The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:33 am

A quick military update on Syria for you;

The strategic Syrian town of Al-Qusayr, mentioned in several of the most recent posts in this thread, has been fought over for several weeks in bloody, bitter urban combat.

This is the crucial town that was taken by western-backed rebels about a year ago, before the rebels then went on a campaign of persecution against the town's thousands of Christians, killing numerous of them and forcing the rest to leave the town under threat of death.

Today the town has finally officially fallen back to Syrian government and Hezbollah forces. This is a massive strategic boost to the Syrian government and its allies, and the opposite to the rebels and their western backers.

I am going to make a prayer now to The Lord, that He help the Syrian government forces and their allies to behave in a far more tolerant and moral way than the western-backed rebels have.

Obviously, most of the atrocities in this war have been committed by the western-backed rebels, but it would be naive and dishonest to believe that the government and its allies have not committed any of their own (can anyone name me a war in which one of the sides acted in a fully humane way?)

If we are completely honest, we will admit there is no such thing as a side in a war waging a completely 'humane' war, even if they are on the side that is the lesser of two evils, as the Syrian government and its allies are in this war.

So, to get to the crux of my point hear, the Syrian government soldiers and their allies, after having seen the western-backed rebels running amok across the country, murdering, massacring, raping, beheading, dismembering, looting, and the whole lot, could possibly be now feeling a murderous temptation to avenge the monstrous crimes committed by the rebels.

Such a murderous feeling of revenge could conceivably be visited upon not only captured rebels, but civilians who, for whatever reason, didn't support the government and may have given support to the rebels. My prayer to The Lord is that He inspire the Syrian government forces and their allies to act in a more tolerant, merciful and moral way than the rebels, not to lower themselves to the low levels of the rebels and their western backers, for the sake of the Syrian civilians who may not have supported the government.

The country needs healing and mercy now, not further retribution. Amen.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:06 pm

Some more updates for you;

Syrian forces and their allies have made more military gains in central-western Syria since their recent major victory in taking the city of Al Qusayr back from the western-backed rebels.

I saw a report about the city, which was compiled in the days after Syrian and Hezbollah forces took the city back from the jihadists. In the report I saw a church, completely destroyed, burned out, etc. The report, on the mainstream BBC, admitted that it was desecrated by the western-backed rebels before the Syrian government-Hezbollah assault on the city even began. Part of the desecration included ransacking and burning bibles and hymn books.

In the church was also an extensive mural of Jesus on the cross. The central part of the mural, featuring the crucified Jesus, had been evidently ripped out of the mural, and only the four edges of the cross and the background landscape could be seen.

In other news, I have seen an extensive volume of evidence showing how the mainstream media has continually lied and distorted the truth about Syria by constantly photoshopping pictures and images and then publishing the photoshopped versions as if they were genuine images. In one instance, a published photo of a person holding a Syrian rebel flag was proven to be in fact a person holding a Syrian national/government flag. The mainstream media had apparently photoshopped the rebel flag over the national flag, then published the image. This is just one of many examples. (If anyone wants the link I am more than happy to send it to you)

Lastly, I have just come across news, and a video link, of Syrian rebels cutting off an old man's head with a knife. They were speaking Flemish, indicating that they were Belgian jihadists. I read a report, viewer comments and transcript of the tape, in which the murderers are quoted as complaining that the knife is no good, so one of them better pin the victim's feet down.

That's all for today. If anyone could spare the time, I kindly ask you to please make a prayer to The Lord that He bring a just peace to Syria as soon as possible. And that His will, not the will of the evil new world order, be done in Syria.

P.S. This added on message was written about a day after this post was originally posted. It's to inform that it has been confirmed that western-backed rebels in the divided city of Aleppo have publicly executed a 15-year-old boy for making very mild comments about religion that the western-backed jihadists evidently didn't like. He was initially taken into captivity, brought to a public area in full sight of many, including his parents. His body bore signs of torture. He was then shot in the mouth and in the neck.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:20 pm

Hi all,

I felt the need to expand upon the post-script from the previous post. I have now seen a photo of the 15-year-old who was murdered by the rebels in Aleppo. It was taken in the aftermath of his murder, with part of his head blown away, his head all distorted and blood and brain matter splattered all around him.

There are also videos of interviews with his family, who testified to witnessing his murder at the hands of western-backed rebels in Syria.

