Chief Baker
Baker Bible Commentary
Christianity Oasis provides this study on the Baker in the Bible. Chief Baker Bible Commentary on how the Baker Bible story affects Christians today.
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This specific Bible characters journey looks into the Baker in the Bible Story. The truth within this SON-derful Chief Baker Bible Commentary will truly enhance your YOU-nique Christian walk and make you aware of potential pitfalls along the way.
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The Baker in the Bible
Overview ... The Pharaoh's Chief Baker upset the Pharaoh who in his anger, imprisoned the Chief Baker. Joseph (Jacob's son) was put in charge of watching over the prisoners. That night, the Chief Baker had a dream that he relayed to Joseph because he had heard the pharaoh's cupbearer (The original Hebrew word is pronounced mash-keh, meaning causing to drink. It is usually translated as either cupbearer or butler in some translations of The Bible.) tell Joseph about a dream that the cupbearer had that same night, and Joseph told the cupbearer good things about his dream.
However ... The Chief Baker dreamed that he had three white baskets which he held atop of his head. In this basket were prepared baked goods, and birds came and ate them out of the basket. Joseph interpreted the Chief Baker's dream. Joseph informed the baker that the three baskets represented three days, and that after three days, the Pharaoh would hang the baker on a tree and the birds would eat the flesh off of him.
The First Book of Moses Called Genesis
Chapter 40
Chief Baker Bible Commentary
The Baker in the Bible Prophecy
Joseph, Israel's son, who has found himself being done wrong by others and yet found Grace in God's sight and God took care of him. Let's see if God continues to do so. The last time, his master Potiphar's wife accused him of seducing her, when in fact is was quite the opposite. Consequently, Joseph has been thrown in prison where the king's (Pharaoh's) prisoners were held.
Joseph has the Lord on his side though, and everywhere he goes, things prosper because he is blessed. The prison keeper had no worries after putting Joseph in charge of all the prisoners there.
One day the Pharaoh was somehow offended by both his cupbearer and his baker. He was sorely angry at them and ordered that they both be put in jail where Joseph was being held in jail.
There was a night when both the cupbearer and the baker each had strange dreams. When Joseph saw them the next morning they both looked sad so he asked them what was wrong. They told him that they both had dreams, but there was nobody to interpret them. Joseph said, Don't interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.
The cupbearer began, In my dream there was a vine with three branches. And it budded and blossomed and grew clusters of ripe grapes. And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, so I took the grapes and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup and put the cup in his hand.
The Baker Bible Commentary - Gifted
Chief Baker in the Bible Interpretation
God gave Joseph the gift of interpreting dreams and he explained to the cupbearer, The three branches are three days, and within three days Pharaoh will pardon you and give you your job back. Then you'll serve him just as you did before.
Then Joseph added, Please remember me with kindness when you are freed and mention me to Pharaoh so I can get out of here too. I was stolen out of the land of the Hebrews and I haven't done anything here either to deserve being put into prison.
When the baker heard that the interpretation of the cupbearer's dream turned out so well, he told Joseph his dream, saying, In my dream I had three white baskets on my head and in the top basket there was all kinds of pastries for Pharaoh, and the birds ate them out of the basket.
The news wasn't so wonderful for the baker. Joseph said, The three baskets are three days, and within three days Pharaoh will cut off your head and hang you on a tree and the birds will eat your flesh off of you. The baker must have had the wrong kind of daily bread ... 😁
Three days later, it was Pharaoh's birthday and he made a feast for all his servants. He gave the cupbearer his job back, but he hung the baker, just as Joseph had interpreted ... However, the cupbearer forgot all about mentioning Joseph to the Pharaoh.
In the next story, the Pharaoh himself had a dream that needs
interpretation. Who do you think will fit the bill for that job?
The First Book of Moses Called Genesis
Chapter 41
The Baker Bible Commentary - Woe
Chief Baker in the Bible Dream
So, we have Joseph in the Pharaoh's prison, in charge of all the prisoners. Joseph interpreted some dreams for the Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker who were in the jail with him. It was a happy ending for the cupbearer but for the baker, things didn't turn out so well. Joseph asked the cupbearer to put in a good word for him with Pharaoh when he got his old job back, but alas ... The cupbearer forgot all about it until ...
It's been two whole years since the cupbearer was given back his position, and Joseph is still in the prison. It came to pass that Pharaoh had two dreams, and he was troubled about what these dreams meant. He called for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt and told them his dreams, but none of them could interpret them for Pharaoh.
