Freed by Jesus

Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Freed by Jesus study. We'll look into all aspects of the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace within.

Freed by Jesus

Welcome to Freed by Jesus. We hope you enjoy this study on being Freed by Jesus. With God all things are possible. Within is a message to enhance your Christian walk.

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Freed by Jesus


Freed by Jesus Testimony on Freed by Jesus From Past With Freed by Jesus Message

Living under the curse

  • Abusive family
  • Played Dungeons & Dragons with Roy
  • Howard from Big Brothers Assn. molested me (8 yrs. old to 12)
  • Met people at the Renaissance Fair
  • Got involved in Witchcraft, Occult, Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, Paganism
  • My family found out about Howard
  • Went to court (I was 14 years old)
  • Father put a gun to my head and asked if I wanted to die. He did this because he thought I was gay.
  • Ran away at age 17
  • Became a punk rocker (1989)
  • Hitch hiked around the USA
  • Almost starved
  • Vampire scene
  • went to Denver met Roy again (1990)
  • Urban Peak, for homeless kids
  • Got robbed in Denver on Christmas eve
  • Left Denver to go to New York with a prostitute named Vanessa (1991)
  • Got strep throat
  • Spent a lot of time reading
  • Went back to Renaissance fairs, traveled with Ray Nelson a lot. I lived in a tent.
  • Ray trained me to be a pagan priest (1992)
  • Master of "The Out Of Body Experience"
  • I met Jenn at Boston Renaissance fair
  • Ray Nelson got sick and died (when I was 19 years old)
  • I went to Europe (1992)
  • Almost froze in Helsinki on Christmas Eve.
  • Returned to US and worked at more Renaissance Fairs
  • Went to Mexico and Central America
  • Guerrilla fighters in Guatemala gave us trouble.
  • Cholera Epidemic.
  • Did some more fairs then went to Tibet to find a guru (1993)
  • Trekked in the Himalaya mountains (searching for the Truth or searching for God?)
  • I would put myself in very risky situations (was I trying to die?)
  • Went to the Middle East
  • Went back to Chicago got my GED, started college at UIC but dropped out.
  • My friend Christopher Wunsch died of AIDS.
  • The marriage arrangement (1993)
  • Went back to India with Jenn
  • War broke out in Kashmir; I almost became a hostage
  • Jenn left India because of the black plague.
  • I went to Malaysia then Australia
  • Came back to US worked some Renaissance fairs as a games person.
  • Watched after Chris S. house in Michigan
  • Went to Russia, rode the Trans-Siberian rail line (I was 22)
  • Came home to US then drove to Alaska
  • I worked on a fishing boat, got pneumonia
  • (I was always getting sick on my trips)
  • How I got back to Rhode Island from Alaska with no money.
  • Mike ripped me off.
  • Went back to Michigan, went back to college
  • Lived with no running water for six months, became ill.
  • I dropped out of college again.
  • Went to Chicago, took care of Grandma while I went to Triton
  • Got 2 Associates degrees!!! (I was 26)
  • Suffered from Insomnia for almost 2 years
  • Jenn's job offered her $10,000 to relocate to Connecticut.
  • My wife Jenn was having an extra-marital affair with Danny.
  • On Feb 22, 2000 at 10pm, I attempted suicide while Jenn was having sex with Danny in the other room of my house. I overdosed on sleeping pills, amitryptaline, and vodka.
  • As I was taking the pills I wrote a suicide note that said I had been wrong in the way I had lived my life. I accepted Jesus into my Heart. I didn't have a bible with me so I read the sinner's prayer out of the book "Left Behind" vol 1. by Tim LaHaye
  • I read the same sinners prayer that the character Rayford said when he gave his life to Christ.

Life with Christ, life without the curse.

  • I should have died but Jesus had other plans for me.
  • I awoke from my coma.
  • I had to spend some time in the mental institution.
  • I waited months before I told anyone I had become a Christian.
  • I didn't want to change my lifestyle yet.
  • 2 years of Divorce court, lost everything
  • Anti depressants helped me
  • Got baptized at Willow Creek
  • Divorce finally went through. I had been with Jenn 10 years
  • Between my 2 attorneys, I was charged $25,000 in legal fees.
  • Jenn stole my house, emptied my bank account took all my possessions and there was nothing I could do about it legally.
  • I met Candy at a Gothic Nightclub called Neo.
  • Candy helped me with the Forgery on the truck title and bankruptcy.
  • How did God stop me from going bankrupt?
  • How God paid all my debts.
  • How God made me a rich man.
  • We went to Brazil on our Honeymoon
  • Candy convinced me to go back to college
  • We got married fast because went were trying to stay pure
  • This is our 18 month wedding anniversary
  • I've now been to 64 countries on 6 continents.

As you can see, I have experienced much in my 31 years and perhaps you are on a similar path and are seeking help. Try Jesus ... It worked for me. If you would like someone to talk to, just contact me at the E-mail address below and we can share thoughts.

The Sinner's Prayer

Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed his precious blood and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour.

Be freed by Jesus by becoming freed by Jesus by choosing to run to Him.