Satanism and the New Age Occult

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Satanism and the New Age Occult

Postby notforgotten » Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:08 am

1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."
Last edited by notforgotten on Tue May 02, 2017 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Satanism and the New Age Occult

Postby notforgotten » Tue May 02, 2017 6:08 am

New Age believers unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums and contacting the dead. All of which are against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.
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