Finally, the cupbearer remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh how Joseph interpreted his and the baker's dreams and how things turned out exactly as he explained, so Pharaoh had Joseph brought out of the prison to him. He told Joseph that nobody could interpret his dreams but he had heard that Joseph could. Joseph said, It isn't me who can interpret them, but God will give you an answer to ease your mind.
Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams. In my dream, I was standing on the bank of the river and seven fat cows came up out of the river and fed in the meadow. Then seven scrawny cows, such skinny cows I have never seen in Egypt, came up out of the river and ate up the first seven fat cows.
But when they had eaten them, they were still as scrawny as before, so I woke up. When I fell back to sleep, I saw in my dream seven fat ears of corn sprang up on one stalk. Then seven withered, and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them. The seven withered ears devoured the seven fat ears.
The Baker Bible Commentary - Prophecy
Chief Baker in the Bible - Famine
Joseph said, Both dreams have the same meaning. God has showed you what He's about to do. The seven fat cows are seven years and the seven fat ears are seven years. They are one and the same. The seven scrawny cows and the seven withered ears will be seven years of famine. That's what I meant when I said God has showed you what He's about to do.
There will be seven years of great plenty throughout Egypt and after that there will be seven years of famine. All the plenty will be forgotten in Egypt and the famine will be so serious that it will consume the land. Because of how terrible it will be, is the reason why you had two dreams about it. God has prepared it to happen and it will come to pass.
Pharaoh should look for a person who is cautious and wise and put him in charge over the land of Egypt. Then hire people to store up one fifth of what the land produces during the seven good years. That food will be for the seven years of famine, so that the land of Egypt can survive.
Pharaoh and all his servants believed Joseph's interpretation. Pharaoh said to Joseph, Since God has shown you all this, there isn't anyone as cautious and wise as you are. You will be in charge and by your ideas my people will be ruled. Only in the throne will I be greater than you.
Joseph and the Baker Bible Commentary
Pharaoh and the Chief Baker in the Bible
Pharaoh took off his ring and put in on Joseph's hand, dressed him in royal clothes and put a gold chain around his neck. Joseph rode in the chariot behind Pharaoh's and people bowed as he passed. Pharaoh made Joseph ruler and said nobody will do anything without Joseph's permission in all the land of Egypt.
Pharaoh gave Joseph a wife named Asenath and he traveled all over Egypt. Joseph was thirty years old now. The seven years of plenty produced abundantly and Joseph gathered up so much food to store that he stopped keeping track of it because there was so much.
Joseph had two sons before the famine came. He named the firstborn Manasseh, which means Forgetting, because he said God made him forget all his labor and his father's family. He named the second Ephraim, which means, Fruitful, because he said God has made him fruitful in the land of his affliction.
The seven years of plenty ended, and when the seven years of famine began, but there was food in the land of Egypt. When people asked Pharaoh for food, he sent them to Joseph and told them to do what he said. The famine covered the whole earth and people from all other countries came to Egypt to Joseph to buy corn because it was so severe.
The Baker Bible Commentary Message
Chief Baker in the Bible Summary
So almost fifteen years has passed since Joseph was sold into the land of Egypt, and has become a very prominent man in the land. People from countries all over are coming to buy food from him. Now speaking of dreams, remember Joseph's dreams about his brothers bowing before him?
Who do you think will show up in Egypt looking for food and end up bowing before him? Oh, my! God sure does have a way of balancing things, doesn't He? We should remember that truth when dealing with others who we come upon as we sojourn along our Christian walk path.
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Chief Baker Bible Commentary Sites
The Baker in the Bible Story Resources
Bible Hub ... Genesis 40:16 When the Chief Baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said to Joseph, “I also was in my dream, and behold, three baskets of white bread were on my head.
Holy Spirit Ask the Holy Spirit of truth to share the Spiritual essence of the Baker in the Bible dream interpretation. If you choose to look within, prepare for your life to be changed for the good.
Bible Study Tools ... Genesis 40:22 - but he impaled the Chief Baker, just as Joseph had said to them in his interpretation. ... Genesis 40 - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. Verse 22. But he hanged the Chief Baker,.... The is, he ordered him to be hanged; because, as the same Targum says, he consulted to kill him (Pharaoh).
Knowing Jesus ... Baker in the Bible (11 instances) And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the Chief Baker among his servants ... The Butler and the Baker - Each man had a dream, but had no one to interpret. Joseph points out that all interpretations belong to God (Daniel 2:47).
Open the Bible ... Suffering and Serving - It is not surprising that the baker, who spent his entire career managing the king's kitchen, should dream about carrying bread and cakes.
Scripture Studies ... The Cupbearer and Baker - When the Chief Baker saw that Joseph had given a favorable interpretation, he said to Joseph, "I too had a dream: On my head were three baskets of bread.
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