Down the Road
Chapter Thirty-Five
by Melinda Kay Jenkinson

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Down the Road
Chapter Thirty-Five
"Do you guys want something to drink?" Kaye Leigh asked as she took off her coat. Everyone starred at her belly, which was extremely round.
"Tea." Becki said.
"Same for me." Curtis said.
"I'll help you get it." Jeff said.
"Thanks." She told him. They went into the kitchen, before Kaye Leigh could do anything Jeff pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
"I've been wanting to do that since I seen you in the bookstore." He told her.
"You shouldn't have done it now." She replied.
"Why because you don't want to feel close to me?" he asked.
"Because you're leaving." She said.
"Not without you Kaye Leigh." He told her. "We will talk more later." He added when she started to say something.
"So what have you been doing since you ran away boss lady? By the way I am extremely angry with you for using me to get Becki out of your way so you could take flight." Curtis said.
"I'm sorry Curtis but you two would have tried to stop me." Kaye Leigh replied. She sat down.
"Well of course we would have, we would have stopped you, not just tried." Curtis said. "I still don't understand what you're doing, but then again I don't think women know what they're doing." Jeff laughed.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand Curtis; I don't expect any of you to understand." She replied.
"I understand that you think I deserve someone better, but for me there is no one that I deserve more than you." Jeff said. Kaye Leigh's eyes filled with tears.
"Well she hasn't stopped crying." Curtis said smiling at her.
"You've got that right, all she does is cry." Josh said.
"Thanks Josh." Kaye Leigh said.
"You're welcome." He replied smiling at her.
"You guys go downstairs and do something." She told them.
"Love you mom." He yelled. Kaye Leigh laughed.
"Have you seen a doctor yet?" Jeff asked.
"I seen Dr. Anderson the day I left." She replied. "We're doing very well."
"You're getting huge." Curtis said.
"Whatever." She said laughing at him. "You should have seen me with Josh if you think this is huge."
"When are we due?" Jeff asked.
"March seventeenth." She replied.
"We're going to take the kids and let them show us around this town, you two need some time alone to talk." Becki said.
"Hey kids let's go for a ride." Curtis yelled to them.
"Where are we going?" Josh asked.
"Out for a while so your mom and dad can talk." Curtis said.
"Talk some sense into her dad." Grace said.
"Whose side are you on?" Kaye Leigh said.
"The right one." Grace replied as she walked out the door. Kaye Leigh and Jeff laughed.
"We'll be back later." Becki said.
"Behave Kaye Leigh." Curtis said.
"Why do they all think I am going to misbehave?" she said watching them leave.
"They know you too well." Jeff said smiling. "Come and sit with me Kaye Leigh." Kaye Leigh looked at him and then went and sat down next to him on the couch.
"Did I ever tell you how I found you when you ran away last time?" He asked.
"No, you never did say." She said. He laughed.
"I had just about given up on finding you without asking your family, I didn't want to do that because I didn't want them to feel like they betrayed you or anything. I did not want to cause problems. I had prayed for some clue as to where you had gone, the next day I got a postcard from Peace Ridge Texas. Nothing was written on it, but there was a picture of the church on the front so I looked up the number and called to see if you attended that church." He smiled at her.
"Do you know who sent that postcard?" he asked. Kaye Leigh shook her head. "Curtis sent it, he told me that after I got down there. He said he was led to introduce himself to you that Sunday, when you two had talked and he found out about me he sent that postcard so I would come and find you." He told her. "And, Josh led me to you now." Jeff laughed. "You can't get away from me Kaye Leigh." He said taking her hand.
Kaye Leigh looked at him.
"Jeff why would you want someone like me?" she asked. "I didn't even believe you; I didn't trust you enough to realize that you would never do anything like that to hurt me." Kaye Leigh got up, went to the window, and looked out it.
Jeff went and stood behind her.
"Kaye Leigh, why do you find it so hard to believe that I forgive you and none of those things matter anymore?" he asked quietly.
"I don't know, maybe it's because I have such a hard time with forgiveness." She said shaking her head.
"Kaye Leigh I love you more than life, you are my wife, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our children. Nothing will ever change that. Hebrews 10:18 says "and when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices." He said. "I've forgiven you, God has forgiven you, and you don't need to offer anything more Kaye Leigh just forgive yourself."
Kaye Leigh was crying again. Jeff pulled her into his arms.
"I want to stop crying." She said. He laughed.
"You can cry whenever you want as long as it's happy tears." He said.
"I love you Jeff." She said hugging him.
"It's about time you told me that." He said laughing. "To be honest though I had to be reminded that I would follow you to the end of the earth, I wasn't going to try to find you."
"That's ok, I forgive you for that." She said laughing. Jeff smiled at her; he loved to see her laughing. They talked until Curtis, Becki and the kids got back.