The victim was not even a supporter of the Syrian government. He had actually attended at least one rally in favour of the Syrian rebels (photographic evidence attests top this).

He worked at a humble coffee stand in the city, and when asked if he would sell a cup of coffe on the basis of a loan, he made a mild comment like, 'The prophet Muhammed will return to Earth before I give out a loan.'

This mild, flippant comment was interpreted as 'blasphemy' by western-backed rebels who were near the scene. They kidnapped him, tortured him then publicly executed him for this.

There is evidence that many of the 'rebel' groups either supported the action, or tried to cover it up in the aftermath. However, the truth evidently came out because someone was just too disgusted to try to cover it up any more.

Just remember one thing; the people who murdered this boy are exactly the same people who are absolutley supported by our western countries. In fact, our politicans, media, and political establishment in general are looking for the slightest opportunity to bomb Syria to the ground and install murderers like the child-killers as a puppet government in Syria.

Our western political establishment is so lovely, so idealistic, so honest and so well-meaning. Nothing more to say.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:29 am

I try not to post too regularly in this thread, lest it become awash with too much information, but a lot of terrible stuff has been coming to light lately and I feel the need to share it with anyone reading this thread.

Firstly, I have looked but not found a single statement from a western politician condemning the murder of the child by western-backed rebels, which I outlined in the previous thread.

Unfortunately, this is what sometimes happens when someone takes sides 100 per cent; they lose objectivity, and the truth is no longer the most important thing. In the case of the Syrian civil war, this is excactly what the western countries have done (of course, the west has a long history of doing this well before the Syrian conflict, but that's another story).

The result is that every alleged crime carried out by the Syrian government is considered a good enough reason for the west to start dropping its 'humantarian bombs' on Syria, to help the western-backed jihadists on the ground finally break the military deadlock.

Conversely, every proven crime carried out by the western-backed rebels is either ignored, pushed under the carpet, disregarded, or whatever.

Well, now I have yet another confirmed atrocity to report on. Some local pro-government militamen in a shiite village (named Hatlah) in eastern Syria attacked a Syrian rebel checkpoint near their village, killing two of the rebels. A large rebel force came to the village hours later to exact revenge, and proceeded to slaughter at least 60 of the villagers in cold blood, most of whom were unarmed civilians.

The incident got a casual little throwaway mention in a couple of mainstream media articles I have just read, but has only been covered with detail in independent press.

It is clear the western-backed rebels may do whatever they wish, but if the Syrian government does so much as get accused of something (even with evidence lacking) then that is proof enough that the 'rebels' are 'good' and the Syrian government is 'bad'.

Lastly, France, Britain and the USA have been amping up their attempts to be finally able to proceed with their mutual wish to launch their aerial bombardments ASAP with the goal of toppling the Syrian government and bringing the jihadists into power. Please pray to God that He continue to hinder their evil plans, and that He bring a just peace to Syria as soon as possible.

P.S. I'm just adding a little footnote to point out that, since this post was made, there have been numerous reports, including in the mainstream media, documenting the massacre of shiite muslim in eastern Syria, carried out by western-backed rebels. The fog of war makes it hard to know the exact details, with mainstream reports saying most of the victims were armed militiamen, while other sources say most victims were civilians.

What can be confirmed without a shadow of a doubt is that the massacre happened, and the western-backed rebels filmed themselves walking around the corpses of their victims, verbally abusing the corpses with sectarian language, etc (the sunni-shiite divide in islam is at times every bit as bitter as divisions between completely different religions).
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:16 am

I mentioned in a previous post that the west, namely USA, Britain and France are amping up their attempts to justify their desire to decimate Syria with aerial bombardment, topple the government and bring the jihadists into power.

Over the last couple of weeks a number of synchronized political-diplomatic-military events have pointed heavily to the fact that the western media propaganda machine is preparing the western public for a coming direct entry into the war on the side of the Christian-killing jihadists. The Syrian government and its allies, who have generally fought so bravely until now, would not have a chance against the unrestrained power of the western military machine.

Countries in the EU as well as the USA have officially ended arms embargoes on Syria, meaning they are free to arm the jihadists to the teeth with whatever they desire. The west are also talking about setting up a 'no-fly-zone' inside of Syria allegedly to 'protect civlians' and provide a safe base for the 'rebels'. This means that any Syrian aircraft flying within the 'no-fly-zone' would be immediately shot down, even though this zone is within Syrian territory.

