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non child friendly posts

Postby DicipleofJesus » Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:11 pm

Is it possible to report posts that are not child friendly or at least appear not to be? One of the posts in one of the forums appears to be just that. But not being child friendly is not one of the reasons offerred for reporting a post, even if the post is on topic.
Even where the teaching of the Bible is concerned there is a Chapter in the Song of Solomen that many pastors do not want to teach with adolecents present. Can we say the same about some on topic posts without judging the adult content that put differrently would still be on topic while being more child friendly? Again how can nonchild friendly posts, due to lack of age appropriatness of the child be reported? Also is there a tool on this site that permits a member to block access to viewing posts that may disturb individual members for reasons that are uniquely theirs/ours?
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Re: non child friendly posts

Postby mlg » Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:58 pm

Hi DicipleofJesus,

I believe if you click report, you can choose other for a reason? I'm not sure, but if you prefer you can private message Christianity Oasis, Mackenaw or myself if you have a post that concerns you. One thing to consider is that some very lost souls visit the Oasis, and they will often say things in a worldly way. We try to reach these souls with love at the same time, as protecting all who visit the Oasis.

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