I ask you to bear with me...

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I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Pert » Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:35 pm

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this forum, but I looked and looked and looked at the different threads on this site, and it kind of seems appropriate.

Anyway, my post is about prayer.

My heart is heavy this evening because the enemy is trying very hard to keep me down.

EVERY SINGLE DAY I pray to the Lord for three specific things: strength, courage, and wisdom. Sometimes, I'll pray for one of the three (or all three at once) as it relates to whatever I'm going through in that moment. It can be something as mundane as helping me get through whatever I'm doing at work or something as trying as dealing with a death. I talk to the Lord every day, I mean real conversations with Him, talking to Him as if he were sitting right next to me. Like I said, I pray every single day, several times a day, for strength, courage, and wisdom, and when I wake up in the morning I fully expect to be stronger, braver, and wiser. But I'm don't. I feel so weak. Some days I just really feel like giving up. I pray to God to give me strength, I beg Him to, and I just go on. I try not to think about it because if I do I'll just get angry. Not angry with God, but angry with myself. I start to wonder what I'm doing wrong, why can't I hear God's voice. What am I doing, or not doing, that is blocking my blessings? The problem has to be me. James 1:5 says "
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
so I ask God, almost to the point of begging Him, to give me just a little glimpse of wisdom so that I can know His will for me and to open my eyes, ears, mind, and understanding that I may be receptive to His will.

There is also Isaiah 40:31 that says
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint
and I believe He will, and this gives me hope. But some days I just feel sooooooooooooo weak. So weary. Please God, give me strength, courage, and wisdom.
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby lyl1114 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:12 am

Hi Pert! *Wave*

I totally understand what you are going through. I go up and down so much and often times I do get mad at myself (and at God :oops: ). But what I have learned is that when I pray to God, He is listening but He doesn't usually suddenly at that moment give me what I pray for...but surely, and gradually over time, He is answering my prayer. Sooooooooooo many times I fall and it is so hard to get back up. But it gets better. You learn and you grow. Through these times and trials, you are getting courage, strength, and wisdom. And we can't always be perfect. You are doing what you are suppose to do...praying and seeking God. But don't get discouraged (but if you do, limit it to a very very short while) because God is in control and He will answer. Be patient. It is hard but I am beginning to realize He is working in me...and everything is in HIS PERFECT time, not mine.

Sending you lots of love, Pert *hug* *hug* . Praying God will give you inner peace that surpasses all understanding... *Pray*
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:20 am

Awww sis I know too well what you are saying, I too sit and have my talks with God in the morning (sometimes when I run late I do it in the car on the way to work and wonder if anyone sees me and thinks I'm losing it cause there is no one else in the car)
yes I sit and audibly talk to Him as if He is sitting there with me, most times it is in my living room before work and there is a picture of Jesus over my tv and I look to it as I talk sometimes.

Very simply put His reply to us both.....not yet....
You see I beg for being released from the holds of satan and his ways, I cry for the angel to be sent weather she is of this earth or the heavenly one to take me home it really does not matter to me which, but there is still lessons or some reason for Him to say....not yet, not right now, I have shared with someone else I feel like the spoiled little kid standing in the candy store throwing a tantrum....BUT I WANT IT NOWWWWWW!!!!

Remember those in the bible and how long they endured suffering before being freed, we all have our deserts we just have to remain faithfull and know He WILL deliver us when the time is right.

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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:58 pm

Hello Pert (((hugs)))

God bless you this day.

Pert, I know that some of what you are asking God for is specifics on what He wants you to do in certain situations and the decisions you need to make, therefore, I cannot offer you any specific advice, other than to say, keep seeking Him, because I'm not God and nor do I know any specifics of your life to pray for you. But, He does. Yeah!!! Thank You Lord. However, I do and will continue to lift you up in prayer to our Lord in the name of Jesus. May God's blessed will be done.

After I initially read you post, and then prayed for you, the thought that entered my heart was this: Find His peace in whatever situation you are in. :)

I know that we often aspire to do, to be and to have more, but too often those aspirations are carnal or world driven as opposed to Spirit driven, especially, when we have not yet found peace in our present circumstances. Some might say, but that's settling, Mack -- settling for less than God has for us. To which I would respond: God wants the best for us, and He looks out for us and inspires us, and we hear Him best when we are at rest and in peace...His peace.

Here are some scriptures that I believe speak to this: I Corinthians 7:20-24

20 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.

21 Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.

22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant.

23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.

24 Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

Pert, there is blessed peace to be found right where you are. Continue seeking Him, in your present circumstance. He will give you that peace, and if He desires your circumstances to change, they will, and you will not feel like you settled -- no, not at all. God is that Good!!!

Man often aspires, but God Almighty inspires. His "spires" are better *BigGrin*

God bless and keep you, Pert.
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby vahn » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:11 pm

Hello Pert

Good thread ... reminded me of what I used to go through and sometimes I still go through .

Someone told me a long time ago , "Be carefull what you pray for ... you might get it !" .

It used to be , that sometimes I'll be praying for things without even having a clue whether , upon receiving my "request" , if I am going to be able to handle the situation . I see that a lot with the guys I sponsor , and I tell them what I was told ... "be carefull ..." . until one day , one of the guys asked me what I meant by that . See , some pray for a wife , without having a clue what it is like to be a husband , they ask for kids , without knowing about fatherhood , jobs without the knowledge of being an employee , and the list goes on .

