Down the Road
Chapter Thirty-One
by Melinda Kay Jenkinson

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Down the Road
Chapter Thirty-One
"How long are you guys staying?" Kaye Leigh asked everyone.
"As long as it takes to convince you to forgive yourself." Anna said. Everyone shook his or her head; Kaye Leigh just looked at her plate. Jeff took her hand and squeezed it.
"Is there a game Friday?" Brent asked.
"Yes it's their homecoming." Jeff said smiling.
"Great we can watch our grandson's win a spectacular game." Adam said.
"We are the best aren't we?" Dan said laughing. "Just kidding, it takes a whole team to win, not just two players." Everyone laughed.
After dinner the kids went to Jon's with Alexis, they were going to stay there tonight then Alexis would take them to school in the morning. Curtis took Becki out so that she and Kaye Leigh would stop fighting. The rest of them were sitting around the living room talking. Kaye Leigh was leaning against Jon, her eyes shut.
"Looks like someone might be asleep." Brent said.
"Sis, why don't you go up to bed?" Jon said shaking her.
"What did I miss?" she said sitting up. The sudden movement caused her to wince.
"Nothing you need to go to bed honey." Her dad said.
"I think you're right." She said getting up and hugging everyone.
"I'll come with you." Jeff said.
"No that's ok; you stay here and entertain these guys." She said quickly. Jeff watched her go upstairs.
"She just needs some time Jeff." Amanda said.
"She's going to leave." He replied.
"No she won't." Jon and Rich said together.
Kaye Leigh went into their room, changed her clothes, got into bed, and cried herself to sleep. When Jeff came up a little while later, he got undressed and carefully climbed into bed next to her, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. "I love you Kaye Leigh." He whispered. He prayed that everyone else was right and that she was not going to run.
The next day Jeff did not go into the office.
"You're not going to work today?" Kaye Leigh asked when she came downstairs.
"Nope, I'm not going in all week, I want to be here with you and the rest of the family." He replied. The phone rang and Kaye Leigh answered it.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hi Kaye Leigh, its Mr. Fisher. I heard what happened, I am so glad you are ok. I was wondering if we could get rid of these divorce papers now." He said.
"No I am still going to do it." She replied, she had gone out onto the porch so Jeff would not hear.
"Oh I thought the whole situation was taken care of, that Jeff didn't have an affair." He said.
"That's true, however I am still planning on it, and I will come in if you need me too." She said.
"No that isn't necessary I just need to send Jeff a letter saying the divorce is proceeding and if he doesn't sign the papers by the end of the month it will go through uncontested." He told her.
"I do want to change something though, I want to give him the ranch, and I am going to be leaving Texas." She told him.
"Are you sure you want to do this Kaye Leigh?" He asked.
"I'm sure." She replied.
"Ok, then I will get the letter ready and then I will do the amendment and file the papers." He said.
"Thank you." She said and hung up.
Jeff came out onto the porch.
"Who was that?" he asked.
"Mr. Fisher." She replied.
"Did you stop the divorce?" he asked.
"Everything is taken care of." She said.
"What do you want to do today?" he asked.
"I don't know." She said as she went inside. "Sit in my room."
"Kaye Leigh you can't do that you can't hide from everything." He said.
"I know it Jeff." She snapped.
Amanda and Anna came into the kitchen.
"Everything ok?" Amanda asked.
"Everything is fine mom." Kaye Leigh said pouring herself a glass of tea.
"Do you want to talk?" Amanda asked.
"No mom, I don't want to talk, I won't want to think, I don't want fifty people around, and I just want to be left alone." She said grabbing her glass and going outside.
"I'm sorry Amanda." Jeff said.
"It's ok Jeff; I've been through this with her many times." She said smiling. "Anna, she doesn't mean anything of what she's saying, she's angry with herself and wants to shut herself off and since we won't allow that she's lashing out at us."
