The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:03 am

Hi Friends,

I have more to share with you on the Moscow terror attack, namely via a link to a YouTube video of Russell Brand. It’s titled, ‘The shocking truth is coming out about Russia ‘ISIS’ terror attack’.

Brand takes a very balanced look, and is not quick to jump to conclusions. However, he is rightfully very sceptical of the narrative put out by mainstream media that ‘ISIS did it- nothing to see here!’

A key takeaway from the video is that globalist western mainstream media is absolutely dreadful, and nothing more than a mouthpiece for intelligence agencies such as the CIA.

I cannot emphasize this point enough to anyone who may be reading in this forum for the first time- mainstream media is of the devil, it’s your mortal enemy, and if you decide to put your trust in it you are playing with fire on an intellectual, moral and spiritual basis.

This well-compiled and presented video from Brand reminds us that the ‘Islamic State’- a.k.a. ‘ISIS’- is a creation of the military-industrial complex and western intelligence in conjunction with western governments (and their allies) and establishment media.

The US government/media officially pinned blame on ISIS for the Moscow terror atrocity NO MORE THAN AN HOUR after the mass murder had been carried out.

I reiterate my point from the previous post- a sentiment expressed by Brand in the video- that it is too early for any casual observer to sincerely know who orchestrated the slaughter in Moscow. Moreover, both the Russian government on one side and Ukraine/USA on the other will no doubt exploit it for their own propaganda purposes and war aims.

What seems beyond doubt is that the terrorists themselves who carried out the massacre in the concert hall were Islamist gunmen who were hired and offered money by puppet masters as yet unidentified.

In my view, there is not enough hard evidence available to identify and convict these puppet masters in a hypothetical fair trial. But there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to identify a main suspect, and people have been convicted on less in real trials.

One does not have to be a Putin apologist- nor defend his war crimes in the Ukraine- to understand the most likely scenario vis-à-vis the Moscow terror attack. Indeed, as it currently stands, the main suspects are Ukrainian intelligence and the CIA, with possible involvement of an entity like MI6.

If evidence would come out one day which would conclusively disprove this conclusion, I’ll be happy to admit that I’m wrong.

But as it currently stands, while there is a lack of evidence to make an iron-clad conclusion, the far-and-away most likely scenario is that Ukrainian intelligence, backed by the CIA, has orchestrated the mass murder at the concert in Moscow.

To cover their tracks, they have (one way or another) initiated contact with Islamic types who would be more than willing to carry out profoundly evil and cowardly actions for the right price. Ukraine/The CIA evidently ended up recruiting the four Tajik gunmen who would end up carrying out the slaughter.

However, while every bit as disgusting and sick as ISIS, the terrorists in this case were not necessarily cut from the same cut-throat ‘martyrdom’ cloth, and appeared very interested in their own self-preservation and fearful of justice.

They were caught near the Ukrainian border, which is a long way from Moscow and it’s a strangely coincidental direction in which they decided to flee given how vast Russia really is.

Meanwhile, as stated, the establishment media- which is controlled by western intelligence agencies like the CIA- officially declared that ISIS (and only ISIS) was responsible for the atrocity NO MORE THAN AN HOUR after it was carried out.

Ukraine and the USA are undoubtedly the main suspects in this case. But first, more info would be required to be 100% sure. Unfortunately, Russia would probably blame them even if it wasn’t true. And the West would never admit any wrongdoing, even if it and its Ukrainian proxies were 100% guilty.

Link to the Brand video is below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:06 am

Hi Everyone,

The purpose of today’s post is to cover the heavy manpower shortage which is now faced by the Ukrainian military.

Zelensky announced about a month (or more) ago that Ukrainian forces had suffered about 30,000 confirmed KIA on the battlefield since the start of the war in February 2022. This ridiculous figure was predictably parroted by various western establishment media outlets, though others were at least a bit sceptical.

The real figure is about ten times higher than the figure given by Zelensky, give or take. When you take wounded, missing and captured into account, the total number of Ukrainian casualties would be well over half-a-million without a doubt. Russian combatant deaths would be roughly 100,000.

The current momentum in the war is on the side of the Russians. Incremental gains are starting to come with relative regularity. Moreover, NATO/Ukraine have fears that there could be a tipping point some time this year, in which the stalemate is broken and a large Russian breakthrough is made.

To be sure, we are not there yet and there is still an apparent stalemate in terms of movements. But Ukraine was never going to win a war of attrition against a much bigger and more powerful enemy.

