Revelation Quiz

Revelation Trivia

Christianity Oasis has provided this Revelation Quiz Test with Revelation trivia questions and answers and other FUN-sational games as well as absolutely awesome Christian activities and SON-derful Christian entertainment.

Book of Revelation Questions and Answers

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis End Times program. This is our informative and important Revelation Bible Quiz. This enLIGHTening Revelation Quiz Test provides you with Revelation trivia from Scripture. The awesome Book of Revelation Questions And Answers and many other Christian games and wholesome games are 100% free. We also have exciting Christian Walk studies, Christian activities and entertainment to enhance your Christian walk.

Revelation Quiz on the Book of Revelation Trivia
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Revelation Quiz With Revelation Trivia
Revelation Bible Questions

The Revelation Quiz Bible Answers:

Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
Revelation, Chapter 1

  1. Who revealed the things written in the Book of Revelation? (Verse 1)
  2. Who wrote the Book of Revelation? (Verse 1)
  3. Who was the Book of Revelation addressed to? (Verse 4)
  4. What does Alpha and Omega mean? (Verse 8)
  5. Where was the Book of Revelation written? (Verse 9)
  6. How were the Seven Churches symbolized in Revelation? (Verse 12 & 20)
  7. What color was His hair? (Verse 14)
  8. What did Jesus' eyes look like to John? (Verse 14)
  9. What did Jesus' feet look like to John? (Verse 15)
  10. What went out of Jesus mouth? (Verse 16)
  11. What was Jesus' countenance like? (Verse 16)
  12. What did Jesus have in His right hand? (Verse 16)
  13. What did John do when he saw Jesus? (Verse 17)
  14. What are the seven stars? (Verse 20)
  15. Revelation, Chapter 2 - Revelation Trivia

  16. What did Jesus say he would give to those who overcome in Ephesus? (Verse 7)
  17. Where is the Tree of Life? (Verse 7)
  18. What did Jesus say would happen to some in Smyrna? (Verse 10)
  19. What did Jesus say he would give those who are faithful unto death? (Verse 10)
  20. What two churches ate things sacrificed to idols and committed fornication? (Verse 12-14 & 18-20)
  21. What will Jesus do to those of Smyrna who do not repent? (Verse 16)
  22. What will those who keep Jesus words in Thyatira receive? (Verse 26-28)
  23. Revelation Chapter 3 - Revelation Quiz

  24. What will happen to those in Sardis, who overcome? (Verse 5)
  25. What Church did Jesus say he loved because they kept His Word? (Verse 7-9)
  26. What did Jesus say is the name of the city of God? (Verse 12)
  27. What did Jesus call those in Laodicea? (Verse 16)
  28. What did Jesus say He does to those He loves? (Verse 19)
  29. What did Jesus say He would do with those who overcome in Laodicia? (Verse 21)
  30. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 4

  31. What color is the rainbow around God's throne in Heaven that John saw? (Verse 3)
  32. What was round about the throne that John saw? (Verse 4)
  33. What were the elders wearing? (Verse 4)
  34. What is in front of God's throne? (Verse 5)
  35. What are the seven lamps of fire, before God's throne? (Verse 5)
  36. What is in front of the God's throne that is like crystal? (Verse 6)
  37. How many beasts are in front of God's throne? (Verse 6)
  38. What do the four beasts look like? (Verse 7)
  39. How many wings do each of the beasts before the throne have? (Verse 8)
  40. What do the beasts before God's throne do? (Verse 9)
  41. Revelation Chapter 5 - Revelation Quiz

  42. What did John see in God's right hand? (Verse 1)
  43. Who is the only one able to loose the Seven Seals? (Verse 3 & 5)
  44. How did John describe the Lamb (Jesus) when he took the book out of God's hand? (Verse 6)
  45. What did the golden Vials (bowls) hold that the beasts and the elders had? (Verse 8)
  46. Revelation Chapter 6 - Revelation Trivia

  47. What did John see? (Verse 2)
  48. What does the rider on the white horse of the First Seal do? (Verse 2)
  49. What did John see? (Verse 4)
  50. What does the rider on the red horse of the Second Seal do? (Verse 4)
  51. What did John see? (Verse 5)
  52. What does the rider on the black horse have in his hand? (Verse 5)
  53. What did John see? (Verse 8)
  54. What followed with him? (Verse 8)
  55. What kind of power was given to the rider of the pale horse? (Verse 8)
  56. What did John see? (Verse 9)
  57. What happened to the earth? (Verse 12)
  58. What happened to the sun when the Sixth Seal was opened? (Verse 12)
  59. What happened to the moon when the Sixth Seal was opened? (Verse 12)
  60. What happened to the stars when the Sixth Seal was opened? (Verse 13)
  61. What happened to the Heaven when the Sixth Seal was opened? (Verse 14)
  62. What happened to all the mountains and islands when the Sixth Seal was opened? (Verse 15)
  63. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 7

