Metaphor in the Life of Jesus

by Morris A. Inch

Book Description

Metaphor in the Life of Jesus

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Living Water at the Oasis

Book Description

Metaphor in the Life of Jesus

Author: Morris A. Inch

Book #5071

This is yet another great book shared by this author.

Other books shared by this author:

5008 - Manual for Living in God's World

5014 - Say Yes to Life

5051 - The Hound of Heaven

5062 - Salvation History

5081 - Metaphor in the Psalms

5132 - Wormwood's Correspondence

5135 - One Called Sage

5137 - Speed Bumps in Pursuit of Christian Unity

The author has additional printed publications:

Potpourri #2
Echoes of the Shema
Our Father's Footprint
Holy Spirit in Cross-Cultural Perspective

This author's most recent printed publications are:

A Guide to Christian Ethics
Reasoning Faith
Potpourri #3

He also has posts at

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