I am I doing things for the wrong reasons...

This forum is for ALL members who feel called by God to serve Him. In this Forum those who feel called can share questions, comments, concerns and any thoughts that you have with other fellow Christians who have also been called to serve Him. The purpose of this Forum is to bring us closer together as to better serve our Father in our own calling.

I am I doing things for the wrong reasons...

Postby Leshaun101 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:39 pm

In my day to day life I have found myself to be so giving, if someone is a little short on cash I'll pay for it. If the spirt tells me to pay, because I get that feeling in my stomach. At first I ignored it, but then I began to listen. MY question is, being able to help is something I naturally desire to do. I feel better when I do it and it's makes me happier,so lately I've been doing it more. Okay question is am I wrong by getting gratification and often when I try to put it in words it sounds selfish. Like a lady was in line at the store she sat some items off to the side said she would be back. I told the cashier to add to my things. The cashier was like that's sweet and I responded I hope someone would do the same for me, thinking that there has been many times my card wouldn't go through, or I was short, etc. But I need to know is my heart in the right place when I help and am able to have gratification? I feel as though I doing it out of my heart, but I understand feelings are not important. I believe I would still do the same things if it didn't make me feel good. Another point to add, when I helping I find myself speaking to myself, but often I can't believe that came from me or out my mouth.
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Re: I am I doing things for the wrong reasons...

Postby dema » Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:39 am

Being led by the spirit is not a wrong reason. It is probably the best reason there is.

What is a right reason?

Satan is a liar. He will try to steal your blessings. Don't let him. Accept the blessings of God. Accept the promises. Cast your bread on the water and it will come back to you. Give and it shall be given to you. Why does the Bible tell us those things? Isn't it telling us to give for the wrong reasons?

God is a good parent. You are being a good child of God. God will bless you and it is good and right to accept those blessings.

If we don't accept blessings then we don't get blessed. God isn't going to sit on us and hold our mouths open so that we can accept blessings. We have to be willing.

Let God bless you. Every good parent wants a happy and grateful child.

Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
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Re: I am I doing things for the wrong reasons...

Postby Hezekiah1997 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:17 pm

I agree with dema.

I don't think it is wrong to put a little cash in gold fund in Heaven. In fact, I think if many people thought the way you do, the world would be a better place and people would begin to think of their time in Heaven, not just their time on Earth.

So keep the good works going.

After all, it is better to give than receive
Don't Forget you are a Blessing!
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