Jill's thoughts for the day...

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:53 pm

To have a good outlook on life and creation, I need to practice a good inlook.

DO we not all look at the things around us with our own presumptions, assumptions, judgements, conclusions and our own personal understanding of truth.

I look at something I relate a word or label it, after I label I try to define it to the best of my knowledge and understanding I have at that given moment. Many factors play into that defining including little things like my emotions, personal past histories, things i have learned from other influences, things that I picked up on on the way that leads me to where I am at this moment of doing so.

Quiet the emotions, personal past histories, things of other influence etc and just look "blankly" (for lack of better word) and let the object express itself which ever way or form without trying to control the object or sway. Just observe and learn from whatever it is you may be making a presumption, assumption, judgement, conclusion and personal understanding of truth.

When i do this it unlocks my misunderstandings about people, places and things and gives me a clearer view and appreciation for His creation. And gives me a much more peaceful outlook.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:53 am

Well today was an exceptional day to practice inward peace and try not to get angry with things that are out of my control.

Tryin to look for the positive even in an irritating situation realy gives me practice. Change the outlook. Perfect example~ car breaks down. Yikes and growl grrrr even. Terrible timing and was striving to try to catch up on finances. Blah! and whine i did, angry i got, even threw out a few not so nice words. *sigh*

Ok collect yourself, Sit back Jill and look, practice practice practice. In all my affairs. First instinct reach for "release" , no i dont have time for that i got to figure this out. Ok so now what? Walk home and make a few texts to coworkers for a ride to work today. First things first. So now im thinking well even though the situation is "bad" because its not going my way, maybe just maybe He wants to show me something. Ok, I'm in, reluctantly but I trust you, i dont like it, but i trust you. Lol Download the city bus schedule, find a route close to work, yes will have to leave 2 hours earlier from my home. (Lil Grrr rising up in me). But excercise will do me good, maybe in His plan for peace for me and the community He will show me things or even I will meet new people. Who knows, right? Im sure coworkers will give me a ride home at least.

I can get up and walk with my son to school and my daughter will have to take the morning bus to school.

Now that i got some solutions in place, that gives me room to work on the big issue which is getting car up and running again. Anger rises up again thinking about that, already behind in a few things, why not something else :/. The of course the ole looking around for someone or something to blame to release the anger on. Practice practice practice.

I guess i can blame it on it being a Monday??? LOL I think that might be safe *Whistle*

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:31 pm


Jilly, prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. May God's blessed will be done.

Way to Hang in there, Jilly. Jesus is The Way. *JesusSign*

God bless and keep you.
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:16 pm

Awww thanks sis:) prayers ALWAYS Appreciated.

Thank u for the encouragement.

When things aren't working and I'm frustrated I got to stop trying and quit fighting it, it only brings about unecessary ill feelings. It will be what it will be.
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:04 am

My understanding on Christian contemplation at this point of my walk.

Contemplation and meditation are used to distinguish the different stages of prayer and awareness.
Personally it is an understanding of my faith of the incarnation of my faith in the Christ. The renewing of the mind. The focus of my faith is right now.

Ive found some of the western Christian faith is focused on the after, which, no doubt, has an importance all of its own, on the same token may be missing out on the now of their lives.

Our Lord taught.
Love your enemy
Turn the other cheek
Give it all away
These are very difficult things to do, the directions from our Lord Christ and these are areas we need to work on daily.

Practices of listening and practices of silence that are designed to help me to begin to try to pay attention to my mind, to the content of my mind and my feelings, emotions. What is it that is happening when I confront my mind and reality?

Practicing compassion on myself and my thoughts and my mind ultimately then in turn helps me to practice it on others. This creates space in my mind and my heart as I am emptied out and my mind becomes more still. The deeper that I go the veil becomes thinner and thinner as I be one with Him in my mind and heart it also gives space to be of service to Him in the outer.

One of my challenges is to take the time out of my busy life and to be dedicated to my relationship with my Lord continously by the renewing of my mind. Through meditations via scripture, images, nature , silence... together and or seperately. ALthough it is a challenge I do move forward and continue.

Being aware of what I am doing and not being driven by my mental habits and what other people are saying and etc . To break away from unhealthy absorbed thinking in the many "quelms" of life.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:40 am

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

(Philippians 2:5-11 ESV)
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:01 pm

Things not going your way? Listening to Mozart realy boosted my outlook to face the rest of the day. It is so wonderful how God uses different mediums to speak, comfort and boost your mind, soul and body. Via music, sound waves, visuals, touch and even taste. Satisfaction and inspiration God is all around us. His fingerprint rests on all His creation.

Like a symphony of instruments, all distinct in sound but oh my when played together in Harmony. Touches the inner depths of my soul and brings me to a point of change. Prayerful music. Musical therapy. You can hear the binaural beats in Mozart's music.

Sound therapy is one region I would like to explore and study up on. And just may do so *BigGrin* .

Today Mozart has been a Godsend, truly! When things were not going as i expect them to go *laughter* God spoke through Mozart and calmed my soul *bravo* Yay God!


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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:16 pm

I have on occasion and I am sure I am not alone, gone back into old journals and diaries that i have written before at various intervals of my life. And sometimes I am so shocked to see who i was at that moment of time. If i didnt know my own hand writing, i would not recognise myself in my writings. Some of them are very bleak and dismal others i can see the glimpse of hope that had carried me through that time of my life.

Today after writing a depressing entry, i thought back onto the times when i had read those earlier entries and how much i wanted to reach out to that girl then and reassure her and let her know that it was going to be ok, things will work out etc. For a moment i had wished that my future me was here to gain encouragement from her, wisdom and advice to the me now, as so i much wanted to give to the prior mes of past.

At that point and discussing my thoughts over with my other half i had realised that the connection was made. My future me had made contact with me now. What is my future me saying to me now? What would i expect my future me to tell me in these circumstances? What is her message to the me now?

Dying daily. Practicing enough compassion on myself to work with the prior mes and to bring the me now to a place of peace within. I should not abandon the mes of the past but help them to be one with God and at peace with the me now.

So often i think of death, I am surrounded by death at work. When death occurs we mourn, it is part of the healing process. At some point we come to place of acceptance with the prior being gone (If we choose to do so and see the opportunity present itself), make peace and move forward in the newness and an understanding of what today and life offers us. Ever evolving and working out my salvation to the day of Christ's return.

365 days a year, thats whole lot of dying LOL.

Anyways those are my thoughts today, tomorrow is a different day *laughter* Tomorrow i will not be who I am today.

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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby vahn » Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:20 am


Funny thing ... we all want the "NEW" .... But , after getting the "new" .... we bring the "OLD" with us .

(maybe I'll write something about that)
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Re: Jill's thoughts for the day...

Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:29 am

Yesterday's ME is my greatest competition.

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