The presence on the ground of many thousands of western mercenaries, special ops, black ops, spies, etc, is adding to the death and disaster on the territory of Ukraine, but will not likely have any meaningful bearing on the overall course of the war. The official introduction of western troops onto the battlefield is highly unlikely, and thankfully so because it would bring the world closer to nuclear war than it’s ever been.

The manpower shortages in Ukraine are starting to bite in a serious way. Zelensky and his ilk are pushing through a new mobilization bill to help them call up fresh new cannon fodder to send to the slaughter. Creepy US politicians such as Lindsey Graham have even made direct calls to the people of Ukraine to sign up to the Ukrainian army and fight the Russians (!)

Contrary to what large segments of establishment media have been telling us, there are large numbers of Ukrainian men who are not keen on the prospect of suffering a violent death in a pointless war. Many have fled to other European countries, which has led the CIA-run Ukrainian government to demand that these countries extradite refugees of fighting age back to the Ukraine, where they would be then sent straight to the front.

Large numbers of Ukrainians still stuck in the Ukraine have been attempting to flee over the border, made all the harder by a law (passed at around the start of the war) banning men up to 60 years or so from leaving the country.

People smugglers have also entered the fray, trying to get affected people out of the country (whether for altruistic reasons, or money, or a mixture). Inside of the Ukraine, government press gangs roam the streets and abduct people on the spot, shoving them into vans. For this reason, many young men are believed to stay hidden in private residences 24/7.

Those who wanted to join voluntarily were either already in the military when the war started, or would’ve already signed up in the months afterward amid the patriotic fervour that usually accompanies such traumatic national events. As the war has ground on, and turned in favour of the Russians, the number of volunteers in the Ukraine has dried up to a trickle.

People with Down Syndrome, pregnant women and elderly men now find themselves among the ranks of the Ukrainian military. The average age of soldiers in the Ukrainian army was 43 (!) several months ago and is now probably even a bit higher. The young men in the Ukraine have either been wiped out, or do not want to fight. And of the wounded, there are said to be astronomical numbers of amputees, some of which have been patched up (as much as possible) and returned to the front.

To top it all off- and here is a point that is predictable but nonetheless particularly sickening- the children of Ukraine’s elites/politicians are alive and well as they enjoy official refuge in other countries.

To spell it out for you, the vast majority of the Ukraine’s rulers have ensured that their own children have been shifted out to the safety of other countries in Europe (particularly western Europe), while they simultaneously force the rank-and-file Ukrainian citizens on the street to go and face probable death or maiming at the front.

While this is very common amongst all of the leaders in the Ukraine, I point out one specific example for you. One of the Klitschko brothers, both of whom were previously famous boxers/celebrities, is mayor of Kiev. His two sons were recently photographed having a party in Berlin.

Moreover, they are reportedly in line for German citizenship, meaning that if Germany one day decided to extradite Ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine where they will become cannon fodder, the two sons of Klitschko would not have to go, because they have German citizenship.

That’s about it for today. I didn’t wish to refer you to any particular article or audio/video today. I just wanted to share an overview of what I’ve been finding out lately.

That’ll be it for now. God bless you.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:47 am

Hello All,

A quick update on the general situation re: Ukraine. As you would have seen in the news, the military-industrial complex was able to get a $60-billion 'aid' package approved and passed through the corrupt US political process.

The general consensus among thinking analysts is that this will see various high-up people in the US/Europe (and Ukrainian regime) skimming off large amounts of the money to line their own pockets. The 'aid' which does somehow get through to the battlefield will prolong the fighting- and increase the overall body count- but will ultimately not change the trajectory of the war.

Regardless of the approval of this package, there are increasing reports that the Ukrainian military could collapse and lose the war by the end of the year. What this 'losing' might look like, however, would still be anyone's guess. At the same time, establishment media is also balancing out the aforementioned gloomy reports with significant amounts of triumphalist coverage which claim that the new package will turn the tide of the war in Ukraine's favour, etc.

Amidst this backdrop, there is increasing handwringing and panic among western governments/politicians (and no doubt their globalist/intelligence puppet masters) at such a prospect. One result of this is increasing talk of deploying uniformed NATO troops to the western side of Ukraine, and even over the river and into the eastern side where the bulk of the fighting is happening.

To be sure, the talk so far has been of European troops. But of course, the intention here would be to create a slippery slope in which US troops are officially deployed. We would then be only a step away from the nuclear precipice.

