Eglon King of Moab
Eglon in the Bible
Christianity Oasis has provided this Ehud and Eglon Bible study on Eglon King of Moab in the Bible events and the message and moral of the King Eglon in the Bible story.
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Ehud and Eglon King of Moab
King Eglon in the Bible Rescue
Now, let's take a look into the Eglon Bible story as we seek to comprehend the true meaning of the King Eglon in the Bible story. The truth within the short but powerful Ehud and Eglon King of Moab in the Bible message will truly enhance your Christian walk while understanding the truth brings forth enLIGHTement.
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Ehud and Eglon King of Moab in the Bible
The Book of Judges
Chapter 3
Ehud and Eglon Bible Story
Eglon King of Moab in the Bible
Israel has broken the Covenant that the Lord made with their ancestor time and time again and God had decided not to drive out any more of the enemies of Israel as He had always done because of their continual disobedience, but by leaving them there to be oppressed by their enemies, may be just the right medicine to cure them of their sinful ways. This act would test the children of Israel; whether they would follow the way of the Lord, or not. The Israelites were very stubborn and were going to have to learn the hard way.
Judges 2:22
That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not.
What do you suppose happened next? Well, the people of Israel took heathen daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to be wives to the heathen. They forgot about God and instead served other gods and idols.
Ehud and Eglon Bible Warning
Who was Eglon King of Moab in the Bible
So, God did exactly as He promised and Chushanrishathaim, the king of Mesopotamia was the thorn in Israel's side, and he ruled over them, oppressing them for eight years. Then Israel cried out to God for help and the Lord raised up a deliverer, which was Caleb's nephew, named Othniel.
He led Israel in war, defeating Chushanrishathaim, and then judged Israel, which was then in peace for 40 years. And this was the first cycle of sin to deliverance during the time of the judges in Israel.
Forty years ... And another generation developing their own ideas. You guessed it, again the children of Israel did evil in the sight of God. So God gave Eglon, the king of Moab (In present day Jordan) the power to defeat Israel and the Hebrews served under his rule for eighteen years in oppression. And again, the Lord raised up another deliverer of Israel whose name was Ehud.
Ehud and Eglon Bible Event
Death of Eglon King of Moab in the Bible
Now, Ehud was left handed and quite cleverly, on one occasion when he was bringing a gift (probably a tribute) from the children of Israel to king Eglon, who by the way, was an extremely portly man, Ehud concealed a two edged dagger on his right thigh. When he had finished presenting the king with the gift, Ehud told him that he had a secret to tell him.
The king then sent his servants away and went into his summer parlor alone with Ehud, and sat down. Ehud then told him that the secret was a message from God! Well, this brought Eglon to his feet, and Ehud grasped the dagger and plunged it into Eglon's belly ... Probably not the message Eglon was anticipating, huh?
Eglon was so fat that the handle of the dagger disappeared in his belly and Ehud couldn't retract it! So, leaving the dagger and the dead king, Ehud left, locking the doors behind him.
Ehud and Eglon Bible Woe
Eglon King of Moab in the Bible Lesson
Eglon's servants, supposing that the king was asleep, didn't disturb him, and waited until they became concerned that perhaps something was amiss before they tried to enter the parlor. Finding the doors locked, they took a key and opened the doors, discovering the king, fallen dead on the ground.
Meanwhile, Ehud easily escaped, and he then led the children of Israel in defeating Moab. And the land rested for 80 years.
After the death of Ehud, Israel was delivered by a man named Shamgar, but very little is written concerning this judge, other than that he killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad.
Ehud and Eglon Bible Summary
The Death of Eglon King of Moab Cured Israel
King Eglon in the Bible story recap ... Ehud, was the son of a man named Gera who was from the Benjaminite tribe of Israel. After the Ehud and Eglon Bible story, he became somewhat of a hero after the people cried unto the Lord and Ehud was used by God to deliver Israel (after 18 years) from the Moabites bondage and control.
Another Ehud Bible tidbit of truth ... Ehud, was a left-handed man. Ehud wisely tricked Eglon king of Moab by pretending to be bringing a payment (tribute) from the Israelites and instead he killed Eglon by stabbing him with a long knife, thereby delivering the Israelites out of the hand of Eglon king of Moab.
This Eglon Bible event ended the second cycle of sin and created this latest deliverance by the Lord, during the time of the judges in Israel. The moral of the Ehud and Eglon Bible story is that God came to the rescue when His children cried out to Him even after repeatedly sinned against Him and God works in mysterious ways to save His children.
Just as He did by allowing His Son Jesus to be sacrificed for our sins in order to be in harmony with an old Covenant custom of an animal blood sacrifice to wipe away sins. But, there was not enough animal blood in the whole world to cleanse the multitude of sins. Mankind was doomed to eternal damnation for their wicked ways.
But then, God chose to have Jesus be the blood offering which had the power to cleanse away mankind's sins. Then God created a New Covenant between He and His people which is now the Covenant that Christians are under. That is genuine mercy and Grace. That is unconditional Love.
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Ehud and Eglon King of Moab Sites
King Eglon in the Bible Resources ... Judges 3:14-29 King Eglon of Moab - King Eglon of Moab ruled over the Israelites for 18 years. The Israelites cried to the LORD for help, so he sent a man named Ehud son of Gera to save them.
Bible Hub ... A king of Moab in the period of the Judges who, in alliance with Ammon and Amalek, overcame Israel and made Jericho his capital. - Judges 3:17 and brought the tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now Eglon happened to be a very obese man.
Bible Study Tools ... Ehud: The Most Interesting Judge You've Never Heard Of - The Israelites sent him with tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now Ehud had made a double-edged sword about a cubit long. ... Eglon king of Moab who oppressed the children of Israel for 18 years before he was killed. ... Who was Ehud? Ehud served as the second judge of Israel following Othniel. After Othniel's death, the people of Israel sinned and fell to the king of Moab serving him for 18 years (Judges 3:13–14). When the Israelites cried out for help, God sent Ehud to serve as judge.
Holy Spirit ... This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. The Holy Spirit will give you the Spiritual essence of the Ehud and Eglon King of Moab in the Bible story.
Jesus Plus Nothing ... Judges 3 Bible Study Ehud, the Fat Man & Power of Praise! Judges 3:12-14,17 Once again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD , and because they did this evil the LORD gave Eglon king of Moab power over Israel
Wikipedia ... Eglon was a king of Moab who oppressed Israel. Depiction of the assassination of King Eglon by Israelite Judge Ehud,
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