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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:52 pm

Hi Friends,

An update on the plight of Syrian Christians, particularly around the city of Aleppo.

I refer you to a fresh article, from Breitbart News, titled, 'Exclusive: Persecution Expert- Christians in Aleppo could face 'Beginning of the end' under jihadi rule'.

Here are some key takeaways:

- Aleppo can be viewed as a microcosm of greater Syria.

- The Christian population of Aleppo is now no more than 20,000. Christians now make up only 1% of Syria's population. Prior to the Syrian Civil War, Christians made up 8-10% of Syria's population.

- The Western-backed jihadists who recently took over Syria are a rebranded offshoot of al-Queda and ISIS. They are currently engaging in low-level persecution of Christians and are making noise about 'protecting religious minorities', but we should be very skeptical/wary about these claims.

While Breitbart has traditionally been anti-Assad, it openly admits that minority groups such as Christians were protected by Assad, and that their future is now uncertain at best under the rebranded jihadis ('al-Queda in suits'). At worst, they could now be facing their last days in Syria after 2,000 years, right back to the days when Jesus Himself walked the Earth.

Link to the article is below: ... -rule/amp/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:42 pm

Hello again,

Today I'll be referring you to a decent, fresh new article, titled, 'Right now NATO could not win a war with Russia'.

It's a pretty good critique of NATO, as in the very existence of NATO itself.

The author, a former military man himself, reminds us that- for all the hubris surrounding NATO- it was resoundingly defeated by the Taliban.

We are also reminded that NATO lost its reason to exist when the Berlin Wall fell, and Soviet Union collapsed. Since then, it has become a tool for anglo-American (globalist) aggression.

The writer also points out that no NATO nation currently has the industrial capacity to go toe-to-toe with Russia in a conventional war.

Logistics would be a nightmare and the only nation capable of taking on Russia militarily would be the US.

Even then, it would be complicated, messy and fraught with all kinds of difficulties and dangers (even assuming it didn't go nuclear, but that's another issue).

But even with US involvement, and if it indeed managed to stay conventional, NATO countries and their military facilities would be utterly decimated and unable to protect themselves from Russian weapons and attacks (the same obviously goes for Russia, which would also be unable to protect itself from decimation).

Furthermore, according to the author, the international aspect of NATO can make its manoeuvres and operations somewhat clunky, and its forces are not battle
-hardened the way Russia's are.

And contrary to Western/globalist hubris, NATO isn't very good at strategy (Russia is often similarly inept, but that's another issue).

The author summarises NATO's shortfalls, before correctly reminding us that NATO is no longer a force for good, and indeed causes more problems than it claims to solve.

Link to article is below:
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