That aside, there are already thousands and thousands of western forces- special ops, black ops, 'advisors', spies, mercenaries, etc- in the Ukraine. Some are in support roles, some in active combat roles against the Russians. A reasoned estimate which I heard yesterday was that approximately 15,000 Americans were currently in the Ukraine in such a capacity, to say nothing of the many thousands from various other NATO countries.

Further to this, there is a US presidential election this November. My own take, however, is that the war will not have a bearing on the outcome of the election, and the election will not have a bearing on the outcome of the war. The agents of the globalist agenda will decide the outcome of the election, but even if their less-preferred candidate were to miraculously get in, he would not have the power (and maybe not even the inclination) to pursue peace in Ukraine.

The war, however, is another matter, and they do not have as much power to dictate its ultimate outcome, although they clearly have the power to at least prolong it. In fact, the military-industrial complex based in Washington has not maintained a good record of winning wars since the end of the second world war.

Besides blowing poor defenceless nations off the face of the earth in scorched earth bombing campaigns, it hasn't won a single war since 1945. To be fair, what Russia is now doing in the Ukraine- while clearly provoked by NATO- is nonetheless no better than what the US/West has done in Iraq, Serbia, Libya, etc.

For a striking recent article (from mainstream media), titled, 'Warning: Ukraine has only six months left as Russia moving with sheer determination,' click below: ... onths-left
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:20 pm

Hi All,

I'm currently on a small device, so will keep my writing to an absolute minimum.

Rather than write, I refer you to a brand new article from CNN, titled, 'Russia is making daily tactical gains in eastern Ukraine, as concerns swirl around Ukrainian military reporting.'

CNN is often low-grade globalist regime propaganda, but I'm happy to give it kudos on those occasions when it does good work.

This was a decent article which, while obviously pro-Western, made an effort to provide a relatively balanced, honest appraisal of the current state-of-play on the battlefield.

Link below: ... icism-intl
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri May 03, 2024 7:02 am

Hi Everyone,

As the Ukraine War rages on, a little-known anniversary was reached yesterday. Obviously, there is plenty of blood on the hands of the governments of Russia, the USA, Ukraine and other various NATO countries. There has been plenty of spilled blood to ‘share’.

Some people are under the misconception that all of the strife started upon the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022.

Of course, those who dig a little deeper and have an open mind are aware that a civil had been ongoing in eastern Ukraine since 2014. On the one side were NATO-backed Ukrainian forces while on the other side were Russian-backed militias. There is no doubt that out-of-uniform forces also took part on both sides in support of their proxies.

The strife was largely sparked by a CIA/globalist/NATO-backed coup in February 2014, in which the corrupt BUT DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED (pro-Russian) government of Ukraine was ousted by nationalist, and in many cases literally Nazi forces.

To be sure, there is a significant historically-rooted Nazi movement in Ukraine (and in its armed forces) that has prevailed until the present day. It is both overstated by Russia and understated by Western countries for propaganda purposes. But the West has clearly made a pact with Ukrainian Nazis in order to pursue joint interests, just as the West did with Al-Queda and ISIS during the so-called ‘Arab Spring’.

Anyway, in a little-known (largely ignored by Western countries and Kiev government) but notorious incident, NATO-backed Nazis committed a massacre of pro-Russian civilians in Odessa on May 2nd 2014. Yesterday was obviously the 10-year anniversary.

During the incident, NATO and Kiev-backed Nazis murdered 48 civilians in an Odessa Trade Union building. The victims were forced into a building, which was then set alight. Most victims, which included women and children, either choked on smoke or burned to death.

Some of the victims, however, chose to jump to their deaths rather than burn. And those who somehow survived jumping from the building were set upon by the thugs outside who had blockaded the building.

The perpetrators reportedly included Nazis who would be integrated into the Ukrainian defence forces. There were also soccer hooligans who joined in, and police forces present who didn’t help the victims.

Atrocities like this have not been rare since 2014, not to mention (since) 2022. But they have been committed by both sides in similar measure, and the narrative of ‘One side good, one side bad’ simply does not match up with the objective facts.

A link to a little report marking the ten-year anniversary of this atrocity is below: ... ars-later/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu May 23, 2024 5:45 am

Hi Everyone,

Time for another post. Recent events re: Ukraine have been punctuated by incremental Russian gains on the battlefield, particularly around the second biggest Ukrainian city (Kharkiv). It’s a city of well over a million inhabitants, many of them Russian speakers, and is located roughly 20km from the border with Russia.

