Another Look at Thanksgiving
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this inspirational writing titled Another Look at Thanksgiving from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh collection. We hope these short stories bring you understanding and peace within.
Another Look at Thanksgiving
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Another Look at Thanksgiving from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Another Look at Thanksgiving
Written by Luz Leigh - 18 November 2007
Earlier I wrote a short story about Thanksgiving and a play I had watched at my grandson's school. ("And They Kept Coming" was the title.) In it I expressed my concern for the future of our way of life as we know it now. Today I would like to talk of other things related to Thanksgiving.
We are told that at the first Thanksgiving, which was held in the summer of 1621, the men of the colony brought home wild geese and ducks along with fish they had caught in the nearby waters. Of course, the Indians brought deer, which is called venison, and wild turkeys. Thank goodness! As I have said before, what would Thanksgiving be without turkey? The women were given the responsibility of preparing all these meats, along with cornbread and succotash. Not to be left out were the children who assisted by turning the spits over the fires on which the meats were being roasted.
The scene today is some different. The women shop for the turkey at the supermarket days ahead so it can be thawed in the refrigerator, pies are bought at the local bakery shop, and on the morning of the big day, they turn on the television set to get the instructions for baking the turkey and how to prepare a really healthy vegetable dish to accompany it. The men content themselves by sitting in front of the television watching football games, (oh, not to worry, there are numerous sets throughout the house, even in the kitchen). The children? Well, when they finally arise from their beds, they entertain themselves in their rooms, not in front of a TV set, but a computer, playing video games or chatting on line with their friends. Unless they have a cell phone, and what red-blooded American kid above the age of six, does not have one? Then they are text-messaging with their friends.
When the meal is finally ready to be eaten, the clan gathers around the over-laden table, a very quick, if any, thanksgiving prayer (known as a blessing in some households) is uttered and the meal is quickly devoured so each can return to his/her pleasure. The women again are assigned kitchen duty where they place the dishes in the dishwasher, toss the leftovers down the garbage disposal and begin wondering what to prepare for the evening meal.
Or, the women will place the dishes in the dishwasher, carefully wrap the leftovers in aluminum foil or clear plastic wrap, place them in the refrigerator, join their husbands in watching a little football, knowing the evening meal has been taken care of. It's everyone for himself at supper time.
Sometimes the children will detach themselves from their computers, video games or cell phones long enough to play a little touch football on the front lawn. During halftime of the game they are watching, the men may make their way into the yard to show the younger generation just how "we played it in our day."
It is my hope that, no matter how you spend your Thanksgiving Day, you will find the time to celebrate the true meaning of this special day ... that is, giving thanks for all your blessings.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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