"What do we want to do for dinner tonight?" Curtis asked.
"I can make something." Kaye Leigh said.
"Let's just go out." Jeff said.
"Whatever anyone wants to do." She said. They got their coats on and went out to dinner.
"When are you guys going back?" Kaye Leigh asked when they were seated.
"Whenever you're ready." Becki replied.
"After Thanksgiving then." She said.
"Sounds good to us." Curtis said.
"Jon would have come but he figured that we would be here for Thanksgiving and he wanted to be with his family, but he did give me instructions to tell you that you will be receiving a stern lecture from him the moment you get home, and the moment the baby is born a good strangulation." Jeff said. Kaye Leigh laughed.
"I'm not afraid of him." She said.
"So you've decided to come home then?" Curtis said.
"We're still talking." Kaye Leigh said.
"We are? I thought it was decided." Jeff said.
"Well if you're going to let Jon lecture me and strangle me then I might not go back." She said. Becki laughed.
Jeff prayed before their food came.
"Do you guys have school tomorrow?" Dan asked.
"We have half a day." Josh said.
"I think you guys can stay home and spend time with your brother and sister." Kaye Leigh said.
"Thanks mom." Grace said.
Jeff went to use the restroom.
"Thanks for setting up the book signing." Kaye Leigh said to Becki.
"That's what I get paid for." Becki said smiling.
"I still don't get why he would even want to be with me." She said.
"Because he loves you unconditionally." Becki said.
"I don't know how he could." She said.
"Stop questioning it Kaye Leigh and accept it." Curtis said.
"I'm trying really." She said.
"Try harder then." Becki said laughing.
When they got home, they sat down and watched a couple of movies, and when they were over everyone was ready for bed.
"You kids can sleep downstairs on the couches, Becki you can have Grace's room, and Curtis you can have Josh's room." Kaye Leigh said.
"What about me?" Jeff said after they went to their assigned rooms.
"You have a choice. You can either sleep on the floor here in the living room, or the couch, or you can come with me." She said smiling at him.
"Lead the way." Jeff said taking her hand. She laughed.
Kaye Leigh got ready for bed and laid down; Jeff turned off the lights then got into bed next to her.
"It's not as big as our other bed." Kaye Leigh said.
"Either that or you're getting really big." He said laughing. He wrapped his arms around her. Kaye Leigh took his hand and put it on her stomach so that Jeff could feel the baby move.
"Can you feel that?" she asked quietly.
"That's our baby." He said awed. "I don't want to miss any more of this pregnancy."
"All you've missed is me getting huge and crying all the time." She said laughing.
"I want to be here for every minute of it." He said. "I love you Kaye Leigh."
"I love you to Jeff." She replied. She interlaced her fingers with his, shut her eyes, and fell asleep in her husbands' arms.
Jeff woke up early the next morning and watch Kaye Leigh sleeping, she was so beautiful. He got up after about half an hour to go down and make breakfast.
"I didn't know that you could cook." Curtis said coming into the kitchen.
"Only because Becki and Kaye Leigh cook much better than I do." Jeff said laughing.
"That is true." Kaye Leigh said when she came in. "Good morning guys."
"Are you doing better today boss?" Curtis asked.
"I'm fine." She replied.
"You know if you don't stop blaming yourself I might just have to follow Jon's lead, but strangle you now." Curtis said laughing. Kaye Leigh smiled at him.
"You wouldn't do that you're too soft." She said.
"You got that right Kaye Leigh." Becki said as she came into the kitchen laughing.
When everything was ready, they sat down to eat.
"What's on the agenda for today?" Jeff asked.
"I need to go get groceries for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow." Kaye Leigh said.
"We can do that." Jeff said.
"You want to go shopping with me?" she asked surprised. "You never want to go shopping."
"I've missed you and I don't want to let you out of my sight." He said smiling.
"In other words Kaye Leigh he's afraid you're going to run again." Becki said.
"Honestly, I don't know what I am doing." She replied looking at her plate.
Having Jeff with her last night was wonderful, she slept peacefully for the first time since she left but she still was not sure it would be best for him for them to stay together.
"You and the kids are coming home with us." Jeff said taking her hand. "You're going to talk to Pastor Mark, and I am going to have Jon follow you around." Kaye Leigh laughed.
"Don't tell him that he probably would." She said.
When they finished eating Kaye Leigh went to take a shower and get ready to go. Jeff followed her into the bedroom.
"Kaye Leigh are you really that unsure of returning home with me?" he asked.
She could see the hurt in his eyes.
"Having you around Jeff is wonderful, I love you so much, I just need to find a way to let go of all the things from these past few months go." She told him.
Kaye Leigh walked over to him and hugged him. "I just don't know how to do it." Jeff held her close.
"Then let's find a way together then." He said. Kaye Leigh nodded and kissed him.
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