  64. How many of all the children of Israel were sealed with the Seal of God in their foreheads? (Verse 4)
  65. How many from each tribe of Israel were sealed with the Seal of God? (Verse 5-8)
  66. How many other people stood before God's throne and Jesus after the children of Israel were sealed? (Verse 9)
  67. Where were the other people from who were before God's throne, but weren't of the children of Israel? (Verse 9)
  68. Who were the people before God's throne after the children of Israel were sealed? (Verse 14)
  69. Revelation Chapter 8 - Revelation Trivia

  70. Name two things that happened when the Seventh Seal was opened. (Verse 1-6)
  71. What happened when the First Trumpet sounded? (Verse 7)
  72. What happened when the Second Trumpet sounded? (Verse 8-9)
  73. What happened when the Third Trumpet sounded? (Verse 10-11)
  74. What happened when the Fourth Trumpet sounded? (Verse 12)
  75. What did John hear an Angel say after the Fourth Trumpet? (Verse 13)
  76. Revelation Chapter 9 - Revelation Quiz

  77. What happened first when the Fifth Trumpet sounded? (Verse 1)
  78. What happened when the Angel opened the pit? (Verse 2)
  79. What came out of the smoke from the pit? (Verse 3)
  80. What were the locusts from the smoke of the pit ordered not to do? (Verse 4)
  81. How long are the locusts from the First Trumpet on the earth? (Verse 5)
  82. What do the locusts from the First Trumpet do? (Verse 5-6)
  83. What did the locusts from the First Trumpet look like? (Verse 7-10)
  84. Who is the king of the locusts? (Verse 11)
  85. What happened when the Sixth Trumpet sounded? (Verse 14-15)
  86. How big is the army of horsemen that kill ⅓ of mankind during the Sixth Trump? (Verse 16)
  87. What did the horsemen of the Sixth Trump look like? (Verse 17 & 19)
  88. How did the army kill ⅓ of mankind? (Verse 18)
  89. What did people do who were not killed by the horsemen (Verse 20 & 21)
  90. Revelation Chapter 10 - Revelation Trivia

  91. What did he have in his hand? (Verse 2)
  92. Where did the Angel between the Sixth and Seventh Trump put his feet? (Verse 2)
  93. How many thunders did John hear between the Sixth and Seventh Trump? (Verse 3)
  94. What did the Angel say after John heard the seven thunders between the Sixth and Seventh Trump? (Verse 6 & 7)
  95. What did John do with the little book? (Verse 10)
  96. How did the little book taste? (Verse 9 & 10)
  97. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 11

  98. What was John told to measure with a reed? (Verse 1)
  99. How long did the two witnesses prophesy? (Verse 3)
  100. What did the Angel say will happen to those who hurt the Two Witnesses? (Verse 5)
  101. What kind of powers do the Two Witnesses have? (Verse 6)
  102. Who will kill the Two Witnesses? (Verse 7)
  103. What happens to the Two Witnesses bodies after they are killed? (Verse 8)
  104. What do those on earth do when they find out the Two Witnesses have been killed? (Verse 10)
  105. What happens after the Two Witnesses are dead for 3½ days? (Verse 11)
  106. What happens to the Two Witnesses after God gives them life again? (Verse 12)
  107. What happens after the Two Witnesses ascend into Heaven? (Verse 13)
  108. What happens to the kingdoms of this world? (Verse 15)
  109. What happens in Heaven after the Seventh Trump sounds? (Verse 16-18)
  110. What happens when the Temple of God is opened in Heaven after the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet? (Verse 19)
  111. Revelation Chapter 12 - Revelation Trivia

  112. What was the great wonder that appeared in Heaven after the Seventh Trumpet? (Verse 1)
  113. What is happening to the woman (Israel) in Heaven, after the Seventh Trumpet? (Verse 2)
  114. What did the dragon (Satan) look like when he appeared in Heaven after the Seventh Trumpet? (Verse 3)
  115. What did the dragon (Satan) do, when he appeared in Heaven after the Seventh Trumpet? (Verse 4)
  116. What happens to the woman's (Israel's) child (Christians) when it is born, in the Book of Revelation? (Verse 5)
  117. What does the woman do (who is clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars) after she has her child? (Verse 6)
  118. Who does the dragon (Satan) and his Angels fight a war with in Heaven? (Verse 7)
  119. What happens in the war between the dragon (Satan) and his angels and the Archangel Michael and his Angels? (Verse 7-9)
  120. What does he do? (Verse 12-13)
  121. How does the serpent try and hurt the woman (Israel) who is hiding in the wilderness? (Verse 15)
  122. What does the earth do to help the woman who is hiding in the wilderness? (Verse 16)
  123. What does the dragon (Satan) do after he tries the flood and it does not work? (Verse 17)
  124. Revelation Chapter 13 - Revelation Quiz

