Living in the Wilderness

by Richard A. Peyton

Book Description

Living in the Wilderness

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Living Water at the Oasis

Book Description

Living in the Wilderness

Author: Richard A. Peyton

Book #5117

This book talks about surviving in this world regardless of the tests that may come our way. As Jesus was tested in the wilderness, we as Christians will be tested from day to day as we live in this world no matter where our location may be. Example: Walking in the ways of the Lord Jesus is a progressive walk. Gradually it takes us from one stage of life to another. It is a walk that requires the individual to live by faith. Living in the wilderness of life is designed to make you strong in your relationship with God. It is not designed to kill you. If the wilderness of life was designed to kill you, then what we know of the natural wilderness will testify to us that we are not capable of surviving in the wilderness of any sort. But there are stories told of men who blazed through various types of conditions, over uncharted lands and lived to tell of them, by all means then we are able to live and tell of the conquests of a spiritual wilderness experience. There is life in the wilderness.

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