Old Testament Bible Studies
Old Testament Bible Stories
Christianity Oasis provides you with this Old Testament Bible Studies journey sharing many Old Testament Bible study teachings on some of the most intriguing Old Testament Bible stories that will enLIGHTen your Christian path.
Christianity Oasis
Daily Bread Devotional
Old Testament Bible Study Field Trip
Old Testament Bible Stories Explained
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread Bible study program. This is our Old Testament Bible Studies Trek for Truth searching for Spiritual understanding. Our Old Testament Bible study voyage looks at many of the Old Testament Bible stories and how the absolutely awe inspiring and faith enhancing messages within these Old Testament Bible stories will bring a smile to the lips and heart as well a an echo of hope into your soul.
Old Testament Bible Stories Study Begins
Our Lord Jesus revealed to us the manner in which we should pray.
Within the words of the Lord's prayer it says:
Luke 11:3
Give us day by day our daily bread.
When Jesus was being tempted by satan while in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus responded to satan's temptation of turning a rock into bread so that Jesus could eat, by saying this to satan:
Matthew 4:4
But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
If we put these two Truths together, it gives us a very simple message ... We should partake of our Daily Bread Old Testament Bible stories, shared in God's Word (the Bible) as our Daily Bread. Therefore ... We at Christianity Oasis have created this spiritually discerning Old Testament Bible studies path of Promise sharing the Spiritual Wisdom found in the Old Testament Bible stories.
This SON-derful Old Testament Bible study program was created as for you to be able to partake of your Daily Bread and study God's Word in the Bible every day. This Daily Bread Old Testament Bible studies will fill your mind and heart with sights and sounds of our Father's Word and manner by way of the lessons taken from the Old Testament Bible stories.
Old Testament Bible Study Warning ... Do not allow the brevity of each of the absolutely amazing Daily Bread Old Testament Bible studies cause you to take the extremely enLIGHTening and exhilarating messages within the miraculous Daily Bread Old Testament Bible stories lightly as you will find Truth within and this Truth ... Will set you free.
To begin your journey into the Daily Bread Old Testament Bible Study program, just click on any the Bible book links below that you want to study or you may want to choose to start at the beginning and you will find SON-sational Daily Bread Old Testament Bible study teachings.
Be sure to bookmark this Old Testament Bible Stories page to return for your Daily Bread.
C-O-O-L Daily Bread
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Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Old Testament Bible Study Resources
Bible Study Tools ... Bible Stories - Famous People and Popular Events - Read the most well-known Bible stories with Scripture verses, summary, ... Both the Old and the New Testament speak of the truth of the Jesus being raised from death.
Christian Book Distributors ... Bible Studies & Curriculum / Old Testament Bible Study. The Biblical Bible Study Handbook: The Old Testament Study for the Individual and Small or Large Group Bible Study.
Christians Unite ... Old Testament Bible Stories - From Genesis to Malachi - from creation to the last of the Old Testament prophets - the history of the Jews are told.
Crosswalk.com ... 9 Bible Stories You'll Never Hear in Church - 1. Moses divorces his wife, and marries a black woman. · 2. Jesus compares a woman to a dog. · 3. Cursing Psalms (Psalm 109:6-15; Psalm 137:9)
Holy Spirit ... Old Testament Bible Study - Get to know the Holy Spirit and He will share the Spirit filled essence of the Old Testament Bible Stories. This is one of the most awesome gifts to enhance your Old Testament Bible Studies.
Life, Hope & Truth ... Bible Stories With Moral Lessons - Bible stories can be great for teaching children. And they also have real meaning for anyone who wants to understand God and how He wants us to act.
OpenBible.info ... Most-Popular Kids' Bible Stories - Old Testament Stories · Noah's flood (Genesis 6-8) · Moses' birth and being found by Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2:1-10)
Open the Bible ... 10 Obscure Bible Characters and Their Stories - Obscure Bible Characters and Their Stories · 1. Naaman · 2. Jabez · 3. Josiah · 4. Mordecai · 5. The Thief on the Cross · 6. Ehud · 7. Korah ·
After you finish the Old Testament Bible Studies Path providing you with some absolutely awesome Old Testament Bible study lessons on some of the more popular Old Testament Bible stories, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: