Come Up Higher
Who Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God - Come Up Higher written by Author Diane Jurino. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Come Up Higher
Who Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God - Come Up Higher written by Author Diane Jurino. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 2 - Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Chapter 3 - A Covenant of Promises
Chapter 4 - Worthy of Our Calling
Chapter 5 - Divine Destinies
Chapter 6 - Kingdom Eligibility
Chapter 7 - Thy Kingdom Come
Epilogue - Come Up Higher - A Challenge to Greatness
Chapter Outline
Chapter 1 - A Special InvitationChapter 2 - Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Chapter 3 - A Covenant of Promises
Chapter 4 - Worthy of Our Calling
Chapter 5 - Divine Destinies
Chapter 6 - Kingdom Eligibility
Chapter 7 - Thy Kingdom Come
Epilogue - Come Up Higher - A Challenge to Greatness
About the Author
Diane Jurino is a Spirit-filled Christian who resides in Erie, Pennsylvania. She is the mother of three grown children, and four grandchildren. Her professional background is in Copywriting, Sales, Advertising, and Marketing. She has developed and conducted custom training courses in Human Relations, Communications, Personal and Professional Development.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are from the King James Version of the Bible.
2Peter 1:10-11 "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
May you come up higher, believe the truth and be found worthy to enter into the Kingdom of God!
Romans 13:11 "And that, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now [is] our salvation nearer than when we believed."
It's time for us to wake up and think about our future. We cannot continue as we have been. The world around us is steeped in darkness and deception, chaos and confusion, and doomed to total destruction. A special invitation to enter in to the Kingdom of God has been issued to all of humanity. However, only a select group of individuals will respond to this call and take the Lord up on His offer.
They will be serious about their quest for truth and refuse to settle for second best. They will catch the vision of heaven on the earth and be determined to embrace it at all costs. They will realize that God alone has the answer to all of our problems, and they will cooperate with His plan of redemption. He has the details worked out to perfection and it is His earnest desire to provide the best for us.
It would be truly wonderful if all mankind would come to know the Lord and be able to dwell in His presence for all eternity. Sadly enough, many will reject Him and the doctrine of salvation in these last days and miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. There is no way that a person can be saved and receive the gift of eternal life except through a sincere faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
We must purposely choose to believe the truth. Jesus died so that we do not have to suffer death as the penalty for our sins. He defeated the devil once and for all with His victory over sin, death and the grave.
His sacrifice has provided us with life in abundance to the overflow. Through our faith in Him, we have been set free. We must acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior and be baptized in water and the Holy Spirit in order to be eligible for eternal blessings in the Kingdom of God.
Our lives will then be dramatically changed and improved. Through Christ, all things are indeed possible.
He empowers us to become more like Him in every way. But we have to be totally sold out to the things of God and follow all of His commandments. We should walk in love for Him and for others and be fully obedient to the call of God on our lives. We have eternal callings and divine destinies that must be fulfilled, so that heaven itself can be brought to the earth.
We must share our faith with others and set men free of bondage to their sins. We will heal the sick, cast out demons and even raise the dead back to life, as Jesus once did. Nothing will be impossible to us as we serve the Lord and His people in the days that lie ahead. The end-time harvest of souls will be reaped in its entirety and we will usher in the Kingdom of God for the benefit of all mankind. We will overcome all evil with good and be totally victorious over the world, our flesh and the devil.
Psalm 1:5 "Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous."
There is a day of reckoning coming on the earth and all its inhabitants. No one will be able to escape the Lord's final and permanent judgment. What we believe now will impact our lives and determine our fate for all of eternity. There will be no second chances given, no later opportunity to repent. We must make the all-important decision to accept the truth or perish.
This is not about religion. It is about developing a personal relationship with our Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ. Unless we are saved from our sins and born again in our spirit man, we cannot receive the gift of eternal life and dwell in God's actual presence. Flesh and blood are corruptible, and we must shed everything that is defiling to us and put on immortality.
Many are called in to the Kingdom of God, but few will be chosen to enter in to it. There are some who are first now, who will be on the outside looking in for all eternity. They may have refused to do what the Lord asks of them and abandoned their original zeal. There will be others who are called in last, who will be first in His eyes because of their love and obedience.
This is a call to come up higher for each of us. We will be held accountable for our thoughts, words and actions in the days ahead. We must be certain that we judge ourselves, so that we do not have to be judged by the Lord. Only those who are uncompromisingly righteous and walk in love for God and for others will inherit the Kingdom of God and all of its many blessings!
