Solomon Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes Summary
Christianity Oasis provides this Solomon Ecclesiastes Summary and Ecclesiastes Quotes study on Ecclesiastes in the Bible. We'll be looking into the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The Book of Ecclesiastes
Solomon Ecclesiastes Summary
Ecclesiastes in the Bible and Ecclesiastes Quotes
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Solomon Ecclesiastes Summary and Ecclesiastes Quotes study taking a look into Ecclesiastes in the Bible verses and how the Solomon Ecclesiastes Summary and Ecclesiastes Quotes affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
Solomon Ecclesiastes Summary Lesson
Ecclesiastes in the Bible and Ecclesiastes Quotes Verses
The Book of Ecclesiastes contains the words of "the Preacher" commonly thought to be king Solomon, the wisest, wealthiest king in the history of Israel. In his latter years he reflects on his life "under the sun" and declares that it is nothing more than vanity and vexation of spirit. Nothing can satisfy the spiritual yearnings of man, beside God alone and all worldly things most certainly make a person miserable. But once a person realizes this, life takes on a new perspective and one can eat, drink and be merry, do good, live joyfully fear God and follow Him.
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We truly hope you enjoy our Solomon Ecclesiastes summary on Ecclesiastes in the Bible and Ecclesiastes quotes. Be sure to read the entire book to obtain its thought provoking messages.
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