Linda Mitchell Parrish
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Linda Mitchell Parrish
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Linda Mitchell Parrish from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Linda Mitchell Parrish
Written by Luz Leigh - 15 April 2010
The first time I ever met Linda she was still single, Linda Mitchell. I know not why she was in the lobby of the Huntsville post office, but I was there to pick up the mail for the firm for whom I worked at the time ... they sold Chevrolets and our office was located next door to the post office.
What drew my attention to Linda was the high school class ring that she had ... it was NOT a Huntsville High ring, but one from New Waverly, class of 1955. I recognized that ring right off because of its different shape. Our class was always doing something different, so when it came time to order our class rings, we decided to select one that was unique to New Waverly High School at the time.
Being a little on the nosy side, I approached Linda and asked whose ring she was wearing. She smiled that infectious smile of hers, and told me it belonged to one William Boyd Parrish. Wow! Was I surprised. I had no idea that Will was serious about anyone. Linda and I said goodbye as we walked down the steps that led to the post office and went our separate ways.
The next time I remember Linda was when she became the first grade teacher at Clara Rudd Elementary School (later re-named New Waverly Elementary). She followed in the footsteps of Mrs. Thelma Robbins and remained there for twenty-seven years. The exact number that the Lord had assigned to her.
Two of my children were blessed with the guidance of Linda. David loved Mrs. Parrish and she certainly had to have loved him to put up with his little antics in the classroom. Then Heather came along to have Mrs. Parrish in first grade. By that time our families had become close away from school, having become members of a very small country church near our community.
Heather was the recipient of many hand-me-down clothes, which bothered her not. One day she wore a little dress to school that had been passed along to her from Pinky which had come to her from Suzi Smith. Linda and I had a good laugh that afternoon about how well the dress had held up having been worn by those three tomboys.
Speaking of Pinky ... she has always held a special place in my heart. You see, she and I share December 24 as our birthdays. And then, because she had to contend with David all through school!
Many who read this will know more about Linda than I do, but I wanted to share a few thoughts I have about her. As if she had not spent enough time in the education field, after retiring from teaching, Linda gave of her time and expertise by serving her community in the position of a school board member for over ten years. Last fall when she first became ill, I was told by John Malak, president of the school board, that when Linda (of course, he referred to her as Mrs. Parrish) missed a meeting, everyone knew it was serious. According to John Lee, this was the first time she had missed a meeting since becoming a member of the board.
Just this morning some friends and I were discussing Linda and how she will be missed by so many people, not the least of them, those beloved grandchildren and great grandchildren whom she help to rear. The thirty first chapter of Proverbs comes to mind when thinking of Linda. "A wife of noble character who can find one? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." "Her children rise up and call her blessed."
When she enters the gates of Heaven and finds eternal rest in our Lord's arms, we who are left behind will mourn and grieve. Not for Linda, but for ourselves, because we have lost a faithful wife, a wonderful mother, a loving grandmother and great-grandmother, and a good friend. Our community has lost a valuable citizen, one that will be hard to replace.
As I type this, Linda is preparing to go with the angels to her Home. A light rain began to fall a few minutes ago. In my mind, I think that was the angels who are being sent for Linda; they are weeping, not for Linda, but for those who are left behind.
I thank our Lord that He allowed me to meet, know and love Linda Mitchell Parrish. Gone from this earth, but certainly never forgotten.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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