glory to God

This forum is for those who are 18 years of age or older. This forum is a sanctuary for those who are experiencing trials and tribulation and seek words of wisdom, comfort and TRUTH from fellow Christians who have experienced similar trials and tribulation and have overcome them. Never forget that we ALL fall down as we sojourn down this Christian Walk. The trick is to get up and carry on fighting the good fight of FAITH. One of the greatest gifts that our Father gave to Christians is ... Fellow Christians. James 5:16 ... Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ...
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glory to God

Postby foreverHis » Wed May 30, 2007 1:48 am

God is good...this place is an oasis..a watering place if you like..for those who are searching.hungry and thirsty..the world has nothing to offer..oh it has it moments of pleasure...even sin has it's pleasure for a moment..but then there is a price to pay for it,yes we are forgiven,but in dabbling in sin causes all sorts of heartache that we then need to work thru and deal with, when we do walk away from it..Jesus said He is faithful and just to forgive all our sins...but it has already left it's mark many ways..but God is our healer and deliverer..but don't tempt the lord your God...ok i'm away off track now..well maybe might be for someone who is reading this ( maybe just for me)..but yes this place is a haven for learn,to grow,to be helped,healed so many areas...don't take for granted what the Holy Spirit is doing here,we welcome newies,but they are not here by accident..God is sending them...if you think how many states,countries have someone in here..and as we are all like the woman, at the well saying come come and see what the Lord is doing..come and see the is like a river flowing out to nations...touching healing as The Holy spirit draws people minister and to to be ministered to and as they are set free then they go and tell..and so this oasis is growing and will continue to grow..and Praise our God for men ( I think of them as boys lol)Oasis,Phantom and Zoo..( zoo is going to protest at mentioning him) but these three are working behind the scenes all the time..praying,working on programmes,seeking the Lord,helping the flock..all stuff to make this a church in the wilderness of the world...God Bless you Oasis for the word of God that you break it down for us so and we sit there like little baby birds ,with our mouths open just taking it all in..but to be a blessing here we must be doers of the word not just hearers..God Bless you all and big hug and thanks for all who run each programme..your you
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Postby realtmg » Wed May 30, 2007 6:07 am

Amen 4ever. Nice blog. *harp*
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