The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:24 am

Hi all,

Just a quick message. I am literally physically sick in the stomach as I write this post. I just clicked on a link that said it documented an atrocity carried out by western-backed rebels in Syria against a young Christian girl in that country.

I was expecting to read about an atrocity, but was instead immediately confronted with a photograph which I think I will never get out of my mind.

The close-up photograph showed a dead girl tied to a bed, covered in blood and deep gashes, horrendoudly mutilated and with a slit throat, a large wooden crucifix shoved so deep into her mouth that the bottom of it must be coming out the other side of her head.

I can not confirm with 100 per cent certainty that the photograph is authentic, but it looked horrendously real to me, and we already know for sure that the western-backed rebels are doing such things daily against Christians in Syria. It's hard to believe it, but yet I can believe it, because it is a fact that this is happening daily, and frequently, in Syria to our Christian brothers and sisters, and also to their allies who are not necessarily Christian themselves.

If anyone wants to see the picture, I will send it to you. It's good to know what the world is doing to our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, but be warned. Looking at it will have an effect on you.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:17 am

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I have another western-backed atrocity to report on. Dozens of Syrians, mostly civilians, many of them children, were yesterday slaughtered in western-backed terror bombings in Syria.

It sounds so generic; 'dozens killed'. I myself even read such headlines and often don't give them a second thought. However, it's not at all generic when one sees pictures of bloodied, mangled bodies, severed limbs amid objects including school-bags. It's also not so generic seeing pictures of people screaming hysterically over the bloodied, mangled corpses of their loved ones, who minutes earlier were alive and well.

Make no mistake; our western nations are terror-sponsoring states. The European Union, the USA, and smaller western states such as Australia and others, are all terror-sponsoring states, regardless of what 'side of power' is in politics.

Ironically, for reasons which we will never hear in satan's mainstream media, western states such as France (on behalf of the EU) are at the same time apparently fighting terrorists in other countries such as Mali, while at the same time supporting terrorists in countries such as Syria.

The media tries to tell us to hate al-queda in Mali, but at the same time to think it's great in Syria. It's so twisted.

Well, even Iran, which in some other countries apparently sponsors terrorists, is fighting against the western-backed terrorists in Syria.

The irony here amazes me. Iran, which the media tells us is evil, is fighting against the western-backed Christian slaughtering terrorists in Syria. Iran is on the side of the Syrian government, which is the ally of our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, while the west is on the side of the Christian killing 'rebels' in Syria.

I am not saying here necessarily that Iran is overall any better than the western terror-sponsoring states. But I'm also not saying that Iran is any worse. In the case of Syria, it is on the right side, and the west are on the immoral, Christian-persecuting side.

The truth is sometimes far more confonting and unusual than the garbage that the patholical liars in the mainstream media tell us.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:18 am

Greetings to all readers of this post,

A really quick post for you today. My reading (I stay away from the mainstream media- why get information from pathological liars?) from independent news sources tells me that there is a fragile, tentative possibility for the process of peace to be given a chance in Syria.

The military situation could be best summed up as a stalemate, but there seems to be the opinion among some sources that the western-backed rebels are not going nearly as well as the western leaders had have hoped.

If the information I came across is true, it is possible that a compromise between the west with its proxy 'rebels', and the Syrian government and its allies (namely, Russia but also Iran) is being touted. Needless to say, if the west and its rebels thought they could soon win the war, they would not for a second be considering a compromise peace deal like this.

For what it's worth, I am going to be spending a lot of time in the near future begging God to let peace start to come over this land. I am not going to come before Him with my views regarding the whole war there, as I know that my views are worthless to Him, even if they are true. After all, what interest might He have in my views when He already literally knows everything about everything?

I ask you, my Christian brothers and sisters, if you could, to also pray to The Lord for this possible peace move in Syria to really gain traction and ultimately come to fruition, for the Sake of The Lord's people in Syria, as well as their allies, and ultimately that His will be done in all of that country.

