Christian Owned Businesses
Christian Businesses Directory
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Christian businesses list of Christian businesses online services as well as many free Christian activities, studies and programs.

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Christian Owned Businesses Guide
Christian Businesses Directory List
Welcome to the Christianity Oasis Mall with SON-sational Christian shops and resources. This is our Christian Businesses Directory providing you with a multitude of Christian Owned Businesses with shops, products, services and some very YOU-nique Christian gift ideas from these Christian businesses within our Christian Mall.
Many of these trustworthy Christian businesses within our Christian businesses directory are Christian operated and owned Christian businesses and these fellow Christians have chosen careers within the Christian businesses industry as to stay close to God while supporting their families, so please consider patronizing their be-YOU-tiful Christian businesses.
Imagine ... Christians doing business with fellow Christians!
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Christian Owned Businesses Online
Christian Businesses Directory Resources
Acts and Facts Magazine ... Institute for Creation Research ICR's goal is to comprehend and communicate as accurately as possible the ways in which our great Creator built and sustains the world. He is the source of life, purpose, and all things that exist. Free subscription to Acts and Facts Magazine.
Amazing Bible ... A mega-site of Bible, Christian & religious information, studies, and commentaries.
Beyond Today ... This bi-monthly publication will help you live a more joyful and productive life--all the while preparing you for eternal life in God's family--in His Kingdom. You'll receive helpful articles on family life, doctrine, prophecy and analysis of today's often-perplexing world news.
Bible University ... This is one of the Christian businesses Ministries we spoke of. It does not sell anything on this site, but rather seek to present good, sound Bible teaching. The site contains about 5000 pages of Bible answers, commentaries, Doctrine, news, prophecy, statistics, studies, sermons, spiritual warfare, and tracts. Hopefully, you will find everything you wanted to know about the Bible for you to be prepared for a career in this vocation.
Body Balance by Life Force International ... This website offers excellent organic and natural liquid whole food supplementation and homeopathy helps. 100% money-back guarantee. Christian family owned and operated.
CCM Magazine ... Or Christian Contemporary Music Magazine is one of those rare finds that you feel blessed to find. CCM Magazine has news, info on new artists, new music and releases, artist video interviews and song performances for fans of Christian music, a weekly newsletter and more. You can listen to music on the site, read articles and interviews, watch concerts ... They've got it all. It's a veritable Jesus music JACKPOT! One of the most delightful things about CCM is that it is free!
Cherished ... Let me take just a moment to share a little bit about why I started Cherished Magazine. The simple answer is because I wanted to encourage others to Live Life Cherished Everyday. In other words, to love God, love themselves and love others. Why? Because I always didn't live my life that way and found myself often discouraged and unhappy. Seeing how I am Cherished has been a life changer for me and I want that for others too. Sheryl Siler, founder and Editor in Chief of Cherished Magazine.
Chick-Fil-A ... "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."
Christian Book ... This is one of the more well known Christian gift stores with Christian gifts online. Everything Christian for less.
Christian Gifts Place ... This is yet another excellent Christian home decor shop for Christian homes.
Christian History Magazine ... Our quarterly publication, provides careful research, thought-provoking editorial, and engaging images to Christian history enthusiasts around the world. Each issue features accessible history that focuses on one general topic, written by hand-picked, trustworthy historians. Subscriptions to CHM are on a donation basis; sign up for free. ... This Christian site is one of our most popular and adored Christian businesses shops. The Christian Ministries Website with Christian and Pro Life Apparel, T-Shirts, Bookmarks, Fridge Magnets, Gifts and other inspirational essentials. Christian Businesses Directory Favorite.
Christian Smart Gifts ... This is one of the cutest Christian gift stores with awesome Christian gifts online.
Corinthian's Corner ... Christian Owned Business - At Corinthian's Corner we carry over 150 faith-inspired products for women who want to share the gospel in style. We've earned over 8,000 5-star reviews since we opened our doors in 2017. And we donate 10% of our proceeds to Compassion International to give back in His name!
Dayspring ... This is another one of the guest's favorite Christian Owned Businesses with awesome products for Christian homes. FUN-tastic Christian gifts online available.
