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Postby lizzie » Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:58 am

Centering your text

This code centers your text.

<DIV align="center">

ok so where you see text, just put in whatever u want to be centered. This should work for images as well, tho i havent tried that yet :roll: but it should work *dunno*

so for example, i wanna center a heading, MY FAVORITE THINGS

<DIV align="center">

you can also use the colored text with this. If i wanted to say the same thing in green, it would be

<DIV align="center">
<p style="color: green">text</p>

And you should have a green centered heading.
Last edited by lizzie on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lizzie » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:07 am

Create a New Section

Maybe you want to create a new section to show off your slideshows or maybe post some of your favorite scriptures or something.

In your MCS page editor box, you post this code

<style type="text/css">
h6{font-family: arial}
<h6><p style="color: white">text </p></h6>

Where u see the word 'text' you can change it to whatever header you want.

Here are some already done, so if u want any of these headers on your page, just copy paste the entire code for the header you want and put it in your MCS page editor box:

My Favorite Scriptures:

<style type="text/css">
h6{font-family: arial}
<h6><p style="color: white">My Favorite Scriptures: </p></h6>

My Thoughts:

<style type="text/css">
h6{font-family: arial}
<h6><p style="color: white">My Thoughts: </p></h6>

My Slideshows:

<style type="text/css">
h6{font-family: arial}
<h6><p style="color: white">My Slideshows: </p></h6>

My Blog:

<style type="text/css">
h6{font-family: arial}
<h6><p style="color: white">My Blog: </p></h6>

So u can basically create any new header you wish, using this code.
Last edited by lizzie on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lizzie » Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:03 pm


<img src="DIRECT LINK CODE" width="120" height="200" alt="logo" style="border:15px dashed purple">

Where you see DIRECT LINK CODE , just paste in the Direct Link Code from your photobucket or other image upload site.

Adjusting the size of the border
You can adjust the size of the border and image, by messing around with the width and height values.

For example: To make it smaller would look like this

<img src="DIRECT LINK CODE" width="80" height="100" alt="logo" style="border:15px dashed purple">

Different types of borders
Now u can also have diff types of borders by changing the name of the border in the code.
This code im typing here is using a dashed border. If you wanna try a ridge border, just put in the word ridge where the word dashed is. Simple as that, and u will see it change.

For example, i changed dashed to ridge:

<img src="DIRECT LINK CODE" width="120" height="200" alt="logo" style="border:15px ridge purple">

Diff types of border names you can try out:

Change the Border color
Now you can change the color of the border, simply by typing in any of the colors listed in the above post (changing Text color) or by using a color code from the link above.

This code below will give you a purple border.

<img src="DIRECT LINK CODE" width="120" height="200" alt="logo" style="border:15px dashed purple">

Center your border
Also if you wanna center it on your page, use the code from the post above (centering Text) and ur image with border will be centered.
The code will look like this

<DIV align="center">
<img src="DIRECT IMAGE CODE" width="300" height="400" alt="logo" style="border:15px dashed pink">
Last edited by lizzie on Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lizzie » Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:09 pm


Sometimes when you place utube(or other) vids on your page, it can look really big and bulky and depending on placement, can really stretch out your page.

With a simple adjustment of the embed code (which is the code you copy and paste on your profile) you can downsize these videos to make em look neater and fit more on your page.

Here is how you do it:

Each Embed Code will carry the following info:

width="425" height="344"

These parameters will occur twice within any Utube embed code. Once at the very beginning, and once at the end. By simply adjusting the Width and Height you can make your videos smaller.

So if i was to change it to the following my video would appear smaller than it usually does when placed on my page:

width="300" height="250"

You can play around with it to get the size that suits you. I dont suggest making it bigger than the original embed code has it tho, as this can stretch out your page and make the vid look weird :roll:

(NOTE: An easy way to do this is to paste the Embed Code on Notepad or Word first and change it there, then paste it to your profile)
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