To be sure, the city itself is still firmly Ukrainian-held, and the movements of Russian forces in its vicinity do not appear to be intended to capture the city at this point. It seems to be more about drawing Ukrainian reinforcements to the area from other parts of the front, to increase the pressure on the city, and to open up a buffer zone to make it harder for Ukrainian forces to shell certain Russian areas over the border.

On the NATO/Ukrainian side of things, there has been escalation on several fronts. One Russian head-of-state (leader of Slovakia) was the victim of an assassination attempt, but appears to have survived (whether or not he can return to his job is another question). He was shot by a pro-Western/pro-NATO globalist type who was either incited by globalist mainstream media/intelligence elements to attempt the murder, or may have been actively sponsored by them.

Another pro-Russian head-of-state, the leader of Iran and about half-a-dozen others died in a helicopter crash, returning to their country after a visit north of the border. It could have been an accident, but could have just as likely been an assassination carried out by Israeli intelligence, if not US or UK. However, while there is certainly motive and ongoing precedent for such assassinations/murders from such culprits, I stress that I have not yet come across any solid evidence to support the assassination angle re: the Iranian helicopter crash.

Other NATO escalation of late has included ongoing talk of inserting NATO troops into Ukraine, using US rockets to fire into Russia from Ukraine, desperate mobilisation (including pressganging) efforts to muster up more cannon fodder in the Ukraine (due to chronic manpower shortages), etc.

I now refer you to a good article from a publication called ‘Worker’s World’. It’s new, and is titled, ‘Ukraine crisis nears cracking point: New NATO escalation?’

It’ll give you a general update of the current situation. To be sure, the publication comes across as an old-school socialist type of source. However, I’d much rather a genuinely anti-war socialist than a pro-war ‘conservative’.

Here is a brief summary:

- All of the NATO escalation ultimately couldn’t happen without the approval of the Washington-based military-industrial-media complex.

- There are parallels between the current US-Russia conflict and the great power rivalries that led up to the first world war.

- A mention is given to the Israeli ‘genocide’ of Palestinians. While I am no fan of Israel (it lost my sympathy when it became apparent that they supported al-queda and ISIS in Syria), Hamas is just as bad and its death toll figures are to be taken with a grain of salt. Israel is certainly guilty of terrorism, mass murder and ethnic cleansing, but a word like ‘genocide’ ought to be a big deal and I’d like to see hard, trustworthy evidence before applying it.

- Western tendencies to escalate are led by but not only limited to the USA. Its minion puppet states in the West are just as compliant, as are big money interests.

- The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and eight-year civil war (in eastern Ukraine) that preceded it were largely the result of the CIA-sponsored coup of 2014 in Kiev, in which the democratically-elected government at the time was ousted and replaced with a pro-Western puppet regime.

- Aggressive NATO expansion has been highly provocative and a major agitating factor.

- European politicians are by-and-large US lackeys, and minions of the military-industrial complex.

- The US/Western ‘aid’ to Ukraine serves not only the globalist ideological agenda, it’s also anchored in pure money-making and has been aptly described as a gigantic racket. Therefore, it is not only the New World Order ideology which has much to lose if its Ukrainian proxy forces are defeated on the battlefield. There are also extremely powerful globalist financial interests with much to lose at such a prospect, and therefore with every interest in prolonging the war indefinitely, regardless of how much of anyone’s blood is spilled.

- There is no appealing to the globalist interests that want this war to be prolonged no matter what. They will keep agitating for more war, and escalating indefinitely, until they simply no longer can (for whatever reason).

Link to the article is below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:55 am

Hi All,

I'm out and about on a device, so am not inclined to write much. However, I refer you to a noteworthy article on the ongoing Western escalation in Ukraine.

While few could argue that Russia, like Ukraine, has acted in brutal manner during the civil war/invasion and period thereafter, it is clearly the West which threatens to take a bloody border war (of which there have been countless throughout history) and turn it into a conflict which is getting dangerously close to the nuclear precipice.

Just in case any of you reading this are just starting your awakening journey free of mainstream media, let me point out that no-one wins if this war goes nuclear.

Everyone dies on all sides, regardless of anyone's opinions, ideas, convictions, etc.

The article I link to is from a mainstream source, but is still quite balanced and reasonable, with a degree of criticism towards the West re: the ongoing escalation.

Link below: ... a-00160991
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