Etsy ... This is one of the guest's favorite Christian Owned Businesses. Christian gift stores with adorable products for Christian gifts online.
GAP Ministries ... Sharing the love of Christ though prayer, evangelism and social action.
Messiah Magazine ... First Fruits of Zion reveals the Jewishness of Jesus and the timeless truths of His teaching about the coming Kingdom of Heaven - a promise of what is to come. Every 48-page, full-color issue is packed with inspiring stories about Yeshua of Nazareth, His teaching, His miracles, His followers, and the life-changing message of the Kingdom, with insightful views of the land of Israel, its history and its people.
Our Daily Bread ... Christian site with a daily devotional blog, with short stories, inspirational quotes, and other Christian literature, designed to be an encouragement for you.
Persecution Magazine ... In each monthly issue, you will have the opportunity to learn the truth about Christian persecution, meet our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters, be moved and encouraged by testimonies of those persecuted for their faith and learn how to pray for persecuted Christians and discover ways to help them. Join believers around the world in lifting up our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters in hostile areas and restricted nations. One of the righteous Christian owned businesses.
RCETC ... Reference Christian Eternal Theological Concepts Site is dedicated to teaching spiritual truth from a biblical perspective, through Bible doctrine and Christian Theological concepts. One of our deeper Christian businesses directory site.
Revelation Illustrated ... Some of the most awesome Art you will ever see. This individual has a talent which will capture the mind, heart and imagination of all those who partake of her work.
Rooted an Grounded ... One of our a SON-derful Christian Owned Businesses within our Christian gift stores forum for beautiful Christian gifts online.
Sacred Engraving ... Christian business with Memorial Gifts, Outdoor Memorial Plaques, Dedication Plaques, Donor Recognition Plaques, Tree Dedication Plaques, Garden Plaques, Grave Markers, Pet Memorials.
The Bible Unpacked ... The Bible's teaching in an engaging form, catering for different levels of understanding. Free Bible resources for: outreach; discipleship; Bible study; Bible teaching and devotion.
The Inspiration Corner ... One of the cutest Christian Owned Businesses - The Best in Inspirational Christian Art, Heart-Warming Children's Posters, One-Of-A-Kind Animal Posters, Motivational Posters that will make your spirit soar and inspire you to achieve great things! Inspirational Posters for those you love. Please NOTE: This is a link to Amazon, who sells The Inspiration Corner art. Another of the rare Christian owned businesses online.
The New Life In Christ ... Daily devotional and Christian life. A definite Christian businesses directory popular site.
The Trumpet Magazine ... As a regular subscriber, you too can come to understand why this world is the way it is and learn the solutions to today's problems! The Trumpet is peerless among news magazines not only for its unique analyses - but also because we offer it absolutely free, with no obligation, in the public interest. All you need to do is request it for yourself. Christian Businesses Directory Gift.
Tomorrow's World Magazine ... Christian Owned Businesses special - Tomorrow's World makes plain the Bible's answers to the most important questions: Does God exist and how can we worship Him? Why were you born? What happens after death? What does the future hold? Tomorrow's World provides real insight into the underlying causes behind today's news headlines, but explains what will happen in the future, based on Bible prophecy. This is a great Christian businesses directory site.
Tracking device ... Technology news and Reviews including Computers & Console Gaming, Laptops, Cell Phones, Cameras, Monitors & Printer, Scanners, Servers & More.
Viesearch ... Christian Ministry website with a free general web directory. Yet another of the Christian businesses directory favorites.
We're His Children ... Excellent Christian owned businesses blessings. Sometimes it's hard for us to please everyone, our parents, our teachers, our friends, our church, our God. It can be very stressful during this time in our lives. But God has his eye on us at all times, watching out for us, keeping us safe.
Zazzle ... They have some very cool Christian office decor shops. Check them out.
After you complete your looking around our Christian owned businesses arena with the Christian businesses directory taking an in-depth look into the online Christian businesses list ... You can also check out some of the other Christian activities, entertainment, games, music, books, studies, programs and resources within our Christian community below: