The Gift of Discernment
Discernment Bible Verses
Christianity Oasis provides this Spiritual Gift - Biblical discernment Bible verses on the Gift of Discernment in the Bible bringing forth understanding and peace.
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Step #11
Biblical Discernment Spiritual Gift
Discernment Bible Verses in the Bible
Let's take a wild journey in our Christianity Oasis Many Called Few Chosen Path of Power. This is our extremely exciting and very important Spiritual Gift adventure taking an in depth look into Biblical discernment Bible verses which share much information concerning the Gift of Discernment in the Bible and how it applies to Christians today. The absolutely awe inspiring and provocative Biblical discernment Bible verses message within will enhance your YOU-nique Christian walk.
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The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses
Step #11
Spiritual Gift of Biblical Discernment in the Bible
Welcome back my friend. I trust that I may congratulate you for waiting! You're patience will prove to be worthy!
Psalms 62:5
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.
Great to sense you ... Many of you have read at least some of the Bible. Others have read the Bible from front to back. While others have read every Word multiple times and use it as a study guide. And still others read every word by the letter and have no clue what the Spirit is saying. When you read Scripture you should seek the depths for Truth.
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Point of Interest to ponder upon ... There truly is a Spiritual path within the Words that many do not comprehend as they read from a carnal view. Paul explains this as such:
2 Corinthians 3:6
Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
If we are to share Truth in the Spirit we should certainly obtain Truth in the Spirit.
John 4:24
God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth.
It is obvious that when we read His Words that we must be in Spirit and seek the Spiritual view.
This is called discernment.
Spiritually Discerned
Spiritual Discernment Bible Study
We will be looking into the book of Job. Now, most know this story or at least think they do. So, if you are sitting there thinking "I have heard this story of Job before," let me tell you something ... You have never heard it like the Spirit of Truth can tell it. Many can share of the patience of Job and certain aspects of the story but do not actually apply it to their own Christian walk.
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Story Telling Time ... I am constantly seeing words from Christians, posts on forums and letters from people that blame God for everything. They say they are angry with God or that God abandoned 'em. They express their anger for the trials and tribulation that they endure. When we all know that we all endure trials and tribulation. It comes with the territory. We are proven as metal is proven to be certain that it will not shatter when the time comes for it to be used.
In our ... The Gift of Discernment in the Bible travels, we will be searching through the book of Job for the Spiritual Truth of why some of these trials and tribulations occur in our own lives and learn how our reaction is the method by which we are graded. Let us begin at Job Chapter 1:1.
So, ole Job was a righteous man that feared God avoided evil. This is a definite magnet to our enemy. When we would do good, evil comes a calling.
Romans 7:21
I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
Did you notice that while explaining to the reader all of the blessings that God gave Job for choosing to be righteous, that Job's children were mentioned first. Therefore children are a blessing. Though they may not seem so at times. 🥴
Now, this is a very important The Gift of Discernment in the Bible point ... Job, who was deemed so righteous, would go and make offerings for his children, in effect repenting for His children as to have God bless the children and their homes after they had a feast or party just in case they had sinned. Seems to me that this would be a good practice for those of you who have children. Even if they live away from home, and you cannot visit as often as ole Job did, you can make a Spiritual sacrifice for them.
Not only by prayer but Charity.
1 Peter 4:8
And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
The Gift of Discernment in the Bible Fears
In other words your Charity done in their name, can remove their sins. Reach out for a lost soul and let God know it is your sacrifice for your child's sins and/or potential sins. Allow your love for others to be this offering.
Now you have to visualize this ... God sitting on His Throne and the Angels, both good and bad coming before Him presenting Him with their thoughts, problems and whatever Angel business they had to report and ole Satan standing in line with em. Waiting his turn.
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Point Of Interest ... Did you catch the title sons of God? These are Angels. Many like to suggest that these Angels, being called the sons of God, means they actually are His offspring just as Jesus was. Well now, we cannot believe such deception as it is written:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Even Christians are now called the sons of God:
John 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name ...
Paul says this of the matter:
Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Crave The Gift of Discernment in the Bible
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Warning ... That is one eerie thought. Someone with such contempt for God and those that love Him wandering the earth around seeking souls to devour:
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour ...
Look at our Father brag on Job. He even called Job perfect. You can just imagine the smile. Then Satan in an attempt to belittle the faith of Job, begins to question God.
The enemy of our souls said of Job that His Faith was due to having a continual wall of protection and always being blessed. He was making the point that Job was righteous because God never allowed trials or tribulation to come upon him. He then challenged God and His servant. He suggested God allow trials and tribulation to befall Job and vowed that Job would curse God.
God accepted Satan's challenge immediately as he had faith in His servant Job. That is why God allowed the trials and tribulations to occur. But He commanded that Satan not actually hurt Job himself.
The Gift of Discernment in the Bible Path
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Time Out ... What a horrible chain of events Satan was allowed to place before Job. Even his children were killed. Most would have crumbled under such misery, pain and anguish of the soul. But would Job? That is the real test is it not?
Awesome ... The Spiritual mindset of Job was that He came into the world with nothing and would return that way and knew everything in between was given to him by God and was God's to take at will. It is this Spiritual mindset that kept Him. He understood the Truth that the world did not revolve around him and that everything He received was a gift. It was not owed to him. Then He blessed God.
