World Without End Amen
World Without End
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World Without End Amen
World Without End
Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. This E-book is titled World Without End Amen - World Without End written by Author Diane Jurino. Christianity Oasis in association with Purity Publications proudly presents you with this World Without End E-Book free of charge for your enjoyment.
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Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 2 – The Lord's Eternal Redemption Plan
Chapter 3 – As He Is, So Are We in This World
Chapter 4 – Taking Back the Earth
Chapter 5 – Waiting for Christ
Chapter 6 – The Everlasting Kingdom of God
Chapter 7 – World Without End
Chapter Outline
Chapter 1 – A Perfect World Gone AwryChapter 2 – The Lord's Eternal Redemption Plan
Chapter 3 – As He Is, So Are We in This World
Chapter 4 – Taking Back the Earth
Chapter 5 – Waiting for Christ
Chapter 6 – The Everlasting Kingdom of God
Chapter 7 – World Without End
About the Author
Diane Jurino is a Spirit-filled Christian who resides in Erie, Pennsylvania. She is the mother of three grown children, and four grandchildren. Her professional background is in Copywriting, Sales, Advertising, Marketing and Custom Training Program Development. She is the author of several books about the Kingdom of God.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Ephesians 3:21 "Unto him [be] glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
Thanks to the Lord's eternal redemption plan for all of mankind, we have real hope for our future!
Isaiah 34:1 "Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it."
The Lord created this world of ours to be totally perfect in every way. He is a God of excellence and His plans were for it to thrive and prosper; endure for all ages; and be the ideal abode for His masterpiece of creation – man himself. But much has gone wrong and the human race now occupies a planet that is headed for devastation and destruction. We live in a world that is rapidly deteriorating in every way.
Much of our trouble is self-inflicted. We have nearly destroyed the earth and one another in our selfish quest for power and wealth. We are steeped in sin and darkness, yet we refuse to submit to the will of almighty God and adopt His way of doing things. We hate without provocation; we create wars and conflict; we are greedy and materialistic. Yet we accuse God and one another for the trouble that exists.
The Lord is calling out to each and every one of us and asking us to repent and turn back towards Him. He wants to establish a personal relationship with us and spare us from eternal condemnation and punishment. That requires us to acknowledge our guilt and renounce our sins for all time. We have to choose God's way of doing things; follow His guidance to us; and make a mid-course correction before it is too late.
Genesis 6:5 "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually."
While we should be introspective and examine our own consciences to see how we may be at fault for the predicament that our world faces, we look at others and attribute the blame to them. We seldom, if ever, own up to our shortcomings. We judge others, but overlook our own sinful behavior or make an excuse for it. We ignore our moral deficiencies and abdicate our personal responsibility. We wail and lament all the problems that we see, but few of us take corrective action to improve the status quo.
None of us face the hard reality that we have created our own chaos and confusion, and that we are headed for nothing but more pain and disillusionment. We have bought into materialism with our greed and covetousness. We are suspicious and often hate those who are different from us. We turn our backs on those who are suffering, as if their plight were unimportant. We deplete the resources of the planet, then wonder why we have natural catastrophes that devastate and destroy our environment.
We are wicked in our thoughts and in our actions, and we think there is no retribution that will come on us. However, our Creator will put up with just so much, before He sovereignly intervenes in the affairs of men and punishes all offenders. He will not tolerate unrighteousness forever; there is a day of reckoning that is coming on the entire human race. No one will escape His scrutiny, nor be able to persuade Him to lower His perfect, impeccable standards. We will all face judgment for our works in the flesh.
2Corinthians 7:10 "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death."
It is time that we turn towards God and repent of all our evil ways. If we are sincere, He will hear us from heaven and come to our rescue. It is not the Lord's desire that anyone should perish. He loves us with a deep, abiding love and is eager for us to return to Him. He has a perfect plan in place for the redemption of His people, complete with renovation of the entire earth.
We live in a world without end; that was God's intent from the very beginning of time. He gets no glory or personal satisfaction if we self-destruct. He has all the details of our salvation mapped out and waiting for our cooperation. If we will seek His face and develop a personal relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, we will be spared and actually inherit eternal life.
