Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who are 18 years of age or older. This forum is a sanctuary for those who are experiencing trials and tribulation and seek words of wisdom, comfort and TRUTH from fellow Christians who have experienced similar trials and tribulation and have overcome them. Never forget that we ALL fall down as we sojourn down this Christian Walk. The trick is to get up and carry on fighting the good fight of FAITH. One of the greatest gifts that our Father gave to Christians is ... Fellow Christians. James 5:16 ... Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ...
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Sunday and stepping stone 3

Postby Tanperrett » Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:06 am

I went to church today with my family for the first time in months, just have been feeling like I don't belong there anymore. Well I must truly admit that despite my anxiety I came away feeling blessed. I have had a good week-end with little thought of being tempted into my sinful behaviors .
When I opened my study tonight onto stone 3 and saw that not much was required of me I was rather excited. Quite like others doing the work, truth be told. I felt an old calm in being retold that nothing I have done can permanently seperate me from God's grace, but I have a hardness of heart thinking about this applying to the person that so wrongly violated my daughter and has caused so much heartache and pain. I cannot get over this and it is this I ponder as I end off for tonight...
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Re: Sunday and stepping stone 3

Postby Christianity Oasis » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:09 am


When you shared this "Quite like others doing the work, truth be told." ... You discern well. It is seeds of Truth that you sense overcoming other seeds of deception which were also planted ... Quite like others doing the work, truth be told.

Choose to continue along the path and you will become more aware of these seeds and how to be set FREE.

"Rooting" for you.
Jesus is coming ... Get your soul prepared.
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Christianity Oasis
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Re: Sunday and stepping stone 3

Postby Mackenaw » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:36 pm

Hello Tanperrett,

God bless you this day.

I'm glad to hear you are sensing the peace of God. He has never left you, and has been waiting patiently for you to seek Him. A willingness is all that is necessary on our part. Seeking Him signifies your willingness. We cannot clean ourselves up or change our hearts -- that's the blessed work of God. Just keep seeking Him, and continue to exercise the hope that He has fanned the flame of deep within you.

Prayers continue.

God bless you,

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