It all sounds so humantarian, so high-minded. Of course, Christians and other independent-minded people know to be highly skeptical of anything that politicians or the media say.

The last country that the west decimated based on lies, incitement and propaganda was Libya, in which NATO supported, and brought into power violent islamic jihadists- exactly as the west wishes to do in Syria. NATO's decimation of Libya also started off with a lovely, humantarian sounding little 'no-fly-zone' in which civilans would allegedly be protected.

Well, within no time at all the 'no-fly-zone' became the main base used by NATO to launch a murderous, decimating bombardment of Libya, slaughtering thousands of civilians as well as Libyan government soldiers, toppling the government and bringing jihadists into power.

The word is that these western-installed jihadists in Libya have now set up concentration camps and interned many types of people, including black people simply because the people are black. Of course, none of this has been reported on mainstream media. For what it's worth, most people in the west who claim they 'hate racism' don't actually hate it. They just say they hate it because it makes them feel good, or when it suits them.

To get back to my point, the west are now pushing harder than ever to set up their 'humantarian no-fly-zone' in Syria. The Libyan precedent shows that it is just a transparent, nice sounding way to get their feet in the door, before decimating the country with aerial bombardment and installing their violent proxy puppet force into power.

God bless you all, and May He somehow bless Syria at this time.

P.S. In an earlier post I mentioned that the western-backed rebels, fleeing the fighting in the town of Al-Qusayr, entered the Christian village of Deir e-Zour (on the Syrian side of the border with Lebanon) and massacred most of the inhabitants. More details are emerging. Below is a link to more information about it. ... ation.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Timothy » Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:27 am

Have been praying for the Lord's Will to be done since the first post.
These things grieve my spirit greatly.
I wait upon the Lord. ... heSoul.htm

Timothy *Pray*
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:02 pm

Hi Timothy,

Thanks for the message. You said that your spirit is greatly grieved about these things I've been documenting in the thread. I know exactly how you feel.

Thanks for your prayers too. I ask you, and anyone else reading this to continue to pray that The Lord's will, and absolutley nobody else's will, be ultimately done in Syria.

God bless you, Timothy, and may He also bring ultimate peace, justic and blessings to Syria, especially to His people in that land and also non-Christians who are allied with His people, or have suffered like His people have.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:39 pm

Another little update for anyone interested,

I read an article about the city of Tartous, on the western coast of Syria. It is a government-held city which has lots of alawite muslims (the sect from which President Assad of Syria comes from) and Christians. 2,500 of the city's men have died while serving in the armed forces' fight against the genocidal western-backed jihadist 'rebels'.

There has been a lot of publicity lately about the 'G-8 summit' of world leaders. The dominant theme this year was Syria. The meeting featured the main western countries plus (western oriented) Japan and lastly Russia. The western block all stuck to the view that the rebels are all good, and Assad's government is bad. Russia's President Putin was the only leader from the 8 who stood up for Assad, and during the summit he was pressured by the others to throw Assad under the bus and allow the western-backed jihadists to assume total power in Syria.

President Putin didn't flinch and remained steadfast. I honestly believe that if it wasn't for the strength of Russia, the west would have long ago finished their evil plan in Syria, to decimate it through aerial bombardment and bring the Christian-murdering jihadists into power.

President Putin of Russia is not a perfect man. But he is a very unusual politician in that he appears to possess at least a bit of dignity and decency. To be blunt, if anyone could name me a western politician from the last 50 years who was generally decent, I would have to sit them down and tell them a few home truths, including that santa claus isn't actually real. But to get back to the point, Putin, in my humble opinion, shows at least a trace of something positive.

I have heard that the west have also started shipping more heavy weapons to their jihadist proxies in northern and southern Syria, which would no doubt cause even more death and destruction. That is of course tragic.

But I see a small flickering hope that the evil new world order could be at least partially thwarted with its evil scheme regarding Syria.

There are a number of powerful players on the Syrian government's side, namely Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and several others. I am not suggesting that these are great beacons of Christianity. What I am strongly suggesting, however, is that these allies of Syria are the only thing standing between Syria's Christian population (and other minorities and government supporters), and complete western-backed genocide.