God bless you all.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:34 am

There are unfortunately more sickening atrocities to report on. Over the last week or two I have come across several video links and photographs of western-backed rebels murdering civilians apparently for no other reason than that the victims were not sympathetic to their cause. Some of these murders involved cutting off the bound victim's head with a knife.

Of course, none of these murders are mentioned anywhere in the mainstream media in western countries.

Anyway, the latest video link I came across showed western-backed rebels holding down a Syrian civilian while literally sawing his head off with a saw, the type that someone uses to saw wood.

I did not watch the video but I am assured it is true. If anyone wants the video link, I can send it to you. Someone who wrote a comment about the video mentioned that it seemed like 'hard work', and that the saw apparently wasn't very sharp, wasn't cutting through the victim's neck very well. However, these western-backed rebels did not stop until the poor victim's head was completely off.

They're lovely people, these western-backed 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Our western political establishment, on both sides of the political divide, is also lovely for backing these 'rebels' unconditionally.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:22 am

Another tragic story about the plight of the Christians in Syria.

Western-backed rebels attacked a village of about 1,000 people. The village was predominantly Christian. The so-called rebels kidnapped young men from the village. A mediator came forth to negotiate with the kidnappers and plead for the release of the hostages.

The mediator was somehow able to secure their release. Then the 'rebels', apparently unhappy at the deal that had just been done, changed their mind and immediately went to the mediator's son and murdered him and a friend of the son in cold blood.

Fearing more persecution from the western-backed rebels, the entire population of the village was terrified and the people quickly packed what they could and abandoned the village altogether, leaving only 50 of their young men to stay behind and attempt to defend the village with firearms that had been apparently given to them by the Syrian government previously.

A policy of the Syrian government, whose army is over-stretched, has been to form and fully arm small militias in towns and areas all over the country. This has been done because the army doesn't have enough men to defend every place, and has actually lost quite a lot of territory to the western-backed rebels.

Moreover, the rebels have repeatedly gone through villages and committed wholesale massacres, sometimes wiping out the populations of whole villages at a time in unspeakable orgies of violence. This is deliberately ignored and unreported in western mainstream media.

Anyway, I don't know what has happened after that point in the village. It's obviously a tragic situation to say the least.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:51 am

Since my last post I have come across yet more new articles and video links documenting gruesome murders of Syrian civillians and security personnel carried out by the western-backed rebels.

One such video showed a close-up of these so-called rebels hacking the head off a civilian with a machete. The demon carrying out the actual murder then holds up the decapitated head of the victim as the dozens of western-backed demons standing around cheer and give praise to their god.

The west and its allies have often said that they will directly invade Syria in support of their proxy jihadist-rebel forces if chemical weapons are used by the Syrian government. The west continually hypes this angle through the media, and there is also the very real fear that the west will launch a false flag chemical attack in Syria, blame it on the Syrian government through the lying western media, then use it as an excuse to directly attack Syria.

The new world order leaders of Europe, America, etc have often refered to the possible use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people as a 'red line' that would cause them to invade Syria (more false compassion used to cover over satanic intention. The leader of Syria has said he would never do it, and there has never been even the threat of it).

Well, in the last week there was a chemical weapon attack that killed 26 Syrians, including about 15 government soldiers with the rest being civilians. The attack happened in a government-controlled area. All of the evidence points to the fact that it was the rebels who launched the attack.

Of course, it would not suit the agenda of the satanic new world order to admit that the western-backed rebels launched a chemical weapon attack, crossing the so-called 'red line' which had been placed before the Syrian government.

The general response from satan's mainstream media has been to try to muddy the waters about what happened, even suggesting that the Syrian government might have done it itself, killing its own soldiers and civilians in the chemical weapons attack, then blaming the rebels in a false-flag operation to make the rebels look bad.

Satan's puppet-politicians in Europe, America and so on have also made statements to the effect that the idea that the rebels would do such a thing just couldn't be true, despite the strong evidence that the rebels were responsible.

Well, now an article has popped up in the mainstream media (!) of all places, admitting that the evidence suggests the rebels were responsible for the chemical weapons murders.

