Saga of Darkness Vision of Light

by Dennis R. Cook

Book Description

Saga of Darkness Vision of Light

Welcome to Christianity Oasis Purity Publications. We proudly present you this ebook titled Saga of Darkness Vision of Light written by Author Dennis R. Cook. Christianity Oasis proudly offers this Saga of Darkness Vision of Light ebook free of charge for your enjoyment.

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John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

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An oasis in the desert

Book Description

Saga of Darkness Vision of Light

Author: Dennis R. Cook

Book #5059

This eBook is a must read for all Christians. Two Duke Seminarian Masters join a wise Navajo shepherd-seer in this hair raising depiction of warring ethereal factions doing battle on the Navajo Indian Reservation. Steven, Joseph, and Old Blackgoat unwittingly find a sunken fiery-pit, a chalice containing the substance of pure faith, and a sarcophagus. Drawn into an ever deepening mystery, the naive trio become caught in the clutches of a dark angel. A mysterious being comes to their rescue, but that is only the beginning. All must learn the nature of true faith, and find their path to salvation.

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