Lastly, China is an unknown in all of this. They don't approve of the west's activities in Syria and have often vetoed western-pushed 'resolutions' in UN security council votes, but they have otherwise stood back and let Russia do most of the hard work. If China could step up to the plate and become as openly steadfast as Russia, this could really scare the new world order countries into backing off, as there is not a single one of them that would like to take on China.

That's enough for today. May God's will be done in Syria. May he somehow look with great favour on His people in that country, but also upon non-Christians who are on their side.

P.S. I have done some more research on Russia and its protection of Syria. I don't want to sound alarmist here, but the potential for escalation is massive. Russia was very weak following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and it watched on helplessly as the western nations of the new world order mercilessly destroyed one country after another based on lies (Serbia, Iraq, Libya, and several other as well, leading up to Syria).

However, now a recovered and strong Russia has apparently drawn a line in the sand with Syria. I have read reports that indicate their willingness to do anything to defend Syria. Even as I write this they are apparently devising plans to directly intervene in Syria to fight against the west. This is respectable of Russia, but there is also a scary side to this. The new world order countries are well accustomed to picking on smaller countries and destroying them. Russia is a whole different story.

What if the absolutle psychotics in charge of our western countries do not back off? What if they continue their push to fully destroy Syria? What if they take it one step too far in the eyes of Russia? Remember, Russia is a country literally capable of destroying the entire world. In a nutshell, if someone takes Rússia down, then Russia can do exactly the same in response, no matter who it is. Dangerous times.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:56 pm

I have a series of terrible news items to share with readers of this thread;

It will not be pretty reading but I feel it is my duty to inform anyone who is interested.

In the last week western-backed rebels in a rebel-controlled area in Idlib countryside, Syria, released a video of themselves cutting off the heads of three Syrian Christians with a small knife. One of the victims was a priest. Their 'crime' was that they were supporters of the Syrian government.

They were murdered in front of a crowd of cheering people. The heads were then brandished like trophies before the jubilant crowd which included children, before being placed on the backs of the bodies. The murders got hardly any mainstream media attention although the snuff film was briefly available on youtube, before being taken down.

Meanwhile, countless Syrian Christians who have been kidnapped by the 'rebels' remain missing. The horrible reality is that many, if not most, would have suffered a similar fate to the victims in this most recent snuff film.

In the last few days the western-backed rebels also detonated a bomb next to the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox church in the Syrian capital of Damascus, killing at least 4 people.

In other news, a man named John Eibner, CEO of Christian Solidarity International, recently returned to America after a trip to Syria, in which he had met and spoken with many displaced Syrian Christians. He talked about his meetings with Syrian Christians, and said they were confused, and wanted to know why the west had declared war on them.

Mr Eibner recalled one conversation he had with a Syrian Christian woman who had lived in the city of Homs, who was forced to flee the city as the western-backed rebels ethnically cleansed the city's 80,000 Christians, murdering scores of them in cold blood, and ordering the rest to leave immediately under threat of immediate execution.

Anyway, the woman told Mr Eibner that she was travelling on a public bus just before she fled. Suddenly, the bus was stopped on the street by heavily armed 'rebels'. They boarded the bus, and forced a young alawite girl off the bus with them (the alawites are a sect of islam which has been traditionally friendly with Christians, as both groups have lived peacefully with each other and are allies). After forcing the young girl off the bus with them, the western-backed rebels then beheaded her on the street in broad daylight.

On a broader level, the western countries seem to have backed off for now with their threats to directly invade and bombard Syria in order to bring their jihadist proxy rebel forces into power.

They would love nothing more than to do it right now, but they are very nervous about Russia, which is wholeheartedly supportive of the Syrian government. In a nutshell, the understanding seems to be that President Putin of Russia is willing to go to war with the west in order to protect Syria. A menacing Russia, which presides over a massive military and stockpiles of the world's most modern, lethal weapons is enough to make even the psychopathic leaders of the western countries nervous.

I have nothing more to say. After the horror of what I have documented in this post, I don't have a positive spin or optimistic thought to put forward with regards to the situaion in Syria. All I have is a sick feeling in my stomach, and a prayer that The Lord can end this evil as soon as possible.

May He bring peace to that land as soon as possible, and put a stop to the evil activities of the murderers, whether they be bearded jihadists on the ground in Syria, or the suit-wearing politicians in western countries who sponsor them.

