were, she became catatonic. This disturbed us greatly because she went to church with us and out to eat wit us regularly. The doctors, nurses, and even the Chaplin there warned us that she was dying and to prepare us for her death... I would have nothing to do with it! My Grandmother had a rough life. Her daughter (My Mom's sister) was murdered, and I know she held UN-forgiveness in her heart because of it. (I knew she was NOT ready to die, and having not forgiven the man who killed her daughter; I believe she would of gone to Hell.) This is The Lords words-Not mine:
Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
The nurse gave us little booklets to read on how to prepare for the death of a loved one. It was called Transitions. They all said, "She is about to transition from this world to the next." I almost lost my mind! I looked at everyone of them; The Doctor, The Nurse, and The Chaplin, and said, (Almost shouting) "You don't know The God I serve! She WILL be healed because I'M going to pray her right off her death-bed!" From that moment on I prayed non-stop! I fasted and prayed. I would visit her everyday and watch her go through the death-shakes and I prayed all the harder. After the battle of my life with the devil we got the call to come there; That she was in total recovery! EVERY ONE of the staff there said the same thing to me. "We've NEVER seen anything like it! We all KNEW she was going to die, We see it everyday. But not your Grandma! She just sat up in bed; Was totally in her right mind, and said."I'M hungry!" They all agreed that this was a miracle! We took her back home that day and she told us she had met Jesus! It still gives me shivers when I think about it! She called me her angel. Ah but she had been mine.

All things are possible with God. Faith with works and much persistence always pays off-Even if we don't get the results we were looking for.

Mark 16:15-18, And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
(OK. Now DON'T go grab yourselves a snake! He's talking about demons here.)
I want you all to KNOW that all things are possible with God, and that these gifts are meant to be for the children of God. Jesus commands us to walk in them. FAITH is the key to unlock God's power in our lives. (Trust me-Try it!)
Yes, YOU CAN walk in miracles too!

There's more to come soon. I pray that you are blessed in reading this!
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Postby richanderson107 » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:35 pm


You can't have miracles, victory, or overcome without the ever-perpetual war with evil going on in the lives of every man, woman, and child on this Earth. I wish, as many do, that this were not the case. My experience with these disgusting creatures started when I was 14. I was an extremely hyper-active child who could not sit still, and this got me into quite a lot of trouble. I had what we call now ADHD and I had it to the extreme.... I was constantly getting into fights, and being the class-clown was second nature to me. Through my mischief's, I was disciplined. I bore the consequences from my teachers at school, church, and especially my parents. I got into so much trouble my parents took me to see head-doctors, (Shrinks) preachers, and.....to an exorcist. YES. An exorcist. Now this lady was the real deal. She was a Christian who had an awesome experience with Jesus-and He gave her the gift to cast them out personally. I spent several hour long sessions with her only to find out I wasn't possessed. But through it all I learned how to cast them out, and how to recognize them when they manifest. She was a sweet lady and told me some things that I truly didn't believe until I was much older. (Now I believe her) I was 14 years old when this happened.

I remember laying in bed weeks/months? after meeting with her; It was the place between being awake and asleep but fully aware of my surroundings when all of a sudden, I was paralyzed. Sheer-pure wickedness and terror came upon me. There was a demon at the foot of my bed. He didn't say anything, or do anything. His presents alone paralyzed me. Now I know what fear really is! I wanted to run as fast as I could while screaming bloody-murder, But I could not even whisper! There was absolutely nothing I could do of my own power except say The Name of JESUS! I said that Name-Which is above every name repeatedly until the entity left. Afterward, I prayed that God would not ever let me go through that again!

My brother soon after; Weeks maybe, started having the same experiences as I and they didn't go away-Not for years. From 14 on up until I was 17 both my brother and I had these horrifying visits all with the same results. I don't really know how many times they came either. Maybe 6-9 times? One time I actually saw the demon. (With my eyes closed) He floated up to the end of the bed I was on, looked down at me and he seemed to be more powerful than the others. I could barley put Jesus' Name together. The demon was at least 15 feet tall with what appeared to be a trench coat going down to the floor. He was darker than pitch black darkness, and more wicked than you could possibly imagine! After having all these visitation's I still didn't really know WHY, but now I believe I might..... The reason might have quite a bit to do with the following segment; That I was not going to post- But, with fear-I will in the next few days or so.

This is very hard for me to write about. I've lived a rather unique life and have seen things most people would call "dreams" or "fairy-tales." Well- This is NOT fiction. No. It's not even sugar-coated. The next segment is so incredible- Some, maybe many, will not believe it at all but I've got the go-ahead to do it anyway. If you have gone through this-Know that you are not alone. Others have as well. (Just not too many of us.)

To be continued soon.
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