  125. What does the beast look like that John saw rise up out of the sea? (Verse 1)
  126. What name was written on the beasts heads? (Verse 1)
  127. Where did the beast get his power? (Verse 2)
  128. What was different about one of the beast's heads? (Verse 3)
  129. How long is the beast given power? (Verse 5)
  130. What was the beast allowed to do? (Verse 7)
  131. Who will worship the beast? (Verse 8)
  132. What did the beast look like that came up out of the earth? (false prophet) (Verse 11)
  133. Who does the false prophet want the earth to worship? (Verse 12)
  134. What specific miracle does the bible say the false prophet can do? (Verse 13)
  135. What does the false prophet tell the earth to make for the beast? (Verse 14)
  136. What can the image of the beast do? (Verse 15)
  137. Where will the mark of the beast be placed? (Verse 16)
  138. What can't you do? (Verse 17)
  139. What is the number of the beast? (Verse 18)
  140. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 14

  141. After the Seven Trumpets (the second 3½ years) who is raptured? (Verse 1-4)
  142. What did John describe Jesus reaping the harvest of the earth (separating the good from the bad) with? (Verse 14)
  143. What does the Angel do with the bad people on the earth with his sickle? (Verse 19)
  144. How deep does the blood get from God's winepress? (Verse 20)
  145. Revelation Chapter 15 - Revelation Quiz

  146. What is in the Seven Vials? (Verse 1 & 7)
  147. What song is sung by those who gain victory over the beast and his image, on a sea of glass mingled with fire? (Verse 3)
  148. When will people be allowed into the Temple of God in Heaven? (Verse 8)
  149. Revelation Chapter 16 - Revelation Trivia

  150. What is the plague of the First Vial? (Verse 2)
  151. What is the plague of the Second Vial? (Verse 3)
  152. What is the plague of the Third Vial? (Verse 4)
  153. What is the plague of the Fourth Vial? (Verse 8-9)
  154. What is the plague of the Fifth Vial? (Verse 10)
  155. What is the plague of the Sixth Vial? (Verse 12-14)
  156. What is the place called where Satan, Antichrist and the false prophet prepare to battle against God? (Verse 16)
  157. What does a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven say after the battle of Armageddon? (Verse 17)
  158. What is the plague of the Seventh Vial? (Verse 17-21)
  159. What place does God judge during the Seventh Vial? (Verse 19)
  160. How big was each hail stone that fell during the Seventh Vial? (Verse 21)
  161. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 17

  162. What place is referred to as the great whore in the Book of Revelation? (Verse 5)
  163. Who rules over the great whore in the Book of Revelation? (Verse 7) (see #103)
  164. How long do the 10 kings (with no kingdoms yet) receive power as kings with the beast? (Verse 12)
  165. What will happen to the great whore of the Book of Revelation? (Verse 16)
  166. Revelation Chapter 18 - Revelation Trivia

  167. What does the Book of Revelation, Chapter 18 describe?
  168. Revelation Chapter 19 - Revelation Quiz

  169. What is the celebration in Heaven called, after the fall of Babylon? (Verse 9)
  170. What does Jesus use to fight and win the battle of Armageddon? (Verse 15 & 21)
  171. What happens to antichrist followers in the battle of Armageddon? (Verse 18)
  172. What happens to antichrist and the false prophet in the battle of Armageddon? (Verse 20)
  173. Book of Revelation Questions And Answers
    Revelation Chapter 20

  174. What happens to Satan after the battle of Armageddon? (Verse 3)
  175. How long does Satan stay locked up in the bottomless pit? (Verse 3)
  176. Who lives with Jesus during the Millennium? (Verse 4)
  177. When does Satan do when he is loosed from the pit after the Millennium? (Verse 8)
  178. What happens to those who follow Satan after the Millennium? (Verse 9)
  179. What is the last thing that happens to Satan? (Verse 10)
  180. What happens to the dead? (Verse 12-13)
  181. What happens to death and hell during the Great White Throne Judgment? (Verse 14)
  182. What happens to whoever is not found written in the Book of Life? (Verse 15)
  183. Revelation Chapter 21 - Revelation Trivia

  184. What happens to the first Heaven and earth after the Great White Throne Judgment? (Verse 1)
  185. What does God create after the Great White Throne Judgment? (Verse 2)
  186. Who will dwell with men in the New Jerusalem? (Verse 3)
  187. Why does the new Jerusalem need no sun or moon? (Verse 23)
  188. Revelation Chapter 22 - Revelation Quiz

  189. How many kinds of fruit does the Tree of Life bear? (Verse 2)
  190. What are the leaves from the Tree of Life used for? (Verse 2)
  191. Who is the Bright and Morning Star? (Verse 16)
  192. What did Jesus say about the things written in the Book of revelation? (Verse 18-19)
  193. What was the last thing Jesus said to John in the Book of Revelation? (Verse 20)

Book of Revelation Questions and Answers
The Revelation Quiz answers are listed at:

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