P.S. Here is an addition to the catalogue of rebel atrocities. I forgot to mention that the rebels had recently kidnapped the director of the emergency department of a hospital in an area caught up in the war-zone. Needless to say, they murdered him due to his 'crime' of not being an overt supporter of the rebels.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:29 am

The filmed beheading-murders of the priest and other Christians, mentioned in the thread above, has me feeling as flat as I have felt for a long time.

Here is an article about the murders for anyone interested. It includes information about the priest, including his name and a picture of him taken before the war.

The article also includes a description of the murders, and what happened. But there are no direct images of the unspeakable act itself. So you can click on the link and read the article without having to worry about being confronted with images of the murders themselves.

At the end, there is a link to the snuff video (as proof of the atrocity), but the article strongly warns readers not to watch it due to its extremely graphic and disturbing content.

I also encourage readers not to watch it. There is no good reason for it. ... and-cheer/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:48 am

I'll try to keep this new post brief.

People might recall the highly strategic Syrian town (near the Lebanese border) of Al-Qusayr, recently scene of a major military confrontation between Syrian government and Lebanese Hezbollah forces against the western-backed rebels.

It was the scene of a highly significant military victory on the part of the Syrian government and its allies, and a major loss for the western-backed rebels.

As mentioned in a previous post, it had been under the control of western-backed rebels for about a year, during which time the town's significant Christian population was massacred and ethnically cleansed by the 'rebels'.

Well, here is a link to just one tragic story within that context. It's about a 15-year-old Christian girl from the town. When the 'rebels' moved into the town last year, the girl was raped by 15 different rebels over a two-week period, before she was finally murdered.

Meanwhile, I'm sure anyone reading this post has heard of the recent turmoil in Egypt, with strong public pressure on the Egyptian president Morsi to resign. He is a new world order puppet who was installed by the west about a year ago, so the west is not keen for him to resign.

He is the current puppet leader of Egypt and is a representative of the 'Muslim Brotherhood', which is hardline islamist. I have a link here to an interesting article which suggests that the Egyptian military is not happy with Morsi, especially since he recently attended an extremist rally in which he called for complete violent jihad against the Syrian government and its supporters. ... -1.1450612

The Egyptian army released a statement of discontent with Morsi and his role at the rally, stating that the military has only one major role; to guard Egypt, and not to act with hostility against those who don't threaten it.

Just a last thought for anyone interested. At the start of this century, most middle-eastern arab countries were run by hardline secular dictators who, while brutal against political dissent, were generally tolerant of all minorities including Christians.

However, secular leaders were removed by the west in Iraq, Egypt, Libya and several other countries leading up to the Syrian crisis. In virtually all of these cases, secular regimes were replaced with intolerant hardcore islamist puppet governments controlled by the west.

My question to anyone reading this is, 'Why?' Obviously, the genocide of Christians across the middle-east is something that satan and his servants would be greatly enjoying. Our western politicians and media either don't care about what's happening to Christians but, even worse, are probably happy about it. After all, the bible makes it clear that what is happening to Christians in the middle-east will eventually happen to Christians all over the entire planet.

But is this the only reason why the west is behaving in this evil manner? Is there something more to it?

I don't pretend to have all the answers, so any positive input would be welcomed.

God bless.

P.S. Here is a small bit of info. regarding the beheading-murder video of the Catholic priest which I recently discovered, which highlights the difficulty of finding out the absolute truth through the fog of war.

While the crime indeed happened, as evidenced by the snuff film itself, and while the priest has been confirmed as dead by the Vatican, there is debate as to whether the priest was one of the victims in the snuff film, with some people claiming he was murdered earlier by the 'rebels' through gunshots in his church. If so, then the victims in the snuff film were not necessarily Christians, but more likely other supporters of the government.

Of course, this in no way changes the nature of the crime or the murder of the priest. I just want to do my best to bring you the truth, no matter what it is.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:18 am

I can see that I badly failed in my attempt to keep the last post short. Apologies.

Here is a decent article that highlights the general western-backed genocide being carried out against Syrian Christians. ... ans-99217/

I kindly ask anyone with the time to share knowledge with others about what's really going on in Syria. Prayer can have a positive effect, and the more that pray for something, the better.
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