A Newbie

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A Newbie

Postby Mandy1378 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:35 am

Hi everyone, my name is Mandy and its good to be here. Couple of months ago I realized I needed some counseling and my doctor suggested I do some counseling, also referred me to someone. At last minute I decided not too, realized maybe that wasn't such a good idea. So a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine told me about this place. Said she seen it help many people over the years and that I should give it a try. I'm a christian, have been for between 7 to 8 years. I love the Lord, and I read the Bible and not long ago actually begin studying it, not just reading. Recently I begun understanding what it means to have blind faith. My friend explained it to me in a pretty awesome way. Feels like the Lord is redirecting a way for me to go in life.

I''m not one much for social media, and talking to a lot of people online, though I do love to talk. I mostly either play games on my computer, and online I like reading and finding interesting fun facts and shopping a little here and there. Window shopping mostly. *Whistle* I also love working with crafts for fun in my free time, which isn't much. I work at at a clothing store, which isn't good cause I love clothes and like to shop. Then I struggle paying my monthly bills :roll: It's something I'm working on, disciplining myself.

Glad to be here, Mandy
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Christianity Oasis » Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:16 am

Welcome ...

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share.

Have a SON-sational day.
Jesus is coming ... Get your soul prepared.
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Mandy1378 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:42 pm

Thank you, I do have have one question, whenever I come in only place I can find to get in is through the join Christianity Oasis. I've found the cool christian counseling link. heading there now, very interesting.

You have a Sonsational day also.
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Mackenaw » Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:20 pm

Hello Mandy1378 :)

Welcome to Christianity Oasis, and God bless you this day.

It's great to hear that you are reading the 14 Day Counseling Study. Just as your friend told you, the Study has helped many souls, myself included. I think you'll be blessed by it.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them, and we'll see if we can help you find the answers.

God bless and keep you,
Mack (your sister in Christ)
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Mandy1378 » Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:56 pm

Thank you Mack,I'm enjoying the study, its easy and challenging at the same time, makes you think.

Bless you
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:47 pm

Hello Mandy1378 *Greet*

God bless you this day.

I forgot to answer your original question when welcomed you to the site. *Doh* Sorry.

Anyway, when you search for Christianityoasis.com, several sub-heading choices will come up under Christianity Oasis Ministry...one being Christianity Oasis Member Forums and Chat Rooms. If you click on that one option, I think it will take you to where you want to be. I hope this helps -- if not, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Have a blessed day,
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Re: A Newbie

Postby Mandy1378 » Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:09 pm

I figured that out last night. Thank you!
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Re: A Newbie

Postby notforgotten » Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:54 am

Welcome Mandy, may you find a place here and be blessed.
- Scott
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