Christian Origins
The Origins of Christianity Oasis
Christianity Oasis provides this extremely intriguing and inspirational Christian origins story of the origins of Christianity Oasis as well as the SON-sational Christian origin of the founder. Learn of this Ministry's Christian origins and created to glorify God.

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Christian Origins
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis About Us page. This is a little synopsis taking an in depth look into the history of the stunning, frightening and yet heart warming saga of the origins of Christianity Oasis and how this most unique Ministry began decades ago. The true events shared within this Christian origins book entitled The Spirit Within and the Beast Without written about the Christianity Oasis founder's Christian origin adventure will absolutely amaze you. Buckle up!
About Us
Greetings ... The Christianity Oasis Ministry is a very Spiritually inspiring and massive Christian Ministry. Our Christian origins took root in the year of our Lord, 1993 and we have been on the Internet since 2003 with various web pages, at first, and slowly evolving into one of the largest Christian Ministries on the Internet. The origins of Christianity Oasis Ministry began about a decade earlier with the opening of a small Christian Church. Following that, a unique business was opened called New Genesis Miracle Workers. This was a service which would try and help anyone with any problem. After that, an End Times Ministry by the name of Prepare 4 End Times was created.
To be able to teach of the End Times, 10) four foot by eight foot wooden tables were created, set up and displayed in public places which demonstrated an End Times prophetic timeline based on the Bible. They taught people the significance of the signs of the times in today’s day and age and their connection to End Times prophecy. With the inception of the Internet and its growing popularity, Prepare 4 End Times launched as a website to reach and teach more than they could ever reach by displaying the Timeline Tables on street corners. The Internet was the new way of sharing the End Times.
Finally, the Christian origins of Christianity Oasis Online Ministry began to form. It was the perfect solution to answering the calling from the Lord, as the Internet was clearly going to become the venue of the future. We welcome you to join us and discover Christianity from a new perspective ... Honest, simple, clear, eye opening and refreshing. Our Christian programs, studies, activities and entertainment will give you new insight and enhance your YOU-nique relationship with the Lord as it blossoms and grows like never before.
Copyright © 2000-2025 All rights reserved.
Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Excellent Christian Resources
Bible Hub ... Featuring topical, Greek and Hebrew study tools, plus concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, sermons and devotionals for your Bible study and/or Christian origins.
Bible Knowledge ... A straightforward website with a non-denominational approach. There are Bible basics, Bible stories, prayer secrets, prophecies and more. Both newcomers to the religion as well as those who have been Christian for quite some time can benefit from the information found on the website. It's listed at spot number eight on Christian Top 1000. Excellent method by which to increase your Christian origin knowledge.
Christian Book ... This is one of the more well known Christian gift stores with Christian gifts online. Everything Christian for less.
Christian Headlines ... Your source for the latest Christian news and religion news headlines from the Chosen and Running the Bases among Top Movie guide Awards Nominees.
Crosswalk ... Offers radio stations and channels with Christian messages. If you need Bible study tools, you can find those there as well. You'll see a daily devotional as well as several articles. Channels include Spiritual Life, Pastors, News, Marriage, Parenting, Devotionals, Finances, Home school, Careers, Singles, Movies, Music, and Books to bring light to your Christian origins. ... Is similar to CrossWalk in that it has Bible study help, sermons, devotionals, Christian radio, games, articles, and more. If you're new to Christianity or you've been a Christian for years but want to know more about the faith, you may enjoy the Essentials, Becoming a Christian, Devotionals, and Theological FAQ sections of the site. This is one of the most educational sites for new Christians, but it also offers articles, videos, music and more for those who have been familiar with the faith all their lives.
Holy Spirit ... This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Discover what the Holy Spirit had to do with the Bloodline of Jesus Christ.
Lifeway ... This is a is another great site within our Christian forum for really great Christian resources to assist you with your Christian origin evolving.
Revelation Illustrated... Christian Ministries Website with some of the most awesome Art you will ever see. This individual has a talent which will capture the mind, heart and imagination of all those who partake of her work.
After you finish reading about us and the Christianity Oasis Christian Origins biography providing you with the shocking events that occurred during the origins of Christianity Oasis as well as the Son-sational founder's Christian origin story, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: