Hello looking for someone to help me along my journey

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Hello looking for someone to help me along my journey

Postby MicheleMyBell » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:02 pm

Hello all :) I am not really a christian yet, but I am looking to become one. I have made one mistake after another lately, and I think the Lord is speaking to me telling me I need to shape up and follow Him. So, I am looking for some guidance and maybe some help and friendship. I want to serve the Lord, but I am not sure where to begin. I don't have anyone in my life to make this spiritual journey with, so I am hoping to make friends that will show me the way. Thank you. :)
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Re: Hello looking for someone to help me along my journey

Postby dema » Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:07 am

Welcome to Oasis.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.

You need to say it out loud - type it :) say it to the empty room. "Jesus is LORD"

What is Lord? Lord is boss and beyond boss. A lord had the right of life or death over his subjects. Accepting as Lord is giving Jesus dominance over yourself. It is a big thing.

And you need to believe - believe that Jesus is the son of God and God raised him from the dead. There is divinity in Jesus.

From there - Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. The things? The desires of your heart.

According to God's will.

In this life we have a simple choice - do it ourself and have no divine intervention, or give it to God and God guides us his way.

When we give it to God as a Christian - the sacrifice of Jesus pays all our sin debts. Over and over. We are washed white as snow - over and over.

But being a Christian means letting God lead. That's a life lesson right there - one that takes a long time to kinda half learn. lol.

But seeking - that is the issue. Seeking and letting God.

cccc in counseling on this site is a great study. There are other great studies as well.

What do you know about Christianity and the Bible?

Ephesians is a good book to read. And Romans 8. And the book of John.

And the Psalms.

God bless you.

I recommend that you read the last half of Romans 8 first. Start with Romans 8:26 and read to the end.

Welcome. *hug5*
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Re: Hello looking for someone to help me along my journey

Postby Dora » Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:05 am

Hello! *Wave* Welcome to Oasis. I hope to see you around. Here if you need a friend. Praying for you. :)
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