"I understand, and no matter what I still love her." Anna said smiling.
"Thanks mom." Jeff said hugging her.
Kaye Leigh had gone out by a tree in the front yard and sat down. Rich and Jon came and sat down on either side of her.
"What's up sis?" Rich asked.
"Nothing just trying to be alone with a house full of people." She said bitterly.
"Full of people who love you and care about you, and who don't want to see you do anything stupid." Jon said.
"I already did something stupid." She replied.
"Drop it Kaye Leigh, no one is upset about it they are all just worried about you." Rich said.
"I'm fine; no one needs to be worried about me." She said. Jon and Rich laughed. "I'm glad I can keep you two entertained." She snapped.
"Oh stop it, you know we love you." Jon said.
"When are you going to let someone know what you're planning?" Rich said.
"I'm not planning anything." She said.
"Well according to Becki you plan on leaving." Jon said.
"Well Becki first of all has a big mouth, and secondly she has no idea of what she's talking about." She said.
"Becki is your best friend Kaye Leigh, she wants to help you." Rich said. She just shook her head.
Jeff came out and joined them.
"Was I out of sight too long?" Kaye Leigh snapped.
"How are things going?" he asked.
"Your wife is just so pleasant today." Rich said laughing.
"She always is." He said smiling. "
You're all just so funny." She said.
"We're teasing you Kaye Leigh. We're trying to get you to smile or laugh." Jon said.
"It hurts to do either." She said.
"We're going to go see everyone." Rich said. They stood up.
"Aren't you working today?" Kaye Leigh asked Jon.
"Not until Saturday." He replied.
After Rich and Jon left, Jeff said, "Pastor Mark called, and he's going to come out later today."
"I don't want to see him." Kaye Leigh said shutting her eyes.
"He just wants to make sure you're ok honey, you don't have to sit and have a long conversation if you're not up to it." He said. He was watching her; he was not sure how to reach her.
"Hey Kaye Leigh can we talk?" Becki asked as she came over.
"No." she replied.
"I'll leave you two alone." Jeff said starting to get up.
"It's ok Jeff I have nothing to say to her." Kaye Leigh said.
"Good maybe you'll listen then!" Becki yelled. Jeff went back up to the house. "I understand that you're angry." Becki continued.
"Really Becki?" Kaye Leigh yelled as she stood up.
Jon, Rich, Jeff, and Curtis were watching from the porch, they could not hear what was being said though.
"If they start throwing punches we will step in." Jon said.
"Maybe that's what Kaye Leigh needs." Rich said laughing. "
She got hit enough." Jeff said.
"Yeah, but not lovingly." Curtis added. Everyone laughed.
"You understand what I am feeling? When you look at your husband and family do, you hate yourself even more? When you look in a mirror does it make you sick?" Kaye Leigh yelled.
"No Kaye Leigh I don't know exactly how you feel, but I do know how it feels to have been wrong a few times in my life. I know that you love Jeff and he loves you. You're letting Morgan win!" Becki yelled back.
"Morgan already won, don't you get that! She did exactly what she set out to do, she destroyed my life." She yelled tears running down her face.
"Only because you're letting her!" Becki yelled.
"You have no idea what I am going through, you can't even get Curtis yet you can tell me how I am supposed to feel and think!" She yelled.
"You're right Kaye Leigh, I don't have a husband who loves me unconditionally, or kids that want to be close to me, or a family that is doing everything that they can to make me feel better." Becki said a little quieter. "But I would never let someone like Morgan win and ruin my life."
"Then congratulations Becki you're a much stronger person than I am." She said walking away.
Becki watched her go. The guys walked over when Kaye Leigh left.
"That was a little intense." Curtis said putting his arm around her.
"I can't believe her!" Becki said. "She can be so stubborn at times."
"Not our Kaye Leigh, she's way too sweet to be stubborn!" Rich said pretending to be shocked. Jeff laughed.
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