The world we live in will change for the better, if we alter our perspective. Mankind cannot survive without God's influence in our lives. We desperately need His guidance and direction to correct all the problems that we have created for ourselves. We need divine order, peace and stability reinstated all over this globe, if we are to survive in the critical days to come.
Luke 3:6 "And all flesh shall see the salvation of God."
The choice is up to us. We can choose blessings or curses – now and for our future. We do not have to continue as we have been. We can make the decision to adopt God's ways as our own; get back to basics; and start over according to His master plan for us. We can learn to obey Him, love others and dwell in peace and unity, as we were supposed to do from the very foundation of the world.
We can appropriate the righteousness that was bought and paid for with our Lord and Savior's death on the cross. We can receive our salvation in Jesus Christ at any time, and proceed in a different direction with our lives. We need not be utterly destroyed, as we deserve to be. We can become all that God has planned for us before it is too late, and turn this planet around as we are divinely destined to do.
The world and everything in it can still be salvaged. All that it takes is divine intelligence to set matters straight once and for all. If we tune into the Lord's guidance and direction, we will be totally successful. We will correct the social injustice that exists and reverse all the environmental pollution we have created. We should assist our God in saving all of mankind from devastation and destruction.
It may seem complicated, but the solution is actually very simple. We must repent of all our iniquity and surrender all that we are and all that we have to almighty God, and He will show Himself strong on our behalf. He will not permit His beloved children to perish, if we ask Him for His help. He will intervene in our affairs and bring heaven itself to the earth realm, so that all things are united in Him.
Psalm 33:14 "From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth."
God created man in His very own image and likeness to be His intimate companion for all of eternity. His sole intention was to provide all that we need to be healthy, happy and prosperous, so that we could simply focus on our relationship with Him. He gave the earth and everything in it to mankind. However, He did not anticipate that we would be so rebellious and reject Him as we have. Yet, sadly enough, that is exactly what the human race has done from the very beginning.
Adam's sin had dire consequences that extend to all of us. The first man relinquished all of his rights and privileges as a son of God and surrendered them to Satan in the Garden of Eden. He lost his dominion over the earth, and incurred spiritual separation from God and physical death as the penalty for his sin. Since we are of his lineage, we also share in his guilt and all the punishment that goes with it. There is nothing that we can do in our own strength to redeem ourselves.
The entire human race needs salvation to set matters straight with God and restore our righteousness to us. The Lord knew that and sent His very own Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to teach us His ways and to save us from condemnation. Christ laid down His life on the cross just for us, so that we could be released from our iniquity and receive the free gift of eternal life. He restored our right standing with God, so there need never be a separation between God and man ever again.
The Lord wants to gather us to Himself in the everlasting Kingdom of God for all of eternity. But in order for us to be eligible to dwell in His holy presence, we must change the course of our lives. We can no longer do the things that we once did and remain righteous. We will have to repent of all our sin and be obedient to all of God's commandments. If we are diligent to do all that He asks of us, we will reap many blessings and generous rewards for our faithfulness.
Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Jesus did all the hard work for us; all we have to do is believe in Him and appropriate His righteousness once and for all. He died so that we don't have to suffer the same fate. With His resurrection from the dead, He conquered sin, death and the grave. Very soon now, He will return in all of His glory to set matters straight on the earth and receive His everlasting Kingdom.
But make no mistake; He will not come back as a babe in the manger or a meek and mild Lamb of God this time. He has vengeance in His heart and He will put an end to all wickedness on the earth. He will destroy all the ungodly and their ungodliness in the wrath of His coming. There will be no more evil left to ever defile God or man. Jesus Christ will rule and reign with a rod of iron.
There will be no more wars and conflict, violence and bloodshed, oppression and exploitation of the weak and innocent. The Lord will not tolerate our destruction of one another or the earth itself. He will right all wrongs and banish all evil from our midst. There will be nothing left to contaminate His people. Christ will enforce fairness, equality and justice in the government of God.
Hebrews 12:25-26 "See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on the earth, much more not shall we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven."
