Down the Road
Chapter Forty-One
by Melinda Kay Jenkinson

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Down the Road
Chapter Forty-One
Kaye Leigh and Jeff were at the ultra sound. Dr. Anderson was just putting the gel on her stomach.
"Sorry it's cold." The doctor said. Kaye Leigh laughed.
"That's ok." She said.
"You seem to be in a lot better mood than you were the last time I seen you." Dr. Anderson said.
"I am." She replied.
"Ok it looks like you have a healthy baby." Dr. Anderson said.
"You can tell him." Kaye Leigh said smiling.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"What are you talking about?" Jeff asked concerned.
"Nothing to worry about Jeff, it's just that your wife is having twins." Dr. Anderson said.
"Twins?" He asked shocked. "That's why you wanted me to pick out two names."
Kaye Leigh nodded. "The other reason was true too, but Dr. Anderson had said that she heard two heart beats." She said smiling at him.
"Twins, I can't believe it." He said. He kissed her head.
"You're not mad?" she asked.
"Of course not." He said.
"Do you want to know what you're having?" Dr. Anderson asked.
"It's up to you Jeff." Kaye Leigh said.
"Sure." He said.
"You're having boys." She told them.
"Twin boys." Jeff said.
"Oh Josh and Dan are going to be so excited." Kaye Leigh said.
"You guys are going to be out numbered now." Jeff said smiling.
"I'm never out numbered." She said. Dr. Anderson finished the ultrasound then said that she would meet them in the exam room.
Kaye Leigh was getting straightened up when Jeff grabbed her and kissed her. She laughed at him.
"Thank you Kaye Leigh." He said.
"For what?" she asked standing up.
"For marrying me, for giving me four more beautiful children." He said kissing her again.
"I love you Jeff." She said. "Let's get to the room so we can get home."
They had everyone over for dinner that night.
"So what's up sis? You invited everyone over here for a reason right?" Jon said.
"Yes because I love you all." She told him.
"That can't be the only reason." Jon said.
"Will you stop picking on her?" Miranda said.
"Thank you Miranda, I knew I liked you better than Jon." Kaye Leigh said laughing.
"Ok the reason we invited you guys over is, we have to cancel our Christmas plans to go back to Michigan." Jeff said.
"What? Why?" Jon said.
"Because Kaye Leigh is having twin boys and is not allowed to fly." Jeff said. Everyone screamed.
"Twin boys! Alright!" Josh and Dan said.
"You're kidding right?" Jon said.
"Nope you get two more nephews." Kaye Leigh said.
"That is so great Kaye Leigh." Miranda said.
"Thank you." She said.
"We were wondering if you guys wanted to invite everyone down here instead? We still need to tell the parents." Jeff said.
"That sounds good are you going to tell them before or after?" Jon asked.
"We'll wait until they get here." Kaye Leigh said. "We will call mom and Richard tonight. Miranda invite your family, you too Becki."
"We will." They both said.
Once dinner was over and all the plans had been, made Kaye Leigh and Jeff were lying up in their bed.
"I can't believe we've got two little people in there." Jeff said as he rubbed Kaye Leigh's stomach.
"I can't believe how blessed I am to have you. I love you so much Jeff." She said. He leaned over and kissed her.
"We've got a long road ahead of us Kaye Leigh." He said. "I plan on loving you every minute of the journey."
The End
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