Simon Peter Bible Story for Kids

Christianity Oasis has provided you with this children's Simon Peter Bible story for kids. This SON-derful study reveals truth as to bring forth understanding and peace within.

Christianity Oasis
COOL Christian Characters

Simon Peter Bible Story for Kids

Welcome to our Christianity COOL Christian Characters study program for children. This is our Simon Peter Bible story for kids. The truth within this SON-derful Simon Peter Bible story for kids will truly enhance your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.

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Cartoon Drawing of Simon Peter

Simon Peter Bible Story for Kids

Peter was the first of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was a fisherman before he became an apostle. Peter walked on water with Jesus, but when he began to fear, his faith was not strong and he began to sink. Jesus said that Peter should be called Cephas, which means, A stone. Jesus said that Peter was the rock that He would build His church upon. Peter denied that he knew Jesus 3 times on the night that Jesus was turned over to the Jews to be crucified. Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep (teach people about Him). In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Peter healed people who were sick. Some people were even healed if only Peter's shadow covered them. Jesus said he would give Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Peter loved Jesus with all of his heart.

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