Too Close for Comfort
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this inspirational writing titled Too Close for Comfort from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh collection. We hope these short stories bring you understanding and peace within.
Too Close for Comfort
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Too Close for Comfort from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Too Close for Comfort
Written by Luz Leigh - 30 April 2008
Did you ever notice how the Lord has a way of sending a message to you at just the right time? I have been under some stress the past couple of weeks and my life just wasn't as happy as it should have been. You see, I have been so busy with secular things that I have been neglecting my prayer life. Oh, don't get me wrong; I pray each day, but lately it's been the hurriedly uttered rote prayers. You know the kind, "Lord bless my children, keep them safe from all harm, spiritual and physical" ... "Thank You for all your blessings" ... those general one size fits all prayers.
And then this morning as I was reading my daily Bible reading, it hit me. I have not been as nigh to the Lord as He is to me. You know there is a difference. The Lord never moves away from us; we sometimes move a bit. I would like to share with you what I read that touched me. It is taken from Open Windows, a guide for personal devotionals published by LifeWay and is entitled "Too Close for Comfort."
"The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. Psalm 145:18"
"Most of us have heard and probably have used the phrase, 'too close for comfort.' A person might say this after a near-miss accident. Another person might use this to refer to an 'in your face' type of person. A wife might describe a newly retired husband this way. The husband is in her space and underfoot, interfering with her routine---definitely too close for her to feel comfortable. Mostly the phrase seems to be used when one barely escapes a bad experience or encounter.
"Many children have a source of security. It might be a thumb, a blanket, or a favorite toy. This is something they want near them 24/7. Our oldest grandchild had a special blanket. The blanket disintegrated until all Kristina ended up with was a small patch. But that was all she needed. It was her comfort.
"How marvelous that we have a God who is near us 24/7. All we have to do is call on Him and He is there. He is close for comfort.
"Father, I am thankful I can call on You any day, and any time of day or night. Enable me to feel your presence and comfort at all times."
After reading that devotional a second time, I heard Him reminding me of how busy I had been, having things of this world "too close for comfort." Only He can give the comfort we need and seek on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. Call on Him in TRUTH. He is there waiting as a loving parent waits for the return of a child for we ARE His children.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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