Teenage Christian Stories
Christian Poems
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book of Teenage Christian Stories and Christian Poems titled Christ-Teen written by Author Rocky Thompson. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Teenage Christian Stories
Christian Poems
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book of Teenage Christian Stories and Christian Poems is titled Christ-Teen written by Author Rocky Thompson. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Christ-Teen E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
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Table of Contents
In this day and age it is hard enough being a teenager, with the usual drama ... But try being a teenager, in this generation, as a true Christian.
I'm Sorry
We've come so far and I
don't know what to say
My whole life has changed, since that terrible day
You were at work, I was at school
And every one said I was acting like a fool
I made just one little mistake
But, you said ... It was all you could take
You called the cops, they took me away
They locked me up and that's where I had to stay
I know I was not the perfect son
But now I'm here and what's done is done
I wrote you this poem to tell you in front of all eyes
That I'm sorry you know, I apologize
Oh Lord I thank thee greatly for this woman to have known
For all the loving kindness she has always shown
She gave freely of her goodness without a price to pay
For she loved us all in a very special way
She did things most wouldn't, without a reason why
For I know there were times that she would rather cry
Yes, in her, there was a lesson for all of us to see
And Lord I'm truly grateful, for she showed these things to me
Give me strength and patience Lord and keep me free from sin
So when my final day comes I might see her again.
I wrote this poem inside my head
When I was thinking about every thing you said
We've done things that have never been done
But after the rain there is always the Sun
Relationships have their ups and downs
But never have I seen one with so many frowns
Half the time we would fight, the other half cry
And I promise baby I gave it my best try
Look ... Some things just weren't meant to be
And now that it's over, I can finally see
I wrote this poem to show you how I feel
But now your gone, and I know what's real
That Day
Today is the day I think it will be
All the pain in my life is looking back at me
I just can't take this any more
Everyone I loved is gone, out the door
There's only one person whose love has stayed the same
And that's my God and that night he came
He rose me from my darkened place
Never even getting to see His face
He lifted me up, to a well lit room
And I felt like a baby coming out of a mothers womb
My eyes were closed but my mind was awoken
The love I had for Him, with words ... Couldn't be spoken
That night my pain and sorrow was done
And at that moment I knew the war was won
The Pain
The pain I feel makes me wanna cry
And when it gets too bad, I just wanna die
The pain that's placed deep in my soul
It burns in my heart, like a never ending coal
The pain that haunts me, even when I sleep
Is the pain I feel ever so deep
It's the pain I feel every time I see you
And it's also the pain that you feel too
True Love
We've been together since that wonderful day
And to be honest, I didn't know what to say
I know your love for me will never fade
Even in the hardest times, you still stayed
Baby, I did every thing I could for you
Another thing I love is how you did too
The way you loved me, compares to no other
Feels like the same love I feel for a brother
Our love goes deeper than the ocean floor
And when I say I love you, you say I love you more
Together, we've done and seen so much
And after all that I still long for your touch
You were the one who stuck with me through it all
If I ever felt pain or sorrow all I had to do was call
Dial out the number, think about what to say
And you would always answer, any time of any day
You would say 'hey dawg what's the deal'
And I would say what was on my mind and how I feel
You would be like 'calm down what do you need me to do'
And some how you would do every thing I ask you to
Now we are not the same people, we once knew
But the love we had is shared by a few
Now that your not around it's getting harder to see
The little of you, that rubbed off on me
You're The One, But Now Ur Gone
You're the one who picked me up when I was down
But now you're gone and all I do is frown
You're the one who was there when I would cry
But now you're gone and I just wanna die
You're the one who helped with any problem
But now you're gone and I don't know how to solve them
You're the one who took my pain away
But now you're gone and I don't know what to say
You're the one who was always at my side
But now you're gone and I lost every thing, even my pride
You're the one who made me see clearly
But now you're gone and I miss you sincerely
Troubles Of Life
In life, there are great ups and downs
You can change homes and even towns
But, you still feel the same pain
It hurts so bad, you wonder if you're sane
You think back, when life was good
Feeling happiness and joy, like you should
But then troubles in life, kick into play
It's so devastating, you do not know what to say
We've all felt like this, at one point ion our life
Some handle it well, others ... Use a knife
I took the wrong way out, got nothing but scars
Started getting crazy ... Ended up behind bars
While there, I put my faith in the Lord
He would fight my battles, but not with a sword
He used His words to comfort me
Now, even through the rain, Jesus comforts me
So, before making that fatal mistake
Try Jesus ... You, He will not forsake
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