C-O-O-L Prayer Related Studies and Stuff

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C-O-O-L Prayer Related Studies and Stuff

Postby Christianity Oasis » Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:25 pm

If you would like to learn more about the Power of Prayer and how it enhances your Christian walk ...

Check out these C-O-O-L studies and stuff:

If you would like to check out more about Praise and answered prayers ...

Check out these C-O-O-L studies and stuff:

Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ ... This study looks into how to establish a REAL-ationship with Jesus and how doing so can enhance your Christian walk.

Effective Christian Prayer ... This is an awesome study of the Bible reveals to us how to make our Christian prayer more effective as to enhance your Christian walk.

The Lords Prayer ... This study looks into the Lord's Prayer and how it can improve your Prayer life.

Gods Will Be Done ... This study looks into how we are to seek God's will and not our own even in Prayer.

Mediator ... This study looks into how Jesus is the Mediator of the New Covenant between man and God and this includes Prayer.

Rejoice ... This study looks into how our Lord wants us to be happy. We are to rejoice.

Forgiveness ... This study looks into forgiveness from God, for others and towards ourselves.

Luv of all ya
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Christianity Oasis
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