Kevin Rottweiler Christian Rapper
Christianity Oasis has provided this E-book titled Kevin Rottweiler Christian Rapper written by Author Kevin Rottweiler. We hope you will explore our many studies and programs at Christianity Oasis that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

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Kevin Rottweiler Christian Rapper
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled Kevin Rottweiler Christian Rapper written by Author Kevin Rottweiler. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this Kevin Rottweiler Christian Rapper E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
Cement Block
I'm a rapper
I'm a snapper
I eat the candy wrapper
I'm a Christian rapper
I got ninety-nine Pit Bull dogs
Salivating for your hot dogs
I live in a cement block ghetto
And my life is a no-no
Want to get up and go-go
I found Jesus Christ
And like candy cakes and spice
I don't need dope
My high is found in the sky
I'm a Christian rapper
I eat the candy wrapper
I got ninety-nine Pit Bull dogs
I live in a cement block ghetto
I have worked for minimum wage
Like living in a cage
Somebody reduce my rage
I found Jesus Christ
I'm a Christian rapper
I eat the candy wrapper
Recording Studio
We got all night
As we split the night
Heaven is on hold
A story so bold
Recording all night
And I am ready to fight
Got all the dogs indoors
Bully breeds and more
Stepping up to the microphone
Hoping for precious stones
We sing about Jesus
We have strong dogs
Chained all up
And we sing about Jesus
We are not tough-guys
We weep and cry
Cause we're going to Heaven
Don't have to drink
No Seven and Seven
Our King resides in Heaven
Man we have the studio
Songs come and go
We got all night
As we split the night
Tent City Dogs
I have seen tent city
Not very pretty
Down in the dirty city
Dogs without homes
Dogs without dog bones
Poverty and shame
People playing games
People taking the blame
Tent city dogs
Ears and tails cropped
Banks and tellers robbed
Gangsters and
Spiritual monsters
You got to hold
God in your hands
If you want to
Leave this rotten land
Of tents and poverty
Dogs without bones
Cars up on blocks
Stolen wheels and
Broken locks
Tent city dogs
The Ghetto Dog
Chained all up
Want to throw up
Nails dragging on the ground
Basset Hound made
The trumpet sound
Only God could help
The whelping box
Of puppy misfortune
Sold into fighting
Dogs bred for biting
Please somebody save me
I'm a dog living
Until 3 AM
Then the police wagon comes
We wear gold collars
Often have iron collars
And we cry and holler
Chained up
Want to throw up
Blind Police Dog
He calls himself
Rin Tin Tin
With a beard on his chin
Taking shotgun
On the right side of automobile
Blinded by gun fire
He is a consuming fire
Will cut your heart out
If they let him out
Helps the cops
Helps the lawyers
Is a dog without a collar
A blind dog
Helping law enforcement
And lives in a
Church basement
With the Pastor
And he lives even faster
Driving shotgun
On the right side of automobile
Blinded by gun fire
Sits on the recording studio floor
Near the door
With the
Christian music rappers
Protecting God's investment
Drive Through Window
Dig this
Dog in window
Puts on a show
Eating the hamburger
Or any old cheeseburger
Dog in window
Puts on a show
Once dreamed of
Fortune and fame
But all they did
Was blame
Noah's Ark
Cause he left the boat
And he was afloat
Found a place
Of his own
Dog in window
Eating the hamburger
Or any old cheeseburger
At the drive through window
God on the Horizon
Daddy was a drunk
He got us high
Not a good thing
As life went by
We were
Not allowed to date any women
Like his life was without sin?
Beat his kids with a belt
Kind of remember
What it felt...
God was on the horizon
When I took my first drink
A heart of God
Was clear to sink
Became a sinner
But became a winner
God on the Horizon
Daddy was a drunk
He got us high
Not a good thing
As life went by
God on the horizon
I feel like going downtown
With the raggedy people
Smelling the chemicals
From the factories
People living in boxes
And I once survived
A life so tattered
Fishing for free fish
Free food on a dish
People without teeth
Wishing for chicken or beef
Counting meal tickets
On a broken down bread line
A recession
A depression
Mental institutions
German Shepherd dogs
Wagging tails
Smelling the ladies
Seeking meat
Seeking meat
I feel like going downtown
With the raggedy people
Smelling the chemicals
From the factories
Night Rain
Pit Bulls
With cow udders
Life shudders
Pregnant females
On a city street jail
Homeless dogs
Heavy logs
Carrying babies
Crying babies
Ready to be released
Night rain
The dog in pain
Afraid of where
To drop the litter
Like a cat
On a hot tin roof
Hot paws
Hungry jaws
Tired and yawns
Night rain
The dog in pain
Crawls into a metal dumpster
A Pit Bull mother
Shiny Car
I want a shiny car
So I can drive around Jesus
When He comes back
I want a new car
So I can drive around Jesus
When He comes back
I wanna help Him
I wanna love Him
I wanna trust Him
I want a shiny car
Drums beat
At Jesus feet
Blood was shed
And He was dead
But he rose
Out of the soil
A life of reverse toil
I want a shiny car
So I can drive around Jesus
When He comes back
No More Gravesite
Dear God
I have this fight
All of my life
Of a gravesite
And another site
Is this all there is?
But now I am His
And now I can win
No more gravesite
No more pain
No more
Walking in
The cold rain
Time to claim victory
From a life of
Assault and battery
On a stormy soul
Don't have to rob
A liquor store
To get more
Don't have to
Be poor anymore
No more gravesite
I can be yours
Dear God
Jesus Freedom Hip Hop
With Jesus
I'm in a candy shop
I got menthol drops
Cool your tongue
With a cool song
Hear the drums
Going through the floor
People trying to get in
The studio door
Getting a peek
Of nothing but
A slap on the cheek
Without Him I am nothing
God sent me on a
Poetry book race
And I got my space
On Barnes and Noble
A story
A fable
And now I'm
A Christian rapper
Singing and talking
About Jesus
And in the candy shop
Let me find
Some lemon drops
Become a child again
In the Kingdom
Born again
Jesus Freedom Hip Hop
City Lights
Once I was a younger man
Tried to get a golden tan
Never made it with the women
Better off trying to sing
City lights you drive me crazy
Put aside the depression
And being lazy
You have an entire universe
To begin a new birth
Why throw it away
On city lights?
Because I was shy
Got a black eye
Said the wrong things
To the ladies
Never made it with the women
Better off trying to sing
Then I hit the bottle
Life went backwards
A full time throttle
Spilling your guts
On the sidewalk
People talking
People walking
Once I was a younger man
Said the wrong things
Then I hit the bottle
Precious Stones
Man I see the precious stones
Not quartz but diamonds
Man I see the precious stones
Not Elton John or Neil Diamond
But I see Heavenly singers
Near the Sea of Glass
With a pretend wine glass
Nobody is drunk up in Heaven
The angels are light
Like butterflies
It's O.K. to weep and cry
Up there no tough-guys
It's a land of sensitivity
A place of respectability
A place of accountability
A space of honor your God
Precious stones
Set me free
Now I see
Studio Time Again
I am
In the studio again
Time to sing
Mention God's name
Fortune and fame
In God's name
To glorify
Jesus Name
To glorify
Glorify God
Glorify the King
The Great Physician
Came to heal you
Will not steal you
He is coming to
Help your soul
A better day
A cleaner soul
A better day
A better way
He is the Way
I am in the studio again
Time to sing
Mention God's name
Kevin Rottweiler
I got ninety-nine Pit Bulls
And they are
Kissing ice cream cones
These dogs never fight
These puppies
Do not bite
They came from Noah's Ark
Surrounded by doves and sharks
Sharp teeth only for meat
They even wash Jesus' feet
And the big ones
Kiss at Jesus' feet
Loving all His humanity
Loving all His Godliness
Afraid of His holiness
Be clean
Pay your bills
If you have a job
Go to church
For a re-birth
Don't be afraid to
Talk to Jesus
He is always with us
Maybe go back to school
Do something in the ministry
Jail birds become free
People leave the drugs behind
Others tell the thugs good bye
No more tough-guys
Running the streets
Sit in church
Find a wife
Or a husband
But the
Best love
Is from God's Son
One Day
One day
Sit and pray
Don't go away
Face the truth
Look in the mirror
You are not bad
But you may be sad
One day
Sit and pray
God can hear you
Never had it
Never worry about it
God helps me get it
Lost a few dollars
Here and there
Was never rich
Until I met Jesus
Probably don't understand
Till the doctors crowd around
Your bed
Or the cops lock you up
Or you drink
And cannot stop
Throwing up
Never had it
Never worry about it
God helps me get it
It only helps to pay the bills
In the past
Rendered a few thrills
And maybe some pills
But I am glad
I don't have to be
In the gutter
Because of money
It can be your worst enemy
If you are not free
In Jesus Name
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