Iam back, hope to see you all soon in chat

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Iam back, hope to see you all soon in chat

Postby visi » Thu May 21, 2015 10:28 am

Iam finally back , someone let me know when the best times to be in chat to see some of my old friends and make some new ones Love you all and God bless you
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Re: Iam back, hope to see you all soon in chat

Postby dema » Fri May 22, 2015 5:53 am

Welcome back. I don't know that many people have chatted in a long time. Maybe if you hang out there with your sound on people will start popping back in. I think that makes the biggest difference. Prayerful did that years ago - she would keep the chat on with the sound on while she did her housework and every ding she'd go over and say hello.

Also, people pop in and pop out almost immediately. I've tried to do what she did in chat but I get distracted. If a person would stay for 20 minutes then probably several people would pop in and it would get it going. But it takes having one person be patient and wait.

There have been other people who have done that over the years - I did it here and there over the years - anyway, maybe some patience will get it going again.

Again, welcome back.
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