The POWER of prayer

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The POWER of prayer

Postby KAKONSTERARO » Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:20 pm

Does anyone really believe in miracles anymore? What about the power of prayers? Im looking for people who TRUELY believe that PRAYERS are still answered. Id like to establish a few friends that believe miracles CAN and DO happen ! Most people seem to think Ive gone crazy or something...does ANYONE here believe in them?Does ANYONE have a story to tell that the only excuse for it was a miracle? Also, Im wondering what kind of things people have prayed for that ACTUALLY happened and likely wouldnt of without Gods hand being upon it.
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Re: The POWER of prayer

Postby Timothy » Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:21 am

Many doctors over the years have commented that my son is a walking miracle.
Many prayers from around the world went up for him some 14 + years ago when he was born.
Prayers continue to rise for him from our Oasis Family. Doctors and therapists still amazed by his progress.
*Pray* *Clap* \o/
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