In another aspect , we often pray (or rather I often , in the past , prayed ) for patience ... woooo , watch out for that one ! ... whenever I prayed for patience , I was given situations where I had to force myself to stay put . He gave me ways for me to learn how to achieve that patience . I praying for strength , He put me in a weak position where I had to fight my way to flex my muscles ... I think I made my point .

God ALWAYS answers ... and sorry , I dont go for that yes-no-maybe-or not now stuff , to me , He always said "Sure ! but why is it you're asking me for something you yourself can achieve ... Here , I'll show you how "

Another trick I was shown , was "when you think you are not progressing .... look at where you were yesterday"

Born again , means just that ! , born again and again and again .... everyday .

When I start my days on my kness in the morning , in the evening I will realize that I had been standing on my own two feet all day . The opposite is also true as well .... when I start my day on my own two feet , I'll spend the rest of the day crawling on my knees .

Luv ya
In Christ , our Lord
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Pert » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:24 pm

I've heard that saying "be careful..." too! But as for the other saying, I look at where I was yesterday and most days I don't even see a difference, and therein lies the problem. I don't want to be the person I was yesterday. I want to be better! That's the whole point of it, right? To grow, improve, be a better me than I was the day before, by God's grace. When I don't see any improvement is when I get discouraged because I really, honestly and truly want to be better.
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
but if I speak wrong, then what is it worth?
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Pert » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:44 pm

When I say I fully expect to one day be stronger, braver, and wiser than I was before, I don't literally mean to send up a prayer and -POOF- everything is instantly better. I know that God doesn't work that way. God is not some kind of genie. God does not grant wishes. And God is not going to do something just because I told Him to. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I do know that lol

When I say I have full expectations of my prayers being answered, I mean that I am living with the faith that in time, I will have more strength, more courage, and more wisdom than I did before.

When I pray, I hardly ever even pray for specific things anymore. I don't care about specific things anymore, I don't care about me. I just want to do whatever it is God wants me to do, I beg Him to allow me to know His will and to open my understanding so that I can receive his message. I don't know God's will for my life. I do know that He wants us to have a relationship with Him and He wants us to want to. And I do! There are so many passages in the Bible where strength, courage and wisdom are promised to us if we ask, so I have no choice than to believe that God will one day give me the strength, courage, and wisdom I so desperately need. Some days I feel like "OK God, how much lower do I have to go before I can be lifted? I'm already at the bottom LOL!" But seriously. I must be doing something wrong because because no matter how fervently I pray, I have days where I just get so tired, and you can forget about being brave or wise.
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
but if I speak wrong, then what is it worth?
See, what we now know is NOTHING compared
to the love that was shown when our lives were spared!
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby vahn » Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:48 pm

I borrowed this from Realtmg's today's 24 hr book thread in Recovery Caffe .

Meditation for the Day

When you call on God in prayer to help you overcome weakness, sorrow, pain, discord, and conflict, God never fails in some way to answer the appeal. When you are in need of strength for yourself or for the help of some other person, call on God in prayer. The power you need will come simply, naturally, and forcefully. Pray to God not only when you need help, but also just to commune with Him. The spirit of prayer can alter an atmosphere from one of discord to one of reconciliation. It will raise the quality of thought and word and bring order out of chaos.

Hope it helps abit .

Luv ya
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Pert » Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:04 am

Yes, that does help. "Simply, naturally, and forcefully" I like that!
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
but if I speak wrong, then what is it worth?
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:45 pm

Hi everyone, im not really sure if this is the right thread to ask this question, but here goes: I wanted to know how I can tell when God is talking to me. I talk to myself a lot, so it is hard to tell if He might be talking to me. :)
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:42 pm

Hello Repentionofignorance :)

God bless you this day.

You have asked a very good question. :) I will try to answer.

When God speaks to me, I do not hear it with my physical ears, but it's similar to when I'm talking to myself inside my mind -- not talking with my mouth. But, when God speaks, it seems different, yet I don't know that I can really describe the difference...it just feels different. Plus, God is not as wordy as me. lol I can talk a lot. *Doh*

Sometimes when I'm reading The Bible, it's almost like the words to a particular verse pops off the page, like the verse was spoken/written there just for me at that particular time. :) Sometimes, when listening to a song, it's almost like He's whispering deep inside my heart..."did you hear that?"

You know when a doggy is busy doing something and all of a sudden his ears perk up and he looks like he's listening with his ears and even with his eyes, but nobody else heard what it was that made the dog become so alert? Well, sometimes that's what if feels like to me, too, when God says something to me. Even though my physical ears don't perk up like my dog's ears do, but I imagine my spiritual ears are standing at full attention, sort of like my doggie's ear do. lol

I hope what I shared helps you a little. Just remember, too, Jesus is The Word -- The Word of God / The Bible is Jesus, so each time you read The Word, remember it's Jesus speaking to you. The Holy Bible is often called The Living Bible. Jesus is Alive!!! and so is The Word of God. Each Born Again Christian has The Holy Spirit indwelling them, and He will help you read The Bible and help you to understand what it is that He, God, wants you to know, and that He loves you so very much.

Repentionofignorance, you may want to start reading a wonderful Study, the 14 Day Counseling Study / CCCC. There is a teen version, and here is the link: http://www.christianityoasis.com/TeenCh ... /Forum.htm

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. :)

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: I ask you to bear with me...

Postby Maverick_Reborn » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:20 pm

Thank you so much Mack :) this really helped me a lot. I hope I get to talk to you again in the future.
God bless you. And God bless pert :) im sorry pert, I didnt mean to hijack your thread.
Bye :)
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