Kind of reminds you of the Apostles who would rejoice when they were beaten or worse for the name of Jesus. It is a Spiritual mindset which you must achieve to be able to see as they saw. To be as they were. To be willing to surrender all for Him. But alas, most fall down and get a scratch in the name of the Lord and their faith comes into question. Doubt arises. Strive to think like they thought.
To do so, one must Renew the Mind ...
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
This is speaking of the spiritual mind ...
Ephesians 4:23
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind ...
So back to the Spiritual Gift story ... Satan is back in line and he sure is not there to eat crow. God is saying well now, it appears my servant Job has withstood the test. Not only did he endure but held onto His Faith.
Let's learn even more about the Gift of Spiritual Discernment in the Bible, its purpose and promise.
So, seeing he had failed, Satan wanted to change the rules of the test and asked that he be able to harm Job himself suggesting that the only reason Job did not surrender his faith is because that which was done was done to others and he was not physically touched. It appears Satan was banking on self love.
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Point Of Interest ... God, still believing in the faith and patience of Job allowed Satan to test Job yet again. But Satan was not allowed to kill him. Then Satan plagued his body with boils. Now not only were they painful but very unattractive. We have been taught that physical appearance is so very important. I mean we are taught that if you have little ole pimples as a kid that it is this big deal. Imagine Job's appearance.
This is saying that Job took a piece of broken pottery and lanced the boils.
The Gift of Discernment in the Bible Point of Interest ... There it is. Curse God, and die? I was wondering when I first read the book of Job up to this point, why Satan did not take Job's wife as he did the children. I mean the wife is supposed to be the other half. The soul mate if ya will. The supportive helper. Both having the same goals and purpose in mind and heart. I guess we see now why Satan left her there. So she could be more of a trial to Job.
You go boy ... His words should echo through your minds and hearts. Do we only praise God when good things happen? Should we not expect trials and tribulation? Are we so very self centered that we have come to live as tho we are the one who is to be served ... By God?
As it is with most friends ... when we see our friends down, they came to comfort and mourn for him. He was so afflicted in the flesh that they did not even recognize him. They sat with him silent, seeing he was so sick at heart.
Now ... Here is a The Gift of Discernment in the Bible summary of the rest of the story ... His friends break their silence and in a vain effort to explain away what they knew not, they came up with every possible thing that it could be. These three supposed friends grieved him even more with their own Assumptions. They did not ask God to reveal what the matter was but rather accused poor ole Job of being at fault.
In the end ... God made those three friends go to Job and have him pray for them. How ironic. God is so cool. God gave Job twice as much wealth as he had and even gave him another 7 sons and 3 daughters. He was blessed even more ... For passing the test. We can also hope that Job's wife experienced an eye opening and renewed Faith and Love in God and her husband.
The Gift of Discernment in the Bible Requires Patience
Ladies and gents you too will be tested. You will experience trials and tribulation. Perhaps the more Faith you achieve the more difficult the challenges. But let us obtain the Spiritual mindset that Job possessed. Nothing is ours. We are owed nothing. The world does not revolve around us. There is a bigger picture and when you are brought through trials and tribulation, the test is to see what your spiritual reaction is. Get a leash on your thoughts by renewing your Spiritual mind.
We have also learned that when you see your fellow Christians fall down, it is natural to want to help them back up but always be certain that what you proclaim as being the source of the prob ... Is God's Word and not your own lest you find yourself being in the wrong for a right intent.
Spiritual Gift Reminder - Love one another. Love requires understanding. Understanding requires discernment and discernment is a Spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. To obtain it one must renew the mind as to never allow their thoughts to interfere with His Words being projected to your spirit by the Holy Spirit. It would be like a radio station tuned in between two stations which in Truth ... Is just noise.
The Gift of Discernment Bible Verses Reminder ... When you read God's Word, you must be able to tune in Spiritually as to be able to comprehend the Spiritual Truth within the letters of the Words that are written. I do pray that you will apply this Truth that has been shared with you to your Christian Walk ... God's will be done.
Oh yeah, what Spiritual Gift do you believe Job possessed a lot of? Answer ... Patience.
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Excellent Biblical Discernment Bible Verses Explaining the Gift of Discernment Resources
Beautiful Christian Life ... What Is the Spiritual Gift of Discernment? Discernment requires opening God's word on a regular basis, immersing ourselves into the grander narrative of Scripture, and studying it.
Bible Study Tools ... What is Discernment? Understanding this Spiritual Gift. This gift is called discernment, and it is a kind of wisdom that comes from insight as much as from learned experience and knowledge.
Blue Letter Bible ... Spiritual Gift of Discernment. What Is the Gift of Discernment, or Distinguishing, of Spirits? The Bible speaks of the gift of discernment, or distinguishing, of spirits. ... Discernment of Spirits - What is the Gift of Discernment? According to, The spiritual gift of discernment is also known as the gift of "discernment of spirits" or "distinguishing between spirits." ... The Spiritual Gift of Discernment - Meaning & Signs. To have the spirit of discernment is to possess the ability to judge well. Paul refers to this as spiritual gift that God gives to believers. ... What is the spiritual gift of discerning spirits? When it comes to the gift of discerning spirits, every born-again believer has a certain amount of discernment,
Holy Spirit ... The Holy Spirit is the best source to enhance you skills at the gift of discernment.
Lifeway ... When the Spiritual Gift of Discernment Turns Sour. One of the spiritual gifts God gives the Church is discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10). The Church needs people who are able to discern error.
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