Just think about what the Syrian nation is up against here. If the government of that country would be so much as accused of using chemical weapons, it would have crossed the 'red line' that the new world order had set. The inevitable result would have been the 'international community' bombing the country into the stone ages, and assisting the satanic jihadists in bringing down the government, vastly multiplying the hell that has already been inflicted on the country by the new world order.

Yet, when it is the western-backed rebels who cross the 'red line', there is a yawn or two, a muddying of the waters, no big deal, and everything continues as normal.

Below is the link to the article, for anyone interested. ... dists.html

One other thing. There is continual evidence that the new world order countries are looking for the slightest excuse to invade Syria, bomb it to the ground and help bring the jihadist rebels into power. Please pray that God hinders the evil powers of the new world order in this regard, and that some sort of just peace can somehow come over the land.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:51 am

Came across an article with a general report about the so-called 'Arab spring' that erupted across the middle-east over the last couple of years. The article focusses on the Christian persecution that has exploded since the start of the so-called Arab Spring. ... hristians/

In a nutshell, there is more than ample evidence that the whole Arab spring is a massive pre-planned new world order operation aimed at overthrowing secular Arab dictatorships and installing weak puppet islamist governments.

Every available tool of the new world order countries- mainstream media, governments, UN, intelligence agencies, black-op special forces, sponsorship of jihadist proxy forces, and so on- has been deployed to bring about these changes.

I don't pretend to know all of the reasons why the puppet-masters of the new world order have done this, but one thing I can say for sure is that the whole spreading of 'democracy' and 'freedom' theme peddled by the mainstream media is hardcore propaganda that would have made Stalin and Hitler's propaganda machines proud.

Men like Saddam Hussein and other secular Arab dictators were no angels, but they allowed freedom of worship, they let Christians be Christians. As long as people didn't threaten the state, they could worship as they pleased.

One other thing; yes, we may be able to exchange one satanist political party for another satanist political party every few years in our shambolic western 'democracy', but the tyranny of those secular Arab dictators is a mere picnic compared to the global tyranny that our western countries and their allies are currently building, destroying whole countries in their lust to build satan's kingdom.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:23 pm

Have come across yet more atrocities that are too numerous to mention individually. But one today just left me shrugging my shoulders to myself and wondering how low we humans can go.

The western-backed rebels moved into a neighbourhood of the divided city of Aleppo (north-west Syria) over the last day or so and kidnapped a sunni muslim cleric. His 'crime' was that he had not wanted to contribute to the already massive suffering of the Syrian people.

It was this desire for peace that influenced him to refuse ongoing pressure from the western-backed rebels to call all of his followers to violent 'jihad' against the Syrian government. He stood his ground, refused the pressue from the 'rebels' to call his followers to violence, and tried to stay out of the war.

For refusing the pressure of the rebels, he was kidnapped (as mentioned), had his head cut off and the rest of his body dragged around the streets like some sort of trophy. For good measure, the western-backed rebels apparently impaled his severed head onto a spike near the victim's mosque for all to see.

Haven't got much more to say on the subject. Sometimes things just happen and for whatever reason one (in this case myself) simply has nothing more to say about it. I suppose it's similar to being speechless.

The jihadists- those who love to slit, gut, behead, blow up, massacre, murder, and the whole thing, are obviously pure evil. It's incredible to me that my own country and all other western countries are giving them 100 per cent support and backing in Syria, and are 100 per cent on their side.

Then again, the 'rebels' are actually a proxy force that was created by the new world order to do it's dirty work in Syria. So, when looked at from this sinister perspective, it's sadly not so incredible after all.

On the flip side of the coin there is no doubt that the vast majority of muslims are peaceful. The sunni cleric who was beheaded was apparently a man of peace, and lost his life for it. There is a genocidal clash in Syria going on between muslims who are tolerant of those that are different to them (Syrian government and its allies), against genocidal jihadists who would like nothing more than to exterminate everyone who is not exactly like them (western-backed rebels).

Caught in the middle, of course, are minority groups such as Christians, who know that they are facing the very real threat of a holocaust if the western-backed rebels win (which, I am sad to admit, is looking more and more likely).
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:08 pm

Tears and prayers!
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:39 am

Hi Pine,

Keep praying for Syria. It needs prayers from as many people as possible.

