Christian Book Publishers Program
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Christian Book Publishers program. This Purity Publishers program is searching for those with Christian writing talent who seek to share their gift with others.

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Christian Book Publishers Program
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Purity Publishers program. This is our Christian Book Publishers program with a wonderful opportunity for you to share your gift and talent of writing from God. By sharing your Christian talents, we hope you aspire to inspire others!
You can view sample E-books within the Christianity Oasis E-book shop:
Christian E-Book Publishers
We believe that an excellent way to commune with others, is to share our thoughts, testimonies, trials, tribulations and the Truth, from our past experiences ... In the form of Christian E-books. Therefore, we provide the Christian writers of today, the ability to have their Christian stories and even their Christian poetry, made available to the public at absolutely no cost to the writer or the reader by way of Christians E-books.
Yes, you read that correctly!
It will never cost the writers, so much as a penny out of their pocket, to have their book made available to the public.
So ... What's the catch you ask?
The only catch is ... The author must be seeking to share the book with fellow Christians at no cost to anyone.
This is a 100% free Christian E-book service, not only for our Christian E-book authors, but also for our Christian E-book members and guests that will choose to partake of your Christian E-book, therefore there are no royalties or financial gain of any sort other than being able to share your message with thousands of others, by way of your God given talent and Spiritual gifts and God receiving the glory.
If your manuscript is accepted, we will be creating a Christian E-book (Electronic book - Not printed material) for your manuscript and placing it on display within our Christian community at Christianity Oasis within our Christian E-book shop at Purity Publications.
Your Christian E-book also gets free exposure.
We receive visits from Christian book publishers which have chosen some of the Christian E-books that we have in our Christian Book shop, to be published into printed material.
We publish Christian E-books which will serve the purpose of educating or spiritually enhancing the minds of our readers. Your book can be on any subject, as long as it meets our criteria requirements (listed below). The topics can range from Religion to Politics, from Testimonials to Spiritual Warfare, from Self-Help to Biographies, from Cooking to End Times Prophecy, from Imaginative to Reference, from Photography to Music, from Children's books to Poetry. It can be fiction or non-fiction. Do not concern yourself with the length of your book or if you deem it grammatically correct, as we will assist you in the editing process of your book, if it is necessary.
The Christian E-books that are accepted, will be made available in Christian E-book form for the family, friends and those the author encounters as well as our members and guests. We have thousands of members and guests each month who partake of the Christian E-books within our Christian E-book shop.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term "Christian E-book," it is an electronic Christian book that is available online, to the public. A Christian E-book does not require the reader to wait weeks for it to be delivered. There are no shipping or handling charges. They are able to enjoy the Christian E-book immediately.
But, that is not the best thing about the Christian E-book. The ability for us to add graphics and images, even animated ones, makes the Christian E-book appear to come alive. Add to this, a good imagination and you have the makings for many enjoyable reading sessions.
It is excellent for children, not only because the Christian E-book that we publish must be wholesome, but because the children are able to visualize what they are reading, with some of the best animated graphics available. Our readers can also download and/or print the Christian E-book and share them with friends and family. It can be stored on their computer and read at their convenience, as many times as they like.
Click on the books above to gain access to each page.
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Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Excellent Christian Resources
Holy Spirit ... This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Get to know the Holy Spirit.
After you finish the Christian Book Publishers program, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: