God's Garden
by Leaps4Joy
The world is God's awesome garden,
Spread from sea to shining sea,
Green valley's and purple mountains,
and these splendid gifts are free.
From the North pole to the South,
from the east to the farthest west,
who can take it all in?
We have been truly blessed!
From wild buttercups to the roses,
From the mighty eagles to butterflies,
God gives them life to them all,
and how they all multiply!
The farmers till the fertile soil,
They plant the wheat and corn,
They harvest food for the nations,
To feed the hungry and forlorn.
How about all those great trees,
that bear all kinds of nuts and fruit,
and the vineyards, heavy-hung.
There's no real substitutes!
God is our loving Holy father,
he gave his one and only son
He loves us all so very much.
He will leave NOTHING undone.
Raise your hands toward Heaven.
Thank Him for all he has made.
Tell him how much you love him,
He deserves a triumphant serenade!
True Happiness
by Wolf Girl 101 (aka Maya/wolfie)
True happiness
Comes from Jesus
As He truly loves me
But I am searching
Searching for something
That will fill that feeling of emptiness
I keep trying and trying
But everything I do keeps failing
Jesus wants me to believe in Him
For only He can take away that feeling of emptiness
He cares for me, and wants me
But I ignore it and turn the other way
Trying to find anything to fill that hole
But nothing comes my way
That will fill that hole
One day
I go to church
And I finally understand
That the One and only Jesus
Can make me as I am
For He is the One
That I was searching for all along
My search is finally over
He is what I was searching for all along
And now I know
That only God, can give me true happiness
And I can't ask for anything better
Bible is Like a Deck of Cards
by Spirit241
The Bible is divided into Testaments of Two
One for the Israelites and one for me and you
In the Trinity there are Three
And they are the ones who set us free
In Sodom and Gomorrah righteous there were only four
So God said No More
Stones out of a brook David took Five
And with one of those stones he made Goliath take a dive
When you think of the devil you think of Six
Make sure you don't get caught in one of his tricks
Read in Revelation seal number Seven
And you will see there will be a half hour of silence in heaven
In the seals, trumpets, and vials there is no number Eight
But during any of the the seven don't take antichrist's bait
A type locust come out of the bottomless pit in Revelation Nine
On this day even the sun will not shine
The number of commandments there are Ten
They should be followed by all women and men
Jesus the prince is like the Jack
And he will always have our back
I do recall Jezebel, she was a Queen
Of her Elijah was not very keen
God is represented by the King
And with him you could do anything
Up God's sleeve he had him an Ace
When he said, no way satan I'll save them with grace