I regret to say that I have come across reports of many, many more attrocities committed by wetern-backed rebels since my last post.

In the divided city of Aleppo, for example, a systematic wave of persecution against Christians is continuing. Churches are being desecrated, bombed and burned to the ground. There also appears to be a systematic targeting of Christian priests there. Many have disappeared without a trace, meaning they have been abducted by the rebels.

There is little chance that they are treated with mercy when they fall into rebel hands. There are already numerous cases of the rebels abducting and murdering Christians, often by beheading with a knife, and often after the rebels have already inflicted other satanic acts upon the victim (eg. they often like to rape first, or gouge eyes out with knives, and so on).

In another attrocity, a Syrian army helicopter was shot down but then managed to safely land. The 8 crew of the helicopter, still alive and well to that point, were then captured by the western-backed rebels. The rebels then filmed themselves hacking off the heads of each of the 8 victims.

Of course, none of this is ever reported by our lovely, idealistic, truth-seeking, morally upstanding western mainstream media.

Anyway, I have provided a link here to an article by the Vatican News Service. It refers to several of the worst massacres of the entire war, all of which were quickly blamed (by our wonderful mainstream media and honourable western politicians) on the Syrian government with extreme haste.

Of course, as time has gone by the evidence has strongly come to indicate that it has been the western-backed rebels all along who have committed the worst massacres. The western mainstream media and political establishment would then lie and say it was the Syrian government who did it to not only shift the blame from their own side but to put more pressure on their enemy (the Syrian government). ... acre/31245
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:30 am

I have some more news on the persecution of Christians in Syria by the western-sponsored 'rebels' in Syria.

In the last post it was mentioned that there is a deliberate targetting of Christian priests in the divided city of Aleppo. Here is a link to an article detailing a particular case in which two priests were being driven around in order to carry out their humantarian work.

The so-called rebels then attacked the car, murdered the driver in cold-blood, and abducted the priests. They have not been since seen then. ... chbishops/

This article is actually from an Iranian news service, but I have seen the same story in several other independent news services. Needless to say, it has been completely ignored by the western mainstream media.

I still am astonished at the irony that Islamic Iran, for all its faults, is defending secular Syria, which allows its citizens, including Christians, to worship in peace, while the western countries are fully supporting al-queda and other extremists in their quest to fully destroy Syria.

Anyway, in other news, I also read an article about an eastern city in Syria (I can look for the article and send it to anyone interested). Christians had lived there in peace and security before the western nations (and their jihadist proxies) launched this proxy war on Syria.

To cut a long story short, the last remaining in-tact church in the city was destroyed within the last week. Some of the churches appear to have been damaged in the fighting, while others were deliberately targetted, loaded up with explosives and detonated by the so-called 'rebels'.

That's all for today. May the Lord thwart the evil plans of the New World Order and its evil leaders. May He give special blessings to all of His persecuted people in Syria (and other countries as well), and also give special blessings to all of their non-Christian allies who are fighting and often dying to bring peace back to Syria.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:51 am

This is just a quick footnote to the last post.

Since making the post, I have come across at least two small articles in mainstream media reporting on the murder of the driver and abduction of the two priests. So, in this way, I am somewhat correcting my earlier statement that the atrocity has not been reported in the mainstream media.

However, in both reports it is trying to push the angle that it is uncertain as to who is behind the atrocity, ignoring the following facts.

a) Christians lived in peace under the Syrian government before the war.

b) The driver was murdered and the priests abducted in a rebel-controlled area near Turkey, which is a puppet state of the new world order, and is heavily involved in the war against Syria.

Despite these facts, the mainstream media (in this case BBC) says, 'It was not immediately clear who kidnapped them.'

So even during one of the few times the mainstream media reports on a western-rebel atrocity, the media is careful not to lay the blame with their beloved 'rebels', rather trying to muddy the waters about who was responsible.

I pray to The Lord that these two priests may, by some miracle, come out of this alive and well, and that He bring justice and peace upon the land of Syria.
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