Our Lord and Savior is calling out to each and every one of us. He is warning us that we need to surrender our lives totally and completely to Him, or be destroyed. We must repent of all our sin; obey all the commandments; and walk in love and righteousness, as Jesus Christ Himself taught us, or we will receive eternal punishment in the lake of fire. He will permit no evil to ever enter into His everlasting Kingdom.
There's a major shake-up coming. Nothing will remain the same; the entire earth will be impacted with the power and glory of almighty God. We must judge ourselves, so that we need not be judged by Him. We can walk in God's ways and have a bright and promising future or be eradicated off the face of the planet. The choice is ours and ours alone. Very soon now, there will be no more time left to repent and be saved.
Christ will return to judge all men, and even angels, to determine who will receive blessings and rewards and who will be punished. Even the dead will be raised to face judgment. No one will avoid His scrutiny. He will tolerate no half measures in any of us. His key role in the Father's eternal redemption plan will be perfectly executed. He will destroy all evil and punish anyone who would harm the earth and His people.
Jude 1:21 "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."
Our eternal destiny lies in the balance. We have to make the all-important decision to renounce all sin and believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and all that He did for us or perish. No one will force us to believe the truth; our free will guarantees that we can make the choice for ourselves. We can receive the gift of eternal life and all of its blessings in the Kingdom of God, or find ourselves on the outside looking in.
We live in a world without end; the earth itself will not be totally destroyed, as some seem to believe. But it will be changed to line up with the will of God. Very soon now, heaven itself will be brought here in the Kingdom of God and the Lord's eternal redemption plan for all of mankind will finally be consummated. Our Creator will actually come and take up residence with His people, as He has always desired.
There will be nothing and no one that contaminates our relationship ever again. Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit, so that he no longer tempts or oppresses us. All evil will be expelled and all the unjust will be banished from our presence. The Lord will bless the people who are called by His name and we will have peace and prosperity, health and longevity, safety and security in His everlasting Kingdom.
Isaiah 64:4 "For since the beginning of the world [men] have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, [what] he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him."
The Kingdom of God will be a literal paradise on the earth forever. All of creation will be in perfect harmony with man and subject to our dominion once again, as it was in the Garden of Eden. Plants and animals will be totally compatible with one another. There will be no more adverse weather conditions or natural disasters that threaten the well-being and stability of God's people.
All the dead in Christ will be resurrected, and we who remain will be changed into glorious, incorruptible bodies like Christ's very own. There will be no more disease and death, no pain and suffering of any kind. We will live long and strong and see our children and our children's children. All generations will know the Lord and delight in His companionship, as we are destined to do.
Men will dwell in love, peace and unity with one another in the actual presence of God Himself. Those of us who have served the Lord faithfully will be generously rewarded. We will share in Christ's very own honor and glory, and rule and reign with Him over all the nations of the world. We will be appointed kings and priests of God and enforce His principles of fairness, justice and equality.
There will be no more power struggles or wars and conflict of any kind, no poverty and lack to oppress us in any way. The Lord will supply all of our needs in abundance and we will be blessed beyond all of our expectations. He will lavish all the vast resources of the universe on us, so that we never go without any good thing. We will be happy, healthy and prosperous for all eternity.
Ephesians 2:7 "That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in [his] kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."
The Lord's eternal redemption plan for mankind is perfect in every way. All men will soon know Him and be totally righteous in His eyes or be expelled from His presence. We will have His laws forever written on our minds and in our hearts. We will worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth and fellowship intimately with Him, as we were created to do. We will never be separated from our God ever again.
He will restore all that has been taken from us and reward us for our faithfulness. We will have a just recompense for all of our efforts on His behalf. The Kingdom of God will be an eternal legacy of righteousness, peace and joy that no man or devil can ever take from us. We will build beautiful homes to lodge our large families and grow crops for our food from all the bounty of the universe.
We will rejoice in all that the Lord has done for us and give Him all the praise and thanks that He deserves. He will blot out all pain and suffering from our memories. We will be healthy and strong and dwell in heaven on the earth for all time. Nothing will ever disturb the serenity of life in Jesus Christ's everlasting Kingdom. The world will be perfect once again, as it was intended from the creation!
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