The Grace of God

What is the Grace of God

Christianity Oasis has provided you with the Grace of God trek for truth. What is the Grace of God? We'll be looking into that and all aspects of the End Times. This quest for Truth will bring forth Grace into your be-YOU-tiful Life.

Prepare for End Times
Bible Study Program
Page 16

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Prepare for End Times Bible study program. To compliment our End Times studies, we would like to also introduce you to our interesting selection of Christian Walk studies.

This is our awe inspiring and thought provoking ... The Grace of God quest for facts concerning the answer to the question ... What is the Grace of God and how does this mysterious Grace of God affect Christians today? The perfectly pure and heartwarming message found within the Grace of God passages will truly enhance your Christian walk.

Click the link below to begin this massive End Times Bible Study Program from the beginning:

The Grace of God study

What is the Grace of God Purpose

Greetings dear soul and prepare to find a joy you have never experienced before. You will completely understand the meaning of true unconditional forgiveness within. Like many other lost and hurting folks who have made poor choices at times in their lives, perhaps you may feel that you are in no way worthy of being forgiven of your sins both past and present. It may be because you have been told that you cannot be forgiven by someone. That is just not true.

The Bible is crystal clear that absolutely everyone has the opportunity to willingly accept the Grace of God. For those who can and want to hear, I will reveal to you the Truth of the Grace of God today, and the Truth is that God sacrificed His only Son to get His beloved people into Heaven. The Grace of God ... Now, I know that you have probably heard those very popular Words before, but I ask you ... Have you ever felt and experienced the true essence of the deLIGHTful Grace of God? Ponder for a minute on the fact that God sacrificed His only Son to get you into Heaven.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The next verse on the Grace of God should be understood too:

John 3:17

For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

But, why did God choose to sacrifice His Son?

The Grace of God path of peace that I will be sharing with you, answers the questions on the mind and heart of many souls, such as ... What is the Grace of God? Why is the Grace of God needed and how does one obtain and maintain the Grace of God? It is very simple as to why we need the Grace of God. It is because without the Grace of God, mankind was destined to eternal misery, due to past sin. Mankind had done so much bad, that all of the sacrificing in the world could not and would not cleanse away the horrible stain of sin on the fabric of our souls. Satan thought He had God in checkmate and was going to own our souls and torment us forever.

The Grace of God Prophecy
What is the Grace of God Promise

However ... An interesting thing happened on the way to Satan's plot coming to fruition. Learn more about The Grace of God as to be set free from the Spiritual prophecy of doom for those who choose not to accept the Grace of God and the eternal gift for those who do.

To check out some End Times Studies click on the link below:

To Learn All About the End Times See This Study:

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.

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