1Timothy 6:19 "Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."
These are exciting times that we live in. We are rapidly approaching the consummation of all things and the Kingdom of God is closer than it has ever been before. The Lord is calling out to His people with the promise of eternal life and all of its blessings. This is an offer that may not be repeated. We must take notice and examine ourselves, to see if we will be eligible to enter in to the presence of God Himself.
We should repent of all our unrighteousness and believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, who came to save us from our sins with His atoning death on the cross. If we do believe that He died for us and that He was risen from the dead, we must confess Him as our Lord and Savior and be baptized with water as an outward sign of our faith. It is also imperative that we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit of God.
If we ask the Lord, His Spirit will actually come and take up residence in us and help us to mature in the deep things of God. He will convict us of all our sins and lead and guide us in to true righteousness. Spiritual fruit will manifest in our lives and help us to improve our relationships with God and with others. We will be given extraordinary manifestations of the Holy Spirit that enable us to walk in the miraculous.
Mark 1:15 "And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."
We are the sons and daughters of God Himself. He has appointed us to gather all men in to His Kingdom and take back total dominion over everything in the earth. We will be His ambassadors to all the nations of the world. We will deliver many from their oppression and bondage to sin and release them to the perfect liberty that we enjoy. Everything that we do will be by the power of the Holy Spirit of God that works through us to accomplish His purpose.
It is important that we share our faith with others, so that they have an opportunity to know the truth that will set them free for all time. Men must repent of their sins and turn towards almighty God. There is a full number of believers that will be called in before heaven comes to the earth realm. Everyone whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be saved. It is critical that we work zealously to bring in the full end-time harvest of souls.
We must preach the Gospel message with power and conviction, so that everyone has an equal opportunity to be saved unto eternal life. There will be attending miracles, signs and wonders to attract all men to our faith. Righteous men, women and children from every tongue and nation will be gathered in to the Kingdom of God. The Lord will minister to each of us in total fairness and equality, and shower us with eternal blessings for righteousness.
Isaiah 45:22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else."
It is the Lord's deepest desire that men everywhere will come to know Him and be saved. We who believe in Him and the promises He has made to us should walk circumspectly, so that we will not be disqualified from entering in to the Kingdom of God. Now more than ever, we must cling to our righteousness, walk in love and issue a special invitation for all mankind to join us.
We should be totally sanctified of all our carnality and selfish soul ambitions, so that we can be godly role models for all of mankind. We must share our faith, so that others can be set free in the truth. It is critical that we be willing and obedient to do all that the Lord asks of us in the days to come. The future of the human race depends on our efforts.
Our God will not be evacuating us from the earth, as some believe. He requires our help in ushering in His Kingdom. We have divine destinies that will soon be fulfilled. The Lord will anoint us with His very own power and authority, so that we can overcome all evil with good. We will tear down all demonic strongholds and prepare the hearts of men to receive their King.
We will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and baptize all those who wish to be saved to eternal life. We will perform miracles, signs and wonders in Christ's name. We will heal the sick, cast out demons and even raise the dead back to life again. Nothing will be impossible to us if we serve the Lord, as He has destined for us to do in these last days.
Psalm 111:9 "He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend [is] his name."
The Lord's eternal redemption plan for all mankind is brilliant, and a powerful demonstration of His ongoing love for us. He will literally bring heaven's way of doing things in to the earth realm through us, so that the entire creation is impacted for good. He will supply all of our needs from the vast resources that the universe has to offer us. There will be nothing that we lack.
Our God has all the details of our lives pre-planned for all of eternity. Our mortal bodies will be totally changed; we will put on new, incorruptible flesh and live forever in His presence. We will experience peace and prosperity, safety and security, health and longevity, joy and freedom. He will boast of us as His very own sons and daughters and appoint us as kings and priests.
We will all know the Lord - from the least to the greatest of us - and His laws will be written in our minds and hearts for all time. He will take an intimate interest in all the details of our lives and be a personal God to us. We will give Him all the thanks and praise that He deserves; worship Him in Spirit and in truth; and travel to Jerusalem for all of His sabbaths and perpetual feast days.
All of nature will be renewed and restored to its original beauty and balance, so that man and God will enjoy life forever in paradise. All worldly kingdoms will be absorbed into Christ's Kingdom. There will be no evil that disrupts the happiness and well-being of God's people. Men will walk in love, peace, unity and dwell with one another as brothers for all generations to come.
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