Daily Word of God

Daily Word Bible Study

Christianity Oasis Ministry has provided this God's Daily Word Bible study with deLightful Daily Word of God Bible messages. We also look into all aspects of the Christian Walk. This Son-derful Bible study will reveal truth which will bring forth understanding and peace within.

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Christian Walk Bible study program. This is our very popular and thought provoking Daily Word Bible study program providing our extremely intriguing God's Daily Word of God Bible message which are precious God's Daily Word Bible study treasures which will absolutely enhance your be-you-tiful Christian walk path each time that you choose to partake of these Daily Word of God Bible blessings.

Daily Word of God Bible Quest

God's Daily Word Bible Study

God's Daily Word Bible Study Adventure

Let us begin, shall we? Our Lord Jesus revealed to us the manner in which we should pray. Within the beautiful Words of the Lord's prayer it says ...

Luke 11:3

Give us day by day our Daily Bread.

What is Daily Bread? Daily Bread is God's Daily Word.

When Jesus was being tempted by Satan while in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus responded to Satan's temptation of turning a rock into Bread so that Jesus could eat, by saying this to Satan ...

Matthew 4:4

... Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Here is the God's Daily Word Bible study message ... If we put these two Truths together, it gives us a very simple message. We should partake of our Daily Bread, being God's Daily Word (the Bible) every day which can be done with our God's Daily Word Bible study program providing Daily Word of God Bible messages. Consider God's Daily Word as your spiritual vitamin for your Christian walk.

Therefore ... We at Christianity Oasis have created this God's Daily Word Bible study program with excellent Daily Word of God Bible blessings as for you to partake of your Daily Bread every day, which is in truth ... God's Word. Buckle up and get ready to truly enjoy.

Check out these Daily Word of God Bible programs sharing hundreds of God's Daily Word Bible study treats.

If you would like to merely read a daily verse, below is a gift